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Posts posted by PrettyBaby

  1. I think KOL and YCBTB are musts because they're BTD era vids, prob on some early draft of her debut album, and HDB and PTRO because they were definitely on an early draft of the album--remember the tracklist that begins with Video Games?

    I don't think I've ever seen that! Do you have a copy? (Unless you're talking about the sampler?)

  2. I'm trying to compost The Revenge of Lana Del Rey, which is really going to be be a mental challenge for me. If i'm making it realistically there would be track from Born To Die in there, but i'm just gonna use the single edits of Video Games and Blue Jeans. And it will require me touching some of my other compilations...  :defeated:  This is a struggle I need to over come. Suggest now, i'm thinking.


    1. Blue Jeans

    2. Children of The Bad Revolution

    3. Hit It & Run

    4. Hollywood's Dead

    5. Video Games

    6. Paris

    7. Never Let Me Go

    8. Lolita

    9. Put The Radio On

    10. Tired Of Singing The Blues



    I'm really feeling like i'm going to have to move Us Against The World and Hundred Dollar Bill from the iconic Miss America :cry:


    @@Trash Magic I think the only tracks that are given are PTRO, HDB, KOL, and YCBTB.


    You think PTRO is a must? I'm trying to rework my version of The Revenge of Lana Del Rey, and I've resigned myself to duplicating HDB, KOL, and YCBTB from Florida Dark.


    Because they clearly belong on both.  :crossed:


    I also think Driving in Cars with Boys is a must. @[member='Trash Magic] don't touch Miss America, just use the HDB demo -- I think it goes well with the tracks you're using so far.


    As for the next move.... If she wants a shot at getting back her artistic integrity and maybe some public interest, she should try her best with whatever is left in the budget to make Body of My Own happen... It's not a safe song, but she's already tried those and they didn't work. It's feminist, punk, and unlike anything out there right now. She needs an identity, her image is so confusing right now.


    Maybe you're right. I just wish BOMO was a better song. I mean the lyrics are great but the instrumental is just so meh to me... maybe she should remix the hell out of it and put the punctuation on the end of the Sucker era!

  4. I couldn't stop myself. :ohno:




    parody of "Fancy"




    I'm so basic

    I already know

    I'm in the crosswalk

    From Safeway to Texaco

    I'm so basic

    Fashion-challenged hoe

    Forget my good taste

    Leaves me co-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-old


    Trash the ballgown

    Let's get dressed down at Quik-i-Mart

    Cheap-ass flip-flops

    Feels so good getting casual

    My cut-off jeans are a must

    Neon wife-beater bedazzled as fuck

    Sunshades two for five bucks

    Six sixty-nine if you spring for deluxe Oh!







    I'm sorry.



    Great blog from a Indian women perspective


    I Am Not India's Daughter



    This resonated with me:


    I’m not saying that all these things about Jyoti—that she was a good student and devoted daughter—are untrue. I’m saying that they don’t have to be true for the crime committed against her to be just as heinous. The film shows this “good girl” and “bad girl” rhetoric—“India’s daughter” is either, depending on who’s talking about her—but not much else. In the movie, she’s a 2-dimensional figure. But Jyoti, the person, was probably much, much more when she was alive.


    That’s why am not “India’s daughter.” Yes, I’m the daughter of parents who told that silly old relative in the hospital that it was precisely because I was a girl that they’d be leaving a bigger tip for the hospital attendants. Yes, I’m my brother’s sister. Yes, I’m an Indian woman. I’m also a journalist. A friend. A sexual being. I’m not defined completely by any one of the million pieces of my identity. Like everyone else, I’m extremely flawed, and still expect to be treated equally, fairly, and humanely. Even if I was born a girl.



    The name "India's daughter" is intended to bestow honor, but an honor-shame culture depends also upon shame. The "good girl" / "bad girl" rhetoric tends to obscure the acknowledgement of women's full humanity. That said, I see this as a powerful and courageous film as a whole, one that declares everyone's full humanity and responsibility.


    The student protests have made the difference. I believe very strongly that "our" young people are not only the hope of "our" future, but the agents of their own.

  6. @@PrettyBaby and anyone else, I'm trying to make a sort of proto-BTD album. Basically the same thing PrettyBaby did with The Revenge of Lana Del Rey, but with different songs.



