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  1. PrettyBaby liked a post in a topic by Lad in LANA SLEUTHING   
    In this interview she said that, in 2008, she recorded 13 songs with David Kahne (the AKA) but they only put the EP at first. And well videos of Mermaid Motel, Brite Lites and Put Me In A Movie were uploaded on 2008 too.
  2. PrettyBaby liked a post in a topic in 'Ride' - Music Video Released   
    Ooops, well then I got something entirely different out of it! I have to rewatch that part.
    I do think she chose the worst part of the song to wear the headdress, but it was also the most effective part to wear it as well.
    Political correctness? It's not about being politically correct, it's about having respect. I don't know. I just feel very strongly about this. The city I live in has the highest population of Aboriginals in the world. I see the most disgusting racism, I see a proud people that are still suffering from the effects of colonialism, broken promises, residential schools -- and if they live on a reservation, a standard of living comparable to those in third-world countries... I am constantly exposed to it. Native issues are not something that I see once in a while when I'm flipping past a news channel, it's something I see every fucking single day just living in my city. It's just very, very sad to me.
  3. PrettyBaby liked a post in a topic by Matt in Fordham Road   
    Stone Mary makes the most sense IMO.
  4. PrettyBaby liked a post in a topic by Sitar in LQ: New American Snippet   
    Welcome! I took that video, I'm feeling super famous right now.
  5. PrettyBaby liked a post in a topic by Sitar in 'Ride' - Music Video Released   
    I felt sad because of the way she's forced to think, especially in light of her fame...I think the monologue basically said she finally felt happiness and freedom after watching all her dreams and expectations of fame turn into something else entirely. A good perspective, but sad that's she's driven to that.
    I'm glad there wasn't any death. Years from now, when she better still be making music, I want to look back at the deaths in the Born to Die videos and feel fond of the theme--because that was the album, Born to DIE. I don't want it to become a schtick, which it would if she kept doing it. But for the whole era in a grand scheme, it was pretty cool.
  6. PrettyBaby liked a post in a topic by Eulonzo in 'Ride' - Music Video Released   
    Easily her best video to date and the best video of 2012. I am AMAZED by this woman, she is one of a kind.
    The makeup, the hair, the outfits, the ride scenes, the monologue, everything fit the song and it fit the meaning of the song very well and it really makes you think. It seriously really does, you know what I mean? This is just absolute perfection.
    And I don't know about any of you but if her album doesn't leak before the release, I won't care because I respect her and love her enough to wait. Because if this was worth the wait, so is the album.
  7. PrettyBaby liked a post in a topic by teethclick in Family Guy | American Dad | The Cleveland Show   
    American Dad is seriously the best thing ever, Family Guy is really fucking funny and the Clevland Show isn't my kinda thing. Anyways, did you know that Seth went to the same boarding school as Lana?
  8. PrettyBaby liked a post in a topic by Hundred Dollar Bill in RIDE MONOLOGUE   
    This should be a challenge in The Paradise Edition competition that Riley is doing.
    Whoever writes the cheesiest Lanaesque monologue wins the challenge!
    Riley, I am totally kidding. Please let's not do this. I mean, I could, I just don't want to.
  9. PrettyBaby liked a post in a topic by evilentity in My "Ride" Premiere Experience   
    I suspect this won't be the last meth song we hear from Lana. But where is the YouTube video?
    What is it suspended from? A magic cloud or Auto-Tuned Loon?
    I'm very happy with you. You asked a real, substantive question that actually had a chance in hell of being answered. Yes, "Yayo" is like a timeless jazz standard. I can't imagine how she didn't like how it turned out originally. (Aside from her taking a breath in the middle of the word tattoo, it's perfect.) And from what we've heard of the re-recorded version, I can't imagine how she could like how it turned out any better. But I'm withholding judgement until I hear it in full.
    Great essay. Over double the required length. However, I'm taking points off due to the lack of pictures, the missing YouTube video, and your failure to properly explain what the tire swing is suspended from.
  10. PrettyBaby liked a post in a topic by Sitar in My "Ride" Premiere Experience   
    I've been asked to talk about this experience by several people, and I'm deliriously tired from having just gotten home, but I'll try, although other people on the forum actually have, like, photographic evidence.
    I made it into the first showing, and I was one of the last people. She was playing "Ride", which seemed like standard procedure for it's premiere, so I wasn't paying much attention. And then a new song starts and I hear the words "crystal meth", so I'm flailing and demanding how this can be happening. It was "American", and it's my understanding that before I arrived they played a lot more of the songs. I did record it, but you can clearly hear me talking at parts where I thought I was being quiet...I'll upload it anyway, if it won't get snatched off YouTube. Plus, I don't want to be ridiculed by desperate YouTube stans Distinct lyric: "Drive fast, I can almost taste it now."
    So after "American", they introduced Lana Del Rey. She got onstage and laughed, you know the laugh. She said how grateful she was that she had all these fans who'd show up to an event that wasn't even a concert, and basically alluded to how the fans make it so much better in light of the backlash she's experienced. We all had a moment.
