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Posts posted by PrettyBaby

  1. There are plenty of 14-year-old girls out there interested in expanding their taste in good music :)








    Hopefully these are the girls she's talking about reaching. I really want to see her lure in the masses with a couple of conventional pop hits, and on the rest of the album take it to the next level.


    Hey, I can dream. :D

  2. There may be similar threads out there, but my intent is to create a place to showcase our favorite genres, subgenres, decades, themes, etc... be as general, specific, or inaccurate as you like! ;)


    I Love 80s Prog Rock

     1. Juke Box Hero - Foreigner

     2. Tom Sawyer - Rush

     3. Jane - Jefferson Starship

     4. Ah! Leah! - Donnie Iris

     5. The Logical Song - Supertramp

     6. Rockin' the Paradise - Styx

     7. Fight the Good Fight - Triumph

     8. Who's Behind the Door - Zebra

     9. In the Mood - Robert Plant

    10. It Can Happen - Yes

    11. Sole Survivour - Asia

    12. Only the Young - Journey

    13. If You Want My Love - Cheap Trick

    14. Keep On Loving You - REO Speedwagon

    15. Wind Him Up - Saga

    16. Fantasy - Aldo Nova

    17. Flash - Queen


    I chose this among my all-time favorite playlists, not because the 80s was the zenith of progressive rock (that was the 70s), but because some of these are the songs that made me begin to seriously fall in love with music.

  3. Just pretty enough and just creepy enough that the viewer can project her own trauma into the storyline. Showing the cult daddy ( /abusive lover /aliens with cattle prods) could interfere with that I suppose.


    But yeah, I don't feel the need to watch it again. Ever.

  4. Ok, I was just listening to Driving In Cars... for the first time and I heard "call me poison ivy cause I'm no good" and obviously I related it to "he used to call me poison like I was poison ivy." I don't know much about Driving In Cars... so maybe it's a coincidence, but I haven't seen it mentioned yet. (if it has, sorry for being late! I don't know most of her unreleased stuff)


    "Call me poison ivy cause I'm far from good, but pretty from afar like a dark star"


    I've always thought this line was sort of like a middle finger to her haters. I don't know, maybe she internalized such labels more than that, but it's such a happy song it gives me the impression she's over it to an extent.


    So my guess is "Driving in Cars" describes a time after the "Ultraviolence" relationship. Though now that I think about it, I suppose the UV "Jim" could have colored her perceptions of her past. I dunno.

  5. Well, I got halfway through @@Rebel 's epic playlist... but it's like so many stories at once, I kinda got information overload! Too...much...beauty...


    So I got inspired to make two shorter playlists. Some of these are songs I rarely listen to, so it's nice to finally have a reason.


    Strange Love

    1. Pin Up Galore

    2. Strange Love

    3. Rehab

    4. On Our Way

    5. Queen of the Gas Station

    6. Never Let Me Go

    7. Yayo (2010)

    8. Sad Girl

    9. Gramma

    10. Ride (video version)

    11. Guns and Roses

    12. Angels Forever, Forever Angels



    ...AAAAAAAND I'm finally falling in love with "Sad Girl." (Musical context is everything for me.)




    1. Tropico (Score)

    2. Body Electric

    3. Cola

    4. Radio (Instrumental)

    5. Video Games

    6. Hotel Sayre

    7. Young and Beautiful

    8. National Anthem (video version)

    9. Blue Jeans (video version with strings intro)

    10. Once Upon a Dream

    11. Million Dollar Man (demo)

    12. The Other Woman (instrumental)

    13. Blue Velvet

    14. Old Money

    15. Ride (instrumental with strings intro)

    16. Born to Die

    17. Bel Air (with intro)


    Sort of my own version of Tropico, somewhat more mellow so I can listen at bedtime :D



    Okay, so I've looked up metaphysics on Wikipedia and followed the rabbit trail of links that article spawned. And I'm still totally confused.


    What is metaphysics based on? What is the first thing that a Metaphysics 101 professor would say to brand-new metaphysics students, or students contemplating taking metaphysics? Where are you coming up with this stuff? To what extent is it intentionally speculative? Is there a sacred text, or is it just sort of a boiling down of all the sacred texts of human religions in an attempt to figure out what is in the collective unconscious, and thus to trace back the clues to the ultimate origins of mankind?






    And is the answer supposed to be, "aliens"? How does metaphysics relate to panspermia, if at all?




    tl;dr: @@FormerLanaFan to Lana: I'm a drag and you're a whore.

    Ok, so your issue with her is that she doesn't live up to your (a man's) fantasy image of her and your expectations of her sexual behavior as a woman? Do you not see how problematic this is?

    Would we have though? I've been in the Lana sleuthing game for almost 3 years now and have developed something of a reputation for it and I still find myself surprised at new information and how it reshapes my understanding of her. Also, there's a possibility the label head claim may not be as interesting as it sounds. Everybody and their brother has a label these days. Ben even had one.

    I dunno. You seem to be the only one reacting strongly about this. (Not that I haven't been about the only person objecting to something on here before. :teehee:) Also, when she said "I have slept with a lot of guys in the industry" she may simply have meant that a lot of the guys she fucked were in the industry, not that she's fucked a lot of guys in absolute terms. Even if she was, comparing someone who has "slept with a lot of guys" with a porn star is not a fair comparison, but FWIW that Duke porn star seems pretty content with her decision. Also FWIW, there's a fair amount of transactional sex suggested in Lana's lyrics. How is this only bothering you now? And WTF do private sexual acts have to do with being a good person, being involved in your community, or your relationship with your father, mother, and siblings?

