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Posts posted by PrettyBaby

  1. I think this comment bothers me more:


    Lyrics like "He hit me and it felt like a kiss," whether lifted from Goffin and King and whether referring to an AA group with an abusive leader, is seductive and therefore pernicious to vulnerable young, and not so young women.



    When scaring people away from talking about reality doesn't protect us; it just leaves us more ignorant and vulnerable.


    Lana Del Rey's songs are usually *in the moment* ...that is, from the perspective of the narrator as she is experiencing/perceiving. "Ultraviolence" presents the awe that the younger narrator felt when she was in the presence of the man who offered to guide her. Yet it's also past-tense, and I believe the minor tones of the music (not sure how well I'm explaining this) hint at the regret the narrator feels reflecting back on it now.


    I hardly come away from this song with the message "brainwashing is romantic and awesome, I should totally go out and find my own guru!" In fact, there's something strangely therapeutic about hearing from another woman who's been through a controlling experience and come out the other side with mixed feelings about it. Even if her final assessment of her situation differs from mine about my own experiences. If that makes any sense.


    Some people want to believe they're too smart/moral/whatever to fall for the long con. But I believe that when we think we're immune, that can be when we're the most vulnerable.

  2. She has every right to be pissed at Alexis Petridis, Tim Jonze, whoever wrote the headline, and anyone else involved in taking a legitimate interview and spinning it to sensationalist effect.


    Jonze should just say "I didn't mean the question to be leading; I was uncomfortable asking it" and leave it at that. But that wouldn't be "interesting" enough. Instead he has to resort to disingenuous excuses like well, um, she didn't specifically SAY we took her words "out of context" specifically... Really, Tim Jonze?



  3. I got tested

    And I passed, yes

    - In the game of alternative female pop singers, Lana professes that she does it best, and this amplified by the fact that she is successful even despite being "tested."



    Thank you!



    I also think the "Lay me down tonight in my linen and curls" line could possibly be a reference to Lorde's young age, like she has to be put to bed like a baby.


    Thank you!!



    She didn't say anything about copying her sound. Just her style. Taylor's videos were almost carbon copies and she even did a monologue- which would have been her idea and not Mandler's. Also, Taylor has a reputation for being a 'whore' since she's dated so many men especially in the music industry: Fucked Her Way Up To The Top? Lana could be bitter that she used Reeve Carney in her I Knew You Were Trouble video?




    Now it’s big black cars, and Riviera views,

    And your lover in the foyer doesn't even know you

    And your secrets end up splashed on the news front page.


    Thank you!!!




    My point is that it's not necessarily exclusively about Lorde (or Taylor, or Gaga). 





    First verse = Lorde, second verse = Taylor, Lorde+Taylor = "Riviera girls"?


    But halfway through second verse she turns her back on them and addresses the exec (or fans): "Tell me something nice about your favorite girl," who responds, "Need you baby like I breathe you baby..."


    But how can you say UV is too same-y when BTD has similar strings, hip hop samples, loon noises, that specific guitar sound etc. throughout almost every song?  :crossed:



    The writing/tempo was more varied on BTD.  :crossed:  And how can you say "how can you say UV is too same-y" without going on to give examples of how UV is not same-y?  :D

  5. I usually lean toward rock over pop, and I still prefer BTD. UV has a gorgeous sound, but it's a little too same-y. (I actually like eclectic albums. When I hear a project described as "cohesive," I immediately think "boring and repetitious.")


    I'll definitely listen to UV more than BTD in the coming weeks. But I'll have to be in the right mood. (Low-key trippy.)

  6. Maybe I'm projecting, but I see Lana as being very brave, taking a stand for sensitivity, with her Ultraviolence era.


    I honestly can't tell whether it's just me getting older and hopefully wiser, or whether it really is a whole culture war going on since 2008 over toughness versus sensitivity. I see it everywhere, in the media, in churches, in conversations with family and friends: those who weathered the economic storm and who see it as a sign of their personal merit are very committed to assigning various sorts of blame to the marginalized, to the outliers, to anyone who fails to benefit from the system which rewards those who have successfully conformed. In such a system it can become vitally important for some people to hoard compassion as yet another commodity for the "deserving."


    No, cheating isn't cool. But it also isn't cool to pit women against each other, the "good girls" versus the "bad girls," on a societal level. It isn't cool to pit moralities against each other. We should be able to see all virtues as good, not competing. We should be able to embrace the Other.


    People speak of not letting the good become the enemy of the best. But I fear our society is far more guilty of letting the "best" become the enemy of the good. And there is something good, something likable, something valuable in everyone. I believe it is because every person is created in the image of the Divine -- but you don't need to be religious to see it. There is good in everyone, if you only have eyes to see.


    I think Lana Del Rey has eyes to see. And I think, whether calculated or not, she's trying to help the rest of us open ours.

  7. I think any human organization can have the tendency to become cultlike. (That is, people engaging in group-think and gravitating around a charismatic leader leading to excessive attachment to the group's particular ideas. My thoughts, not an official definition.) I used to think of groups as three distinct categories: cult vs. legitimate mainstream religious organization vs. nonreligious organization. But now I believe "cultish" is really a question of more vs. less, and we all need to be careful how we communicate and respond to communication in group situations.


    Which isn't to say I'm advocating being rigid about it. I actually tend to be fairly imprecise when I'm talking out loud (vs. writing). It drives my husband crazy :D because he prefers greater precision. But I'm trying to help him understand how something can be figuratively true even when it isn't literally true, how misunderstanding on the hearer's part does not equal intent to deceive on the speaker's part, etc. I guess it all goes back to personality types and styles, again. Some people seem to have a model of communication in which all responsibility for clarity and accuracy is on the speaker, who should be trying to lead the hearer by the hand. But personally, I think communication works better when people take a more cooperative approach, with both hearers and speakers working toward understanding.


