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  1. Summersault liked a post in a topic by NikodemDeVault in Lana Del Rey-diant! Singer is serene in white lace gown as she attends and performs at Breakthrough Prize in Life Sciences Awards   
    MORE PICS: http://www.gettyimages.com/Search/Search.aspx?query=z.i.H4sIAAAAAAAEAOy9B2AcSZYlJi9tynt_SvVK1-B0oQiAYBMk2JBAEOzBiM3mkuwdaUcjKasqgcplVmVdZhZAzO2dvPfee--999577733ujudTif33_8_XGZkAWz2zkrayZ4hgKrIHz9-fB8_In7dfLn91et79-79Hr_2V6-Pf92zRXaR_5q_xq_xazym__8av-YIv8rzG72o2terfFqcF_nMfqoPmj14nWf1dP5FMZuV-Zsir8ev8vNimS_yZTv-oqrz58Xb_M28aNzHp8u2vv6x_fuf7uzsfLr38NW8bVeP7t6dZtN5vjfOmiZvt_mP8TJv775r79qm459eXfwel5_t_sKLz86bvZ_Z-Zl8VrRVXWTl7qef_szOzs9Qm1_YfLZ7eW93b-fe6NOd3Z0D-vf-p7v498He6NPdBwcP6N-HO_Tv_u7-_dGDnXv7O6MHn-7t7o8ePtj7dGdE7zy89-mIft17eDDae7D_6cHBaP_h7oPdT0f3D3bu7T4cffpwb3_n3sPRg4O9Tz_d3x8d3P_0_v6Dg98E401LGnDa0ogtFc0vv2ZSV1X7MquzRfNr62e_Fv6_u4NffzPT_nfHP78p_f_Xe_f6ujl9Z2D8mt7f_G52bn79NfV3gPu1s_Op7dL_A33-mjvc46J1b7rffx1qXNov7F9479elP-qFBRv--evjo1389evx5xMLo_M3v3YeQrF_MpQdC-W8A8X9za_VIRT7J0PZs1DqDhT3N1EmtzDwh5kSJtMufvsNTdvfGP-AcESTfGU-_TWDv37tfNLYb8wfTOzc4eD9_mvlrrn3-6_drFb2c_-PX-ty6tq733-dqvY4xP7FX01y_yvzF55fe3a1NL__muaPXwf_b9beMIK_fu08cxj4f9DvK_8L-8ev2wTQwj9_7XfPnjv60x_2i6z2cPP--I2aabXKn6yXpGoc1OBTA_DHAefBzn38_usQ66xt8-Avoq83JPrDvL-rP3-NX2deS3OhIf4ybT4GgN0H0sckaDbxmn3iNSM2c4Ln__Hrvciv8qb9fwIAAP__iI3_jJgFAAA.
  2. Summersault liked a post in a topic by COLACNT in Lana Del Rey-diant! Singer is serene in white lace gown as she attends and performs at Breakthrough Prize in Life Sciences Awards   
    apparently she followed someone at NASA the other day and blake posted about performing at an award ceremony. then this just showed up on tumblr

    so random. the fuck is she doing there? negotiating a trip back to her home planet? spiting her rival? fucking an astronaut on the side? pls post more pics and videos when / if they become available!
  3. Summersault liked a post in a topic by lola in LANA SLEUTHING   
    "I also believe the reason she went away to school was for music" - the lie her parents told everyone or maybe she really didn't start drinking at 14?
  4. Summersault liked a post in a topic by lola in Ultraviolence - Pre-Release Thread   
    lol you're optimistic. my prediction is she's going to do a few interviews in like february or early spring mentioning the album and possibly mentioning plans for a new single, then be silent for 3 months, announce the single, the single doesn't come out (lol obviously), it comes out like 2 months later with a homemade video and we don't hear anything about the album till fall
  5. Summersault liked a post in a topic by naachoboy in Ultraviolence - Pre-Release Thread   
    http://instagram.com/p/b3o42DOjqt something like that? 
  6. Summersault liked a post in a topic by LittleFool in Ultraviolence - Pre-Release Thread   
    Born to Lie: The This Thread Has Been Tainted Forever Until the Release of Ultraviolence Edition
  7. Summersault liked a post in a topic by COLACNT in Ultraviolence - Pre-Release Thread   
    i just took a shit. here, have a spoonful 
    it wasn't that hard to believe that he worked at or for UMG. i mean, it was strange to me due to his age and everything but if he employed a bit more discretion and professionalism we'd till be curious about the truth 
  8. lflflflflflflflflflf liked a post in a topic by Summersault in Ultraviolence - Pre-Release Thread   
    I had no idea you could just email UMG like that but good call.
    His posts just seemed oddly specific, enough to intrigue mr and not discard him as a troll right away, but this certainly doesn't help his credibility.
    Sigh, I guess we're back to scratch speculating what UV's gonna sound like.
  9. Summersault liked a post in a topic by Dominic in Ultraviolence - Pre-Release Thread   
    you guys are literally insane believing any decent looking thirsty gay online
    i emailed UMG and they responded this morning saying they don't have that edward guy in their system 