    She then introduced the video with Anthony Mandler. She started making her way to the very back--where she sat watching it--but in the process was swarmed. Not even gonna lie, I made my way right into that cluster. She's so much more delicate than I ever imagined. Just how tiny her body is and how doll-like her face is. Mostly I kinda went "BLAGH LANA" and side-hugged her and caressed her hair. She's beyond stunning in person, even in jeans. Especially in jeans.
    I'll tell you now so you don't get excited that all my attempts to get some personal Lana on Chance time were pretty much dashed--I asked for a signature twice and she only said that she couldn't, which was understandable because she was walking but DAMN. I'm such a dork, I just kinda reached out and touched her arm as she was walking by and she looked back at me. That's not the extent of our conversing, but I don't have any signatures or pictures.
    The video. THE VIDEO. It's nearly indescribable, but I'll try. The whole time she's with a lot of skeezy men--like, three or four on different occasions. All older, rugged, ugly, and bikers. I really need you guys to see it because it's so good. Of course I have some bias, having seen it projected in a theater, but cinematically I think it's her best. NO INSTAGRAM FILTERS ON THIS ONE, THANK GOD. In short, she's partying in the desert with some bikers, straddling several dudes in the sand and pointing guns at them, indeed swinging on this mysterious tire swing, hanging out at a gas station, playing pinball with a biker sort of spooning her, getting into a car like a prostitute. It's Americana, it's trash, it's beautiful. It's Lana. What can I say? It's exquisite. She's on all fours for the ending monologue--by memory, I really loved that part, and also one part in the desert where she's wearing an Indian headdress. Bits of the video keep rushing back to me. The part where she is holding the flag, like in the promo photo, is so beautiful. I need to watch it again. There's so much to love about this video, I wish I could eloquently describe it all. It'll be all of ours to enjoy soon enough, but if you can--get that shit HD projected somewhere I cried. I cried my fucking eyes out.
    Afterwards came the Q&A. I'll try to pick out the meaningful stuff. Someone asked what inspired the song "Ride", and she said that she was a lot more excited at the beginning of her career than she she was in the middle or even now--a clear reference to her backlash and trying to deal with fame, if you ask me. She said that's what she loved and preferred in her downtime--"riding motorcycles...and men :haha: "
    She's touring early next year, although she expressed her hatred for the idea and said she'd rather take us all to hang out on the boardwalk on Sunday. GODDAMN SHE IS SO CUTE.
    I can finally answer the question "what would you say if you met Lana?" Anthony Mandler chose me, seeing my desperation clear across the room, and I said, "Can you talk about why you re-recorded 'Yayo'...and some other songs from the album?" There was a general "ooh" of agreement, I noticed, but NO--I didn't ask about Jimmy Gnecco. NO--I didn't ask about unreleased material. Still, it wasn't THE shittiest question, right? Anyway, she said she liked the song because she considers it something of a jazz standard and it can go all in one take, but she didn't like how it turned out originally. So, yeah, stans...we're all WRONG in loving that song :creepy: And then I thanked her very much and sat down, although I was hoping she'd talk about an emotional connection to the song and give me some discreet Lanalysis material, not gonna lie. Please be happy with me, forum.
    Someone asked if she had any plans for "Never Let Me Go" and she said, "It'll probably live on YouTube, like all the other leaked material!"
    Someone asked if she is dating anyone, and she said yes.
    She said she was misinterpreted when asked about quitting music and the Vogue Australia interview. She said she meant doing music for films, not acting in them. When pressed, she said that she thought the Paradise Edition was much better than Born to Die and was basically really happy with it. I'm hoping that means she's optimistic, not that she's said what she had to say.
    Someone asked if she had any advice for budding singers, and she basically said that your expectations will never live up to your imagination. I thought that was kinda sad.
    She said she is best at being a passenger on a motorcycle
    After that, I went and waited in an alleyway to meet her. Other folks saw the video multiple times (damn I wish, I could've heard some more Paradise tracks) and spent their time wisely. Me, I waited and waited for her for hours. I met some pretty cool people, but at the end of the day her management wouldn't allow her to do a meet-and-greet, according to the staff of the theater. (CURSE YOU, BEN MAWSON!) That said, I waited until the very end. Me, my driver, and our three new friends were the last five people waiting in front of the theater in case she came back, not exaggerating. But she didn't. I'm pretty bummed about that, but not as much as I anticipated...like, I touched her, and she recognized my stan worship for "Yayo", and I saw the most amazing video ever on a giant screen, and I have the monologue printed out all pretty and I'll for sure frame it.
    It was a great night. I can't wait for you guys to see the video. I don't think anyone will be disappointed. I truly don't.
  11. PrettyBaby liked a post in a topic by bluemascara in bluemascara art   
    if i end up drawing more lana art, this will be the place for it!
    for now.... i started working on an entry for the lanaonline H&M contest, but the past two weeks have been very hectic (same for the weekend) so I'm not sure if I'll get a chance to finish it before the deadline. this is how far i got!

