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Everything posted by iseeyouupsidedown

  1. Yeah it's kind of weird that theres incorrect lyrics from You instead of a track list...
  2. Did you buy it from Urban? One of my friends saw it there and sent a picture of it to me thinking maybe I didn't know there was a vinyl haha. I told him I heard about it on here though and that I was going to wait until it's on Amazon like some of you said. I don't think there's an urban outfitters around me... Meh there's probably one in Detroit... I like the back of it a lot <3 She should've used that picture as the cover tbh. edit: wait hold up... Did they get the lyrics wrong on the back? I know "when" you struggle?
  3. If I could sing I think it would be really awesome to do a show with her because sometimes I feel like I was born to be a performer lol... Or maybe open for her and thengo to an after party with her and get drunk and just have a ton of fun and get to know her, and of course as a fan of her music, discuss it with her and see what she's working on and maybe listen to some unleaked tracks <3
  4. How do people trade though? It sounds risky to me... Seems way too easy to just send someone a fake file or nothing at all... Someone's gotta send what they got first... I'm thinking of those grade school games "Ill do it if you do it! 1...2...3! You didn't do it!" "You didn't do it either!" (Also like the episode of family guy with hitler and Eva Braun