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About CherryGalore

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    Sitting in yo mama's apple pie

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  1. And now Kyle N. has directed TS's new video Lana style. Copycat much.
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YasQOiswPSk The intro is the first few bars from La Vie en Rose.
  3. Edith Piaf: La Vie En Rose (intro to St. Tropez Party Girl.)
  4. I very clearly hear "where I'd rise like a Phoenix or an iron from the fire" .....
  5. I don't really know where to post this... I wonder what happened between Lana and Jaime King. They def had a falling out. Modern day proof: Jaime isn't following Lana on instagram anymore (GOSH I swear I do have a life.) It just seems odd. And now Jaime is besties with TS. I mean, gimme some truth
  6. What a great piece to learn when you're just starting out! Do you sense the same influence? Or am I flying solo on this one? x
  7. I'll get down to Big Eyes any day, but I much prefer I Can Fly! The first thought that popped into my head listening to it for the first time was ERIK SATIE and his Gymnopedie no. 1. Well, I guess that's technically two thoughts.
  8. She was born at 9 am, she stated this in an interview (radio, I think.) She identifies as a gemini...
  9. @@effr nice!! Thanks x I wonder why we haven't heard more about Steven Mertens. Is there any info on how long they were together for...? Also - when did she share an apartment in NY with her siblings, then? I thought it was while she was studying. Jeez, the Lana timeline is extremely confusing to me tbh. x
  10. My gosh, she's already such an icon, a legend in her own right. The interviewer, chicken head movements and all, would totally do her.
  11. Whitney Houston: Queen of the night (Go Go Dancer) Whitney Houston: (I'm gonna) // I'll run to you (Old Money)
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