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Posts posted by PrettyBaby

  1. For me, the Honeymoon cover is disappointing but nonetheless meaningful. She's the starlet holding us at a distance. The photos in which she's wearing sunglasses make it seem like she could be happy. But then in the center spread (and the UO cover) you get to see the real story on her face. And it hearkens back to Ultraviolence.

  2. The real problem with cultural appropriation isn't that some white girl uses a bindi or twerks. Those are actually separate issues about how some traditionally "ethnic" things are considered okay if done by white people but trashy or gross if done by the people who created it. This doesn't really have a name, and it is something that should be discussed, but people call it cultural appropriation and it's not the best use of the term.


    The issue with cultural appropriation is taking something from its cultural context, especially without permission. That's why war bonnets are a touchy symbol. They're the equivalent of earning a medal in a war. By wearing it to look "cute" or because you "feel free", you degrade it from an actual symbol of heroic bravery into a hipster trash accessory on par with flower crowns. The symbol stops meaning anything significant, and that's part of the culture that eroded away.


    Intention doesn't really mean anything when it comes to this. All that matters is that you're using something that has special meaning, especially something sacred, and using it outside that intended context, and that by itself causes the object to become associated with the mundane as opposed to the sacred. Even if that wasn't your intention, that is the end result, and it's still harmful to the cultures in question.


    It's a shame the discussion about cultural appropriation has degenerated into BS like "can white people use things from non-white cultures?" because that just encourages cultural segregation while missing the core of what makes appropriation harmful. Sharing is great. But sharing requires someone to offer you something. Sacred symbols are never offered to other cultures (precisely because they are sacred). There are plenty of Native American decorative items one can choose to use that are sold by Natives and have no special value. Use those. There's no need to go for the one that has an important meaning.


    I normally try to stay away from political discussions here, but I can't stand to see discussion about appropriation be turned to "twerking! bindis!" because all that does is make people reject the concept wholesale. It is an issue. But not for the reasons most people think. Lana did appropriate the culture by using a war bonnet outside of its intended context. She probably had no intention of doing so. But actions have consequences beyond their intentions (also the 60s and 70s were full of cultural appropriation of sacred things by hippies, so don't be surprised).


    I agree that Lana did (in the Ride video) appropriate the culture regardless of intent. Her intent is relevant for determining how the problem should be addressed. In the case of "Art Deco," her intended meaning of "you're so ghetto" (both "ghetto" and "you're") is relevant both for determining whether there is a problem, and also if so, how the problem should be addressed.

  3. But special treatment for different groups of people sounds... problematic :noparty:

    I mean if we really want to move forward in the future we need to understand pointing out our differences is one of the first problems of the world and the reason we still have war today

    All in all everything Lana does is in good spirits and should NEVER be taken as offensive


    I grew up being encouraged to be "color-blind," so I understand the impulse to treat everyone the same. By itself, though, this approach is unsatisfactory for someone who wants to appreciate diversity.


    The reasons for war are complex. For some, assimilation = erasure =/= integration.


    I agree that intent should count for something. That's why I support a dialogic (cooperative) model of communication. In a speaker-centric model, all that is important is what Lana meant. In a hearer-centric model, all that matters is how people will take it. IMO, both the second and third models are problematic :)

  4. All right guys, bear with me, but I'm hearing something different in the chorus. I see "Art Deco" not as contrasting with something like "Art Nouveau," but rather with something like "Neon Gold" ...something like "yellow." (Thus, "art deco" would be positive.) I'm seeing the theme all over the chorus.
    This is what I hear:
    Club queen on the downtown scene
    Prowling around at night
    You're not mean you're just born to be seen
    Born to be wild
    A little party never hurt no one
    That's why it's alright
    You want in but you just can't win
    So you hang in the lights
    You're so Art Deco
    Out on the floor
    Shining like gunmetal
    Gold and unsure

    Baby you're so ghetto
    You're looking to score
    When they all say yellow
    You try to ignore them
    Cause you want more (why?)
    You want more (why?)
    You want more (why?)
    Cause you want more
    Young thing on the downtown scene
    Rolling around at night
    You've got things that've yet to be seen
    Like your rapper's delight
    A little party never hurt no one
    That's why it's alright
    You want in but you just can't win
    So you stay in the lights
    You're so Art Deco
    Out on the floor
    Shining like gunmetal 
    Cold and unsure
    Baby you're so ghetto
    You're looking to score
    And they all say hello
    You try to ignore them
    Cause you want more (why?)
    You want more (why?)
    You want more (why?)
    Cause you want more
    A little party never hurt no one
    So you stay out late
    A little party never hurt no one
    That's what your friends say
    You put your life out on the line
    You're crazy all the time
    Put your life out on the line
    You're crazy all the time
    You're so Art Deco
    Out on the floor
    Shining like gunmetal 
    Gold and unsure
    Baby you're so ghetto
    You're looking to score
    When they all say yellow
    You try to ignore them
    Cause you want more (why?)
    You want more (why?)
    You want more (why?)
    Cause you want more
    A little party never hurt no one
    Not you and me
    A little party never hurt no one
    We were born to be free
    I mean, it's in a nightclub (Neon Gold club nights) ...? Yes? No? Maybe?