    No, it's not the Beatles era, though your attitudes about women and sex seem imported straight from it. I can't help but laugh at the irony and lack of self-awareness in your reference to Othello, a man so obsessed with a woman's believed promiscuity that (spoiler alert) it drives him to murder, and ultimately suicide.

    Um, what is this all about? Are we still talking about Lana? :biblio:

    So far you're the only one portraying her like the biggest whore in the music industry. Personally I think T-Swift might privately high-five Lana and tell her to write kiss and tell songs about everybdy she fucked. And then she'd probably fuck Lana and write a song about it.

    You think I give a damn about a Grammy?
    Half of you critics can't even stomach me, let alone stand me
    "But Slim, what if you win, wouldn't it be weird?"
    Why? So you guys could just lie to get me here?
    So you can sit me here next to Britney Spears?
    Shit, Christina Aguilera Lana Del Rey better switch me chairs
    So I can sit next to Carson Daly and Fred Durst James Franco and Dan Auerbach
    And hear 'em argue over who she gave head to first first sucked cock


    Just maybe.

    What does one have to do with the other? Besides, for all we know, Pat might high-five her or be jealous. ;)

    My momma, she would love you like I love you
    If she ever met you, if she ever knew
    My momma, she would fall right on top of you
    If she ever saw you, she’d be smitten too

    I’ll never take you home
    I want you all for my own
    Don’t let my momma hear your pretty song


    Right, the couple bucks you spent on her artistry entitles you to dictate her sex life. Really, her comment is "undefendable"? I see plenty of people doing just that.





    How did I miss this first half of your comments yesterday? :gclap:


    I've said it before, but it bears repeating:


     I think societal pressures to have sex, and to not have sex, are both very destructive forces.



    This is the crux of the matter for me.  :mariah:


    Thank you for clarifying your position, @@FormerLanaFan ...here's hoping I'm not the "self-righteous 'free-sex ideologist' here with little education and life experience" because that would be hilarious on too many levels. Peace... <3

  8. I don't want to give bloodredjam/formerlanafan too hard a time. These sort of feelings are deeply rooted in worldview, and I think he's brave to express them so honestly. Sometimes it can help people to give them the "hard truth," but sometimes our best intentions just end up harming people. Especially when our worldview is rooted in religion (that is, our attempts to relate to God), it can be very difficult to see when maybe we're going down a path God never asked us to go down.


    #askmehowIknow :facepalm:

  9. nnnnn at Juliette Lewis claiming she didn't know it was Lana on SNL when they're supposedly best friends


    It's not that they knew each other well. They had met before (seems like it was the Mando Diao concert in 2010? but I'm not sure I'm remembering it right) and they had been friendly.


    EDIT: Yeah, that's the one: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Above_and_Beyond_%E2%80%93_MTV_Unplugged

  10. :dorothy3:


    Lana's polyamory (if that is the right word... I think she has used the word "polygamy" but that doesn't seem to fit either) has been making me uncomfortable for awhile now -- but also opening my eyes to what it must be like for people who openly defy conventional mores. And frankly, some conventional mores need defying.


    I say this as someone who wishes there was more room in our culture for both women and men who wish to pursue celibacy before marriage. I grew up in purity culture; I was raised to see "girls who do" as something Other, and my parents even questioned whether a close female friend of mine was "a good person" upon finding out she was sexually active. I am ashamed to admit I bought into it long enough to wonder how I would relate to my own daughter if she grew up to be someone "believing in sex before marriage." :ohno:


    THIS is cultural insanity. THIS is what is mentally unbalanced: pitting "good girls" against "bad girls," friends against friends, even mothers against daughters. This is what should outrage us: shaming women (regardless of their choices) for being embodied as sexual beings, shaming men (and women) for being attracted to them as sexual beings, and passing on plenty of sexual hang-ups to our daughters AND our sons, whether they are people who "do" or "don't."


    The double standard doesn't work for us anymore, if it ever did. And attempting the pseudo-egalitarian solution of slut-shaming men as well as women doesn't cut it either. The world is becoming more complicated (culturally... sexually... :facepalm:) and maybe that scares some people. But maybe this is an opportunity to find other ways of encouraging each other to be more loving, respectful, honorable human beings instead of resorting to the implication "just be more like me so I can feel better about you as well as myself." Many of us are not buying it anymore, and for that I am grateful. For my daughter's sake, and for the sake of other people's sons and daughters, I am grateful.


    LDR is not alone in portraying female sexual empowerment; as others have pointed out, artists like Miley Cyrus are creating space for women to be fully embodied as themselves (for better or worse -- it is possible to see both, and still welcome the greater space). Lana is just more overtly analytical about it. I say we need her voice, even if I personally disagree with hers sometimes. I hope she doesn't suffer remorse for it. I hope she realizes she is on the front lines of something big -- even if she didn't ask for the confrontation, I hope she decides that being true to herself is worth it.

  11. Brooklyn Baby is a great song, but it would be disastrous for her if she really is bothered by all that "she's so fake" stuff people say. Hardly anyone would take it sarcastically and she would be torn apart. 



    In the audio commentary she says it's about her reminiscing her old times in Brooklyn living with her boyfriend. Maybe it's not sarcastic? 


    I think of it as tongue-in-cheek but still looking fondly back.

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