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  1. Summersault liked a post in a topic by LastWordsNTime in Ever forget how perfect Born To Die is?   
    The reason for me not putting any unreleased songs on my iPod, is to keep myself from taking Born To Die & Paradise for granted. I don't want them  to get lost between the enormous amount of other songs. I do have a lot of unreleased songs on my computer, which I listen to a lot as well though, but the albums have a special place in my heart.

    I do have Sirens and AKA on my iPod, but those are albums as well so that makes sense in my world. Lah-di-dah.  
  2. Summersault liked a post in a topic by Sitar in Lana Del Rey Shooting New Short Film, "Tropico"   
    Take it a little more seriously, Monicker.
  3. lola0380 liked a post in a topic by Summersault in Lana Del Rey Shooting New Short Film, "Tropico"   
    OT: All this talk about being flaccid made me google it cause English isn't my first language and...the image results were...like..dicks. So many dicks. I'm very confused.
  4. Summersault liked a post in a topic by Bad Kid in Lana Del Rey Shooting New Short Film, "Tropico"   
    I'm so excited :excited:  
    This is either gonna be really polished and flawless or it's gonna be tacky as hell and flawless.
  5. Summersault liked a post in a topic by Symphonic in Lana Del Rey Shooting New Short Film, "Tropico"   
    Actors will be playing Elvis and Marilyn.
  6. markeyvee liked a post in a topic by Summersault in Lana Del Rey Shooting New Short Film, "Tropico"   
    OT: All this talk about being flaccid made me google it cause English isn't my first language and...the image results were...like..dicks. So many dicks. I'm very confused.
  7. YUNGATA liked a post in a topic by Summersault in Lana Del Rey Shooting New Short Film, "Tropico"   
    OT: All this talk about being flaccid made me google it cause English isn't my first language and...the image results were...like..dicks. So many dicks. I'm very confused.
  8. Summersault liked a post in a topic by NamiraWilhelm in Lana Del Rey Shooting New Short Film, "Tropico"   
    Best thing in this thread
  9. Summersault liked a post in a topic by Coney Island King in Lana Del Rey Shooting New Short Film, "Tropico"   
  10. Summersault liked a post in a topic by IamThatGirlLily in Lana Del Rey Shooting New Short Film, "Tropico"   
    What I like about Lana is that ever since VG came out, she has always been that healthy looking girl. Not skinny mini nor chubby. She looks good - I bet she could go back to VG era body in no time. But thing is: people should not take model's body as a reference, those peeps are a minority and most of these super toned, skinny girls spend much time of their days focusing on diet and exercise. I'd rather have Lana focusing on music and video projects.
  11. dietpepsicola liked a post in a topic by Summersault in Lana Del Rey Shooting New Short Film, "Tropico"   
    OT: All this talk about being flaccid made me google it cause English isn't my first language and...the image results were...like..dicks. So many dicks. I'm very confused.
  12. lola liked a post in a topic by Summersault in Lana Del Rey Shooting New Short Film, "Tropico"   
    OT: All this talk about being flaccid made me google it cause English isn't my first language and...the image results were...like..dicks. So many dicks. I'm very confused.
  13. fruitpunchlips liked a post in a topic by Summersault in Lana Del Rey Shooting New Short Film, "Tropico"   
    OT: All this talk about being flaccid made me google it cause English isn't my first language and...the image results were...like..dicks. So many dicks. I'm very confused.
  14. Summersault liked a post in a topic by sukiedelrey in Lana Del Rey Shooting New Short Film, "Tropico"   
    THANK YOU. People need to cut this "a real, healthy, normal woman" shit out. How about a ~real woman~ is a human being that identifies as female--not a number on the scale or "sexy curves" or "huge thigh gap." By saying only people with more body fat are normal you're minimalizing naturally thin people; by saying only skinny people can be healthy you're insulting people with a naturally larger weight/shape who are doing just fine, tyvm. Body shaming in any form isn't o-fucking-kay or harmless or funny, as proved by the thousands of deaths globally (across all cultures, ages, and gender identities) from eating disorders.
    On a more on-topic note, I need those red shoes in my life. Any help from the more fashion-aware people? I suppose I'll have to check the Lana clothes threads. And I--like everyone else--am hopelessly excited for whatever this new video is.
  15. vmbb liked a post in a topic by Summersault in Lana Del Rey Shooting New Short Film, "Tropico"   
    OT: All this talk about being flaccid made me google it cause English isn't my first language and...the image results were...like..dicks. So many dicks. I'm very confused.
  16. LastWordsNTime liked a post in a topic by Summersault in Lana Del Rey Shooting New Short Film, "Tropico"   
    OT: All this talk about being flaccid made me google it cause English isn't my first language and...the image results were...like..dicks. So many dicks. I'm very confused.
  17. Heaux liked a post in a topic by Summersault in Lana Del Rey Shooting New Short Film, "Tropico"   
    Oh well, you learn something new everyday
    ps. I don't think Lana looks like an unerect penis or fat, just a ~grown woman~
  18. youcallmelavender liked a post in a topic by Summersault in Lana Del Rey Shooting New Short Film, "Tropico"   
    OT: All this talk about being flaccid made me google it cause English isn't my first language and...the image results were...like..dicks. So many dicks. I'm very confused.
  19. COLACNT liked a post in a topic by Summersault in Lana Del Rey Shooting New Short Film, "Tropico"   
    OT: All this talk about being flaccid made me google it cause English isn't my first language and...the image results were...like..dicks. So many dicks. I'm very confused.
  20. Summersault liked a post in a topic by ExoticFlower in Lana Del Rey Shooting New Short Film, "Tropico"   
    I just want to rest my head on her stomach while she strokes my hair and sings softly to me. Aaaahhh. Her skin looks so nice, I could just eat her up...
    I think she looks hot, and she seems happy! It's normal for girls (and guys) to gain a few pounds when they settle down with someone. That's a good sign - The Scottish hobo hipster makes her happy, and that makes me happy 
    And am I the only one who's still going all OMG SHE'S IN UNDERWEAR!!! I need a minute.... 
  21. Summersault liked a post in a topic by plush in Lana Del Rey Shooting New Short Film, "Tropico"   
  22. Summersault liked a post in a topic by Sitar in Lana Del Rey Shooting New Short Film, "Tropico"   
    OH MY GOD.
    I'm ready for it, guys. Monologues to make you cringe and a filtered sunset as she twirls in the air and people jumping down her throat for advocating prostitution. I love this shit
    Do you think Barrie is like, "Lana, doll, since you fucked the guy in your last videos and probably the blond cunt in the Karma video, you have to hire old men."
    Lana: "Oh, no, Barrie, you're inflicting such a terrible punishment on me... :creepna:"
    ~time lapse~
    Lana: "Okay Barrie Bear, I can't just repeat myself, pleeeeease can I hire Swallow again?" *de irony being thick*
    Barrie: "No *pulls out catalogue of suitably unfuckable yet visually appealing dudes he's found*"
    Lana: "Okay do what you do best eat the Pepsi cola you good for nuthin piece of shit I h8 you #cockblock"
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