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Everything posted by Summersault

  1. This reminds me of when I lurked on another fan forum for a band that shall not be named.* When they hadn't released material for a while it got pretty bad. Every thread ending with dramaqueens calling eachother out as bad fans, some were going through existential crisis because they didnt feel as "good enough fans" when they started to get interested in other bands, fans stalking the band in real life etc. Until someone actually sends Lana a photoshop of herself in a ménage à trois with Ben Mawson and the loon, I'm not worried about LB's level of hysteria. *ok, I'll name it. It was Tokio Hotel :eek:shut up, Bill was pretty
  2. Summersault


    I was put off by the drama surrounding her here but decided to give it shot and wow, the production, melodies and some of the lyrics are all really really good! still can't get into her voice, whyy?
  3. Blake getting violated once again. She comes off as this gentle submissive girl, but nope. "bend over, lil bitch."
  4. It's hard to tell, he's face looks "sharper" now but that's probably just aging.
  5. 57 kg though. Either he's more scrawny than I thought or he was seriously poor/on meth at the time.
  6. Summersault

    I love her stage moves! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L7w2BRkQt2Y If you ever need translations of old Danish lyrics or interviews, just holla at me:)
  7. I get where you're coming from, but to me the appeal is exactly that saccharine feel. Most of her songs have some tragic/dark themes to them, so hearing Lucky Ones is like finally getting a sweet ending after hardships and trials *the drama*. I absolutely love TIWMUG too, to me the beat and melody is perfect. When I hear a Lana song for the first time I find the lyrics cringeworthy 9/10 times but somehow I always remember the words and the phrases start popping up in my head when I'm just going about my daily life. Her songwriting might not be the most intelligent but it's catchy, epic (as you said) and feels true. Not in a sense of being realistic but familiar. It must be all the clichés she uses Fair enough. It's actually kind of a dillemma with the demos, because on one hand you get two songs in one but on the other hand it's kind of frustrating when you like the demo better and realize what album could have been. She changes her timbre, she screams and yells, she's too much and out of control and that's what makes it so perfect. Sure there are songs where a deadpan voice makes sense, but MDM is not one of them I think. It needs to be intense and on the edge for it not become wannabe-jazz background music imo. But different folks and all that:)
  8. 1. Black Beauty 2. Starry Eyed 3. Young & Beautiful 4. Chelsea Hotel no. 2 5. Angels Forever, Forever Angels 6.Motel 6 7.Tv In Black & White 8. Let My Hair Down 9. Queen of Disaster 10. Maha Maha
  9. I'm really interested in hearing why people dislike Lucky Ones so much. Do you like the demo better? Or do you dislike the whole song? Even the epic "it feels like falling in the LOVE for the first time" ? How can you dislike that??? Not judging though, just VERY curious. I absolutely can't with Radio and Million Dollar Man on BTD. It's like they squeezed all life out of the production on Radio, compared to the demo which is flawless. And poor Lanas voice on MDM. I mean we have all heard how she owns it live, so why they would make her voice sound like a robot is beyond me. For K Part 2 has failed to grow on me unlike most AKA tracks. The melody is just so dull and the raspy thing she does with her voice is annoying
  10. Barrie in streetwear is surprisingly hot!
  11. Kate Bush - Wuthering Heights Martin de Thura makes amazing videos. Honorable mention: James Blake - Limit to your love Shakira - Did it again. The choreography<3 For the worst I nomitate every German schlager video ever. My friend and I stumbled over a schlager channel by accident and we just couldn't look away, it was like a car accident.
  12. I love how her reaction to getting a ticket is looking at it like
  13. I love when her legs do that! As a fellow awkward walker I clench my fist for the ones like us who are oppressed by the figures of normal walking! Daww, God bless
  14. Whenever she does a southern twang ~come on kitty cat, fill'er up~ Her speaking voice in general gives me tingles. And her hand movements as has been said, like when she runs her fingers through her hair.
  15. I always got a Natural Born Killers vibe from a lot of her stuff. I don't remember if she ever mentioned the movie, so it might be speculation, but I think she has seen and loved it. Like the way the movie uses lots of unrelated vintage clips to set a mood is similar to how Lana does it in her videos. That whole Ride-or-die, American sweetheart turned crazy with lots of bad wigs-kinda style that Mallory Knox has going on reminds a lot of Lana too.
  16. Summersault


    The Prophet's Song! Expect more posts like this as I continue further on my Queen journey
  17. Summersault


    I'm not sure I'm worthy of the stan title either My interest had escalated slowly over quite some time but then not long ago I heard Killer Queen for the first time (yeah I'm that basic) and I just died a little, realizing that I had never taken the time to get to know this fabulous band even though I had always liked their wellknown songs and Freddie always fascinated me as an entertainer. But I'm currently making up for it. I'm banging out Sheer Heart Attack right now, and will work my way through the rest of the albums from there. So obviously this song has gotten a special place in my heart: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hazzaNv_poo Favourite band member: Brian May's GLORIOUS hair.
  18. I'll name my hypothetical daughter: 29 - 33 - 38
  19. One can not discuss this topic without mentioning the infamous babysitting interview: http://www.mtv.com/videos/interview/lana-del-rey/727775/lana-del-rey-is-still-babysitting.jhtml#id=1652658 She just seems so...off through the whole thing and then in the last 5 seconds she flips 180 degrees, like a different person took over her mind or something. The way she says "he's very with it" scares the bejeesus out of me. I often wonder if she was on something during that interview or if she's just odd that way sometimes.
  20. Spanish Elvis Flower...sounds smokable
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