    My two cents. :)

  8. What makes you think it's from YLM?


    It was in the zip I downloaded... along with C-Note and a demo of Diet Mountain Dew... I thought everyone had the same collection of songs? Maybe they were added by whoever uploaded it to PcRockers.com; that's where I got it.

  9. Catholic Boys

    Cut it Out



    Trash Bag Crown/Christina (demo)/Apples & Cigs/We Did it Anyway/Baby Come Home


    Ugh I love so many...



    I don't really dig the LAS EP maybe I've just neglected it

    I think their earlier stuff tends toward dreamy 80s synth pop, while the LAS EP tends toward screechy 80s synth rock :/ it's like someone told them "hey Japanese Eyes was well received; go make more like that" When IMO it's the words and not the music per se of JE that makes the song.

  10. I have been listening to the song all morning, and I am not sure if anyone has commented on this already, but I am so undone over the fact that Lana channeled all of the goddesses of the Motown era to vocally produce this track. Work, Lana. I am surprised that I did not hear it at first. Am I the only one who gets Diana, Gladys, 50s 60s doo wop tease, especially from the chorus? The last little bit SMACKS of Minnie Ripperton, and yes, I know she is not of the Motown era. There is even a bit of bird whistling in the background during Lana's humming that alludes to her paying homage to Miss Minnie, the queen of the sickening, bird like whistle note. Yes, Lana. She has clearly studied the mothers of music.

    I never followed these artists (well, maybe 80s Diana Ross :flop:), so that's interesting to learn!

  11. I've changed some of the tracks on my playlist; as much as I love Stoplight De-lite, Never Let Me Go and Goodbye, they don't really fit with the atmosphere of the other tracks so I've exchanged them for more ~floating~ songs. It's currently still untitled, but I was thinking of possibly naming it 'In The Sun' (too cliche?) or 'In Your Eyes' (too weird?). I just really need a name that encapsulates the whole ~floating~ atmosphere of the playlist; I'd really appreciate it if someone could help me think of one!

    Here's the updated tracklist:


    1. Hundred Dollar Bill (Demo)

    2. Chelsea Hotel No. 2

    3. Black Beauty

    4. Starry Eyed

    5. Angels Forever, Forever Angels

    6. Burning Desire

    7. Young and Beautiful (Hotel Sayre Version)

    8. Dayglo Reflection (Solo Version)

    9. Television Heaven

    10. Backfire

    11. My Best Days

    12. On Our Way

    13. Million Dollar Man (Demo)

    14. Last Girl on Earth

    15. Hit and Run (Demo) [unsure about this; seems a bit too fast]

    16. Cola

    17. West Coast (Radio Mix) [this versions fits the mood way more than the original]

    18. I Don't Wanna Go

    19. TV In Black & White

    20. You & Me

    21. Tropico Score [i just HAD to include this because it's a beautiful end to the playlist imo]


    "My Best Days"?

  12. I'm revamping Miss America. Currently:


    1. Kinda Outta Luck

    2. Meet Me In The Pale Moonlight

    3. National Anthem (Nexus version)

    4. You Can Be The Boss

    5. On Our Way

    6. Hundred Dollar Bill

    7. Daddy Issues (?)

    8. Dangerous Girl

    9. This Is What Makes Us Girls (Demo) (?)

    10. American Dream (Damn You)

    11. Afraid





    Puppy Love

    Dum Dum

    Prom Song (Gone Wrong)


    any opinions  :smokes:  I'm designing a digipak for the album and I wanna make it PERFECT


    Definitely Daddy Issues and Dum Dum, maybe Prom Song, not sure about Puppy Love and TIWMUG...


    Add Mermaid Motel!


    "“How you are fallen from heaven,

    O Lucifer, son of the morning!

    How you are cut down to the ground,

    You who weakened the nations!


    13 For you have said in your heart:

    ‘I will ascend into heaven,

    I will exalt my throne above the stars of God;

    I will also sit on the mount of the congregation

    On the farthest sides of the north;

    14 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds,

    I will be like the Most High.’


    Yet you shall be brought down to Sheol,

    To the lowest depths of the Pit."


    Isaiah 14:12-15





    Yeah, that sounds about right :) But "Lucifer" is a KJV translation of the Hebrew term that is elsewhere translated as "day star" or "morning star" ... http://biblehub.com/isaiah/14-12.htm  It's amazing how translation choices can shape our inferences...  :ohno:


    But back to the Illuminati. I never heard they wanted to be worshipped as gods before. That sounds more like Scientology to me... or at least what I've heard about Scientology. (Hey, let's pool our ignorance about them next ;) )

  14. Actually, Satan/Devil/Hell was not originally in any scriptures, it was added a couple of centuries later when the Messiah didn't come as they expected, they had to revamp their philosophy, by that time the religious leaders had quite the following. (It gave them political power) So they had to come up with a way to take control of the ignorant masses.


    Anyway, the tale says that Lucifer was originally an archangel but wanted too much power and turned on God who punished him for that and he was banished and  "cast out of heaven" (along with a bunch of other angels)


    I don't think they have been added to the Scriptures per se. But church doctrine is indeed a powerful tool :/ Where have you heard this tale?


    1. Well at least the way people describe the devil is not accurate...hes justa "fallen angel"



    This is how I think of the devil too. Though I can't think of anywhere in Scripture that specifies this, I think it makes the most sense of all of Scripture. :)

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