  5. y'all can keep using an innocent culture to justify your love for treating everyone differently from eachother by yourselves :bye2: :bye2: :bye2:


    ight but when did I say "white people should have more privileges" I legit meant stop calling us all racists because that's racist within itself


    I understand. You didn't say that. But I didn't hear anyone saying all white people are racist either.


    IMO insisting on treating everyone the same OR insisting on treating everyone differently are both problematic. We need to listen to each other more, and ask how each other wants to be treated.

  6. who else does Lana know that's misunderstood and female?


    Lizzy Grant. Lana Del Rey fans. Countless young women today (and that's just the cis perspective). Really, the possibilities are endless.



    Did you just proclaim all white people are racist  :horror:


    Systematic racism includes the privilege that many (not all white people, and not all of whom are white) enjoy passively. While having privilege is arguably not a problem in and of itself, the things that some people do to hold onto privilege are beyond problematic.

  7. I love reading these stories about how Lana has given people courage to be themselves. <3


    Her music has helped me do the same. Watching how she shocks, provokes, and enrages people without ever meaning to ...it reminds me of my own life on a much smaller scale. I think a lot of people live this way. The world thinks it doesn't need us because we don't "fit," and I used to be convinced it was true. But now I believe the world needs us to not fit. It needs us to question the status quo. In small life-changing ways, or huge world-altering ones.

  8. I wanted to give Honeymoon the best first listen possible. So last night I dragged out my old receiver, my grandparents' CD player, and my brand-spanking-new bass-boosting headphones. First of all, OWWWWWIE!!!!! Then I took the advice of @@DeadAgainst and proceeded to turn the bass all the way down and the treble up to 75%. (Something I have never done before in my life, I might add.) Then I stuffed some tissues into my headphones for good measure.


    Okay, NGL. I am here for the ear candy, and Honeymoon fails to deliver a single trippy bop. The disappointment is real. :(


    BUT. I put in the time to soak it up, and it truly was a beautiful listening experience. Her vocals are top-notch. And I'm satisfied that she has made the album she wanted to. Bottom line, I'm going to give Honeymoon the chance to be a grower.


    So with those qualifications ...no way am I going to assign number ratings yet. My rankings so far:


    1. Music to Watch Boys To

    2. Terrence Loves You

    3. Art Deco (I will regret my NEON GOLD fan art for the rest of my life :hdu:)

    4. Freak

    5. 24

    6. High by the Beach

    7. The Blackest Day

    8. Honeymoon

    9. Religion

    10. Salvatore

    11. God Knows I Tried

    12. Swan Song

    13. Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood


    ...not including the Burnt Norton interlude, which I love.


    BTW, now I am listening on my computer with just-decent headphones (the way I usually give my first listens these days). And IMO the equalization is perfection.

  9. Good reviews: Honeymoon is haunting, ethereal, ghostly, mesmerizing, beautiful, lush, cinematic. 

    Bad reviews: Honeymoon is boring, slow, "limousines" and "soft ice cream" lyrics are ridiculous, it's the same from Lana, the shtick it's getting old, she mumbles the lyrics.


    After being obsessed with Lana pieces I arrived at the point when I don't give a shit about the reviews because they are incredibly boring and cliche-istic. From some time I have the feeling that I read them before. I'm beyond the cringe worthy status when I'm reading some clueless writer's discovery of her story, having the big "revelation" that her real name is not LDR :toofunny:  or babbling about her non-authentic persona. I uber cringe when they are misspelling her stage-name to RAY (I always wondered if that is intentional) or calling her, in a patronizing mode, Lizzy Grant or mentioning SNL   :bye2: . 


    I expect something around 60-65 (there will be 3 or 4 scores in the 30-40 range Jim Farber NYD, Chicago Tribune, AV Club and a random idiot like last year 405 reviewer of UV Derek Robertson (Carl Williot from Idolator hates HM and the Baeblemusic blog has a negative campaign against her lately but I don't think that they count towards the MC score). Most of the reviewers will wash their hands with a 55-65 score and there will be some stans who will even out the hater scores. Really,"the same old" accusation it's more fitting to these writers than to Lana's music. I almost forgot that Youtube buffoon Anthony Fantano who will give Honeymoon a 0 score while singing mockingly the chorus of Salvatore.


    Have "fun" I guess reading that BS, mostly the pieces where you have the clear impression that the critic didn't even bothered to listen to the album properly lifting out a word or a sentence to trash the entire lyrical content of the album. Most of the writers are misogynistic pricks, failed indie musicians who are jealous of her "undeserved" success or feminists who are cringing at her music and I'm frankly amazed, given the divide between her and the critics, that she has a respectable overall score on MC.


    I love you.

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