    • Kinda Outta Luck
    • National Anthem (Nexus version)
    • Driving In Cars with Boys (the long version)
    • Lolita (Demo 3)
    • Dark Paradise (I got the ice...)
    • Without You (piano demo)
    • Lucky Ones (Demo)
    • Summertime Sadness (Demo)
    • Hundred Dollar Bill (the one WITHOUT the Ruby Tuesday's verse)
    • You Can Be The Boss
    • Diet MTN Dew (the one with the pre-chorus and that doesn't sound like it was recorded on a potato)
    • Video Games (Demo)
    • Radio (demo)
    • Million Dollar Man (demo)
    • This is what makes us Girls (demo2, does NOT end with "to all the little queens, do you know what you're worth")
    You'll notice I'm missing BTD, OTTR, BJ, and Carmen. BTD, BJ, and C simply didn't have demos suitable for this. They were either too crappy in quality or already too Emile-ified. OTTR... well, we (currently) have no demo - leakers, if you want to change this horrendous situation, feel free to at any time  :hooker:


    My issue is the 2nd half - too many slow songs and less produced demos. How can I keep it hot?

    I like this. I'm thinking you could move Radio to the end, and put something else in between VG and MDM. Maybe Live or Die. Or something from the first half, then replace THAT with either Trash Magic or Dangerous Girl.

  7. well cause it sucks lmao. it was supposed to be for one direction but they didnt even want it. i mean if u remember she used to talk about making a pop record with substance this is like probably the most meaningless song shes ever written... even charli found the light and admits she hates it.


    ffs "laying under stars that shine" is genuinely a line out of that song   :horror:


    She's written worse. It's all in the delivery, and she nails it. (And she "hates" the song ever since the bad buzz. So yeah.)

  8. Could someone explain to me the hate that "Die Tonight" gets? It's not the best song on SUCKER but it's a lot of fun! Is it the casual reference to death that's turning people off?


    Maybe it's a bit of a saccharine prom song, but saccharine prom songs are AWESOME, dammit! idgi...


    This article seems to cite *significant* modifications to the initial quote about Lana Del Rey. It also seems to be saying the context for Lana Del Rey quote in Kim's autobiography was in her saying LDR was some kind of logical outgrowth from Madonna's take on feminism: 
    This article seems to be doing damage control on behalf of Kim:
    Of course, misogyny accusations and ignorance accusations (about the importance of specific artists and their specific work) cuts both ways.
    I guess my final feelings can be summed up in a joke:
    Did you hear the one about the Ride youtube comment that got lost and found its way into Kim Gordon's autobiography? No wait a minute; it's not a joke; it actually happened. 
    The quote modifications take a bit of the bite out of the joke, though.



    If she put the harsher version in an earlier edition, she still needs to take responsibility for it. But I'm glad for the modifications. I just don't understand the need to tear down anyone with a different focus in life. One person, even one group, can't do it all. That's why we have multiple people and multiple groups in the world. I mean, it seems so obvious.


    Come on, Kim, let Lana do Lana and you do you. You might even appreciate Madonna more if you like, you know, talked TO her... :P

  10. Need Ur Luv > Breaking Up > Caught in the Middle > Gold Coins > Boom Clap > Break the Rules > Sucker > Die Tonight > Hanging Around > London Queen > Famous > Doing It > Money > Body of My Own


    I don't know what versions of these songs you guys are listening to. :oprah3:

  11. Favorites:


    1. Grins

    2. So Far Away

    3. You (Ha Ha Ha)

    4. Valentine

    5. Take My Hand

    6. Kingdom

    7. Dreams Money Can Buy

    8. End of the World

    9. I'll Never Know

    10. What I Like

  12. POC don't tell white people their feelings don't matter?? If POC say that racism can't happen to white people they're not saying their feelings don't matter. It's just that racism do not happen to white people because they have white privilege. Yes, you can have personal experiences where you are discriminated by other races (maybe caused by the years of oppression, discrimination, etc... those races have experienced) for being white but outside of that what? You don't have problems getting a job for being white (for example, there are companies that do not hire you if your skin is darker than expected), you are not labeled as a "thug" for being white, etc... that's racism too and not just being yelled at by someone of other race (that in fact it is traumatic to be discriminated and I'm not saying it doesn't matter - but there are bigger race issues).

    But can we talk about other things now that Charli explained herself? :oprah: Sucker debuted at #28 in USA. I expected at least a Top 15 but it is really great comparing to what True Romance did :P

    Yes, after everyone gets a chance to respond who wants to :P


    It's usually other white people insinuating that white people's feelings don't matter. But I do believe that is not always their intent :( yes, white privilege is a BIGGER problem than isolated incidents of white victimization. Im trying to point out that there are better ways of communicating that fact -- ways that don't alienate the very people whose minds you want to see changed, and give them further reason to hate.