    i'm gonna start telling everyone i wrote black beauty since y'all believe anything 
  10. Summersault liked a post in a topic by Viva in Tropico Premiere on Vevo   
    Well to me was far from simplistic and comparing it to Fellini is just wrong lol. Clearly Fellini or Deren are not her influences. I would say she is a lot more influenced by Tarantino, Kurosawa and Lynch. I understood several interesting points in the movie and also gave me a better view of what Ride is all about, what she thinks about LA back than and now. Why she is a saudosista ,someone who misses a past she never actually lived, and a better look why I believe in the country America used to be is such a defining sentsence in Lanas work.
    I also understood that heaven is not heaven and that apple is more like the blue/red pill in Matrix than anything else. Heaven is a reality of your own creation just like religion and the choices you make. In Lana's Heaven you find a famous cowboy, MM, Elvis and Jesus. Dont we all hear since childhood God and Jesus are our best friends? Plus Dia de Los Muertos is more a joke on society than anything else. Society is dead, people are dead, souless, while they are breathing and dancing.
    Lana always said that she cretaed a reality for herself. This is her reality, the one she chose to live in the past, when it was better, people were not corrupted, people were kind. I have tons of others things I notice and when i ahve time I will do a proper post
    Obviously is just my opinion and I can be triping high I just don't think I am.
  11. Summersault liked a post in a topic by COLACNT in Ultraviolence - Pre-Release Thread   
    i agree. its totally unprofessional. he's obviously not a major player at UMG, otherwise he'd be a little more discreet and a lot less self promoting. but i'm still interested in the fact that he's gotten his foot in the door 
    *googles* alexander stodden 
    "Alex Stodden, 49 year old father of Courtney Stodden is seen taking his daughter shoe shopping on Hollywood Boulevard"

  12. Summersault liked a post in a topic by Viva in Ultraviolence - Pre-Release Thread   
    1. Lana probably is working with him in some lyrics. Why not?
    2. I think it's funny calling him a trust fund baby and beeing surprised that Lana is working with him. Let's all forget that she was incredibly criticized for the simple fact her father had money and helped her (amoung other lame critics)
    3. He seems nice but he talks/spoils too much.  I wonder if Lana is beside, him while he tweets, drinking a pepsi cola and laughing at the insane amount of assumptions her fanbase is doing
    4. He is hot but too gay for me. Have fun boys
    5. I think she mostly writes alone and sends to someone to take a look and fix or add something. No biggy tbh
  13. Summersault liked a post in a topic by lflflflflflflflflflf in Ultraviolence - Pre-Release Thread   
    Well I compared his Twitter feed and his Instagram feed and here's what I got:

    Obviously songwriting was something that he's been wanting to do for a long time and he's happy to get his big break. I think he's a legit person and I'm happy that he got to realise his dream.

    I'm guessing he's in New York to work with Lana. Because from this point on, whenever he's in NY he tweets Lana-esque lines.