  12. PrettyBaby liked a post in a topic by TrailerParkDarling in Lana Premiering Ride Video on Wednesday!   
    I'm just gonna post all the pics I find on twitter/tumblr here so I can live vicariously
    also, some lucky fans said they gave lana their # and are getting coffee w/ her after

  13. TrailerParkDarling liked a post in a topic by PrettyBaby in Member of the Week #5: TrailerParkDarling   
    Congrats TPD! So glad you came back to us!!!
  14. PrettyBaby liked a post in a topic by NEAL in Design a Lana Del Rey T-Shirt!   
    I want a music box, with SNL!Lana twirling to the tune of all songs in BTD.

  15. PrettyBaby liked a post in a topic by teethclick in Paradise - Pre-Release Thread   
    I'm just gonna make my own cover.

    Look, much better.
    And yes, her new name is Lana Banana.
    And yes, again, I do take time out of my day to draw Lana Banana in her most prettiest dress.
  16. PrettyBaby liked a post in a topic by teethclick in Lana Premiering Ride Video on Wednesday!   
    Print out the entire lanalysis thread and give it to her and tell her to correct it.
  17. PrettyBaby liked a post in a topic by HunterAshlyn in Lana Premiering Ride Video on Wednesday!   

  18. PrettyBaby liked a post in a topic by Sitar in Lana to feature on the latest Radio 1 Live Lounge CD collection   
    Not "Goodbye Kiss", though... :bye:
  19. PrettyBaby liked a post in a topic by Cleopatra in Jeremih: Body Electric has changed my vision of music   
    He praised Lana. I approve.
  20. PrettyBaby liked a post in a topic by Tyler in national anthem letter   
    Right after the NA video came out, I posted this letter I made on photoshop on Tumblr. People have been douche bags and reposted it, but I can assure you it is mine.
    But any who, here it is : )

  21. ednafrau liked a post in a topic by PrettyBaby in Songs Lana should cover   
    Wouldn't that be awesome if an old Lizzy Grant & the Phenomena performance surfaced, with a JB cover?!?
  22. Cleopatra liked a post in a topic by PrettyBaby in Songs Lana should cover   
    Wouldn't that be awesome if an old Lizzy Grant & the Phenomena performance surfaced, with a JB cover?!?
  23. PrettyBaby liked a post in a topic by bjorkenslut in What should Lana's fans be called?   
    I particularly think even if we name our fanbase, she would call us nothing but fans.
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