    I'm glad Charli clarified her silence on the issue, rather than just passively remaining silent :D

  13. There's a HUGE difference between discrimination and oppresion, how ignorant can you be. Racism does not exist for white people. Sure, maybe at some points in your life you've been discriminated against by a black person but it sure as hell will never amount to the hundreds of years they've been OPPRESSED as an entire people. Jesus Christ.


    Interesting. Because it's reverse "discrimination" that is purported not to exist. I'd advise you to "educate" yourself but I really don't give a fuck about this arguing over terminology. All it is doing is allowing some people to congratulate themselves, "Well, at least I'm not an ignorant fool," while allowing other people to congratulate themselves, "Well, at least I'm not a miseducated tool." WHILE ACCOMPLISHING NOTHING.


    It is just as stupid to pretend small-scale oppression "does not exist" as it is to pretend it is just as significant as large-scale oppression. Little boys growing up in homes with mothers and sisters who hate men are experiencing misandry, and white kids who get beat up by kids of other races because of their race are experiencing racism. If these terms offend you, the remedy is to get over yourself.


    Large-scale trends warrant more attention and activism. Small-scale problems warrant some. No one wins the pain olympics.

  14. Prejudice is the word I was looking for, I'll go back and edit my posts to be more politically correct then. 


    "Prejudice" is a better word than "racism" to use in this context because it is more widely recognized. I.e. also in academic circles :eyeroll: But intellectual elitists and their wannabes do not get to dictate what is the common understanding of words. As anyone who has studied language will acknowledge, meaning is fluid. When I notice I have more privilege in a given area, I try to give the other person room to lead the way in deciding how to frame the conversation. But dictating terms is not helpful. It is monologue, the opposite of dialogue. 



    oh thank you for bringing up what REALLY matters! so brave.


    Another example of monologue is twisting a person's words to say something they never meant, or outright lying about what the person said. So yeah, if your rhetoric is leading you to slander people who disagree with you, it's time to reevaluate your approach.


    If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem, etc., & etc.

  15. She needs to acknowledge Banks' larger point. I understand the impulse to defend her friend's place in the rap industry (because that is under attack too, and that's not okay), but feminism is about more than supporting your friends. She needs to understand how excluded from feminist discourse some women of color are made to feel (in America at least, but probably elsewhere too).

  16. @@PrettyBaby what is your altered tracklist looking like so far? :) I got kind of stuck with mine, but..




    London Queen

    Hanging Around

    Boom Clap


    I dunno what should go after BC. I don't think Doing It goes very well after it. I'm putting Money as the definite album closer. I'm going to put Superlove somewhere in there, but not ATL.


    Um... yeah, ATL was messing up the vibe where I had it. Can't get into Money :smh:


    Right now I have Side 1: Rock / Side 2: Pop. Still a work in progress...


    Sucker: SuperEdition

     1. Sucker

     2. Break the Rules

     3. London Queen

     4. Breaking Up

     5. Gold Coins

     6. Need Ur Love

     7. Hanging Around

     8. Allergic to Love (it's like punctuation to the end of side 1... and now for something completely different)

     9. Kingdom

    10. SuperLove

    11. Rollercoaster

    12. Boom Clap

    13. Famous

    14. Caught in the Middle

    15. Doing It

    16. Body of My Own

    17. Die Tonight

  17. :rollin:


    Yes? I just recently outed an MRA sympathizer on another forum, so I don't need to be told how ridiculous that can get. But if there are feminist/egalitarian men who are bothered by the subject of my fangirling I'd like to know.



    Y'all aren't going to like my review of Sucker. I'm not really a fan of pop music unless it's indie or urban. I'll rate the songs on a scale of 1-10.


    Sucker - 4

    Break the Rules - 2

    London Queen - 1

    Breaking Up - 2.5

    Gold Coins - 4.5

    Boom Clap - 5

    Doing It - 9

    Body of My Own - 6.5

    Famous - 7

    Hanging Around - 3

    Die Tonight - 5.5

    Caught in the Middle - 9

    Need Ur Luv - 7.5


    By averaging up the scores, I give the album a 5. It's just very average and uninspired. 


    Argh. I like the album, but the DI/BOMO/Famous section is the low point for me. "Body of My Own" has great lyrics, I just wish I liked the music better. "Doing It" ...my first thought was, "This song could have been on the radio in heavy rotation in 1985. This is not a compliment." :ohno: I'm in the process of tweaking the track list (of course) to make myself like these three a little more by splitting them up.


    "London Queen," well it's no "Barbie Girl" :P but it's adorable. I don't get the hate at all. I'm definitely adding "Allergic to Love" before "Breaking Up" tho. "SuperLove" demands a spot too.  :bop:

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