    I'm not totally sure if they are all Lana, but I have a feeling that at least two or three are. Since he's just gotten his big break I'm sure he's not writing for nore than one person at the same time. I think he's definitely focused on Lana and her music. A while later, he actually tweets Lana lyrics and mentions Lana:

    Then he posts a whole set of lyrics on his Instagram on the same day as that tweet (with a photo of Roses): "I know I like him, hes the bestest, my mind cant keep up to his pace. Babes my small time ganster, one touch sets my oxy glossy eyes in a spin. The minutes fall to pieces, baby forget our lives, innocense is a thing of the past. Its down to a wire, gotta get to the other side. Take my body, finish this young loves race"

    No activity again until April where he posts this on his Instagram. Not sure if it's Lana but anything's possible: "All the flight in you, all the shit you put me through, all this trouble chasing heaven, it's done. The lights have all blown out, the time is burning up, babe I'm through with you. #Timechain 11/12/13"
  14. Summersault liked a post in a topic by neuf in Ultraviolence - Pre-Release Thread   
    How many songs has she not written by herself?  I'm a bit disappointed.  I know her lyrics sometimes seem cut-and-paste of very specific motifs and are repeated often.  But still, you think there's an underlying "thing" underneath.  A lot of great artists do that and it's something that attracted to me Lana's music. You get the feeling the artist is digging towards a certain idea more and more and there's something internally important about whatever idea/turn of phrase/etc. that the artist uses so much.  Sometimes I go between thinking that she's really dumb/ditzy or really more intelligent than people give her credit for.  I don't believe there's any kind of editor for the most part because a lot of her lyrics are wonky and awkward.  There's some charm in that.  I'd concede that probably stuff from BTD and Paradise got a look-over.
    Also disappointed in this guy.  It's pretty unprofessional of him to be like this, so that makes me doubt his credibility somewhat (but you cannot deny his job title).  It's disheartening to see Lana passing off Coney Island references to some trust fund 23 year old with good looks.
    Edit: also overall --
    I hope to hear "Black Beauty" at least on this album near it's original leak.  It gives me female Leonard Cohen vibes which I think Lana would be in favor of.  Ultraviolence definitely seems influenced by A Clockwork Orange.  The feeling definitely feels more dance and electronic-oriented.  It'd be interesting to see "Behind Closed Doors" on it. 
    She spans such a breadth of genres in her back catalog; that's what is interesting.  She could release like five different EPs with a solid set of songs of the same genre.  So it's hard to guess where'd she go with this.  She can go very electronic and almost touching that excellent SOHN remix of "Ride" like the final release of BCD sounds like (but I don't think he's the producer), to something like doo-wop/60s sound like "Queen of Disaster".  There's a lot of stuff in between too.  Also it's been mentioned that it might be rocky, which she has tons of solid material in too.
    I think Interscope will have a lot of sway with this one.  She's starting to top the club charts, but that probably came after the recording of a decent portion of this album.  The label is probably seeing her as a strong Top 40 contender now.  That's why I think it will have quite a bit of electronic influence.  The "debut" didn't land quite as well, but there's some redemption in her as a club act.  It'd be stupid for Interscope not to try to target the demographic she's doing well in.
  15. kitschqueen liked a post in a topic by Summersault in Ultraviolence - Pre-Release Thread   
    !!! at AFFA
    And he's feeling you. You need to take one for the LB team  
  16. Summersault liked a post in a topic by lflflflflflflflflflf in Ultraviolence - Pre-Release Thread   
    I kinda think she writes her songs herself and then sends it off to be reviewed or 'fixed'. Person who does the 'fixing' gets accredited as co-writer? *scratches head*
  17. Summersault liked a post in a topic by silver starlet in Ultraviolence - Pre-Release Thread   
    he quotes lana in a lot of his photos 
  18. TrailerParkDarling liked a post in a topic by Summersault in Ultraviolence - Pre-Release Thread   

    I accidently his facebook  
  19. my ol man isa batman liked a post in a topic by Summersault in Ultraviolence - Pre-Release Thread   
    !!! at AFFA
    And he's feeling you. You need to take one for the LB team  
  20. silver starlet liked a post in a topic by Summersault in Ultraviolence - Pre-Release Thread   
    !!! at AFFA
    And he's feeling you. You need to take one for the LB team  
  21. Summersault liked a post in a topic by ExoticFlower in Ultraviolence - Pre-Release Thread   
    I have nightmares about Lana entering that thread, no joke 
  22. Summersault liked a post in a topic by BLOODSHOT in Ultraviolence - Pre-Release Thread   
    LMAO @ everyone here stalking him (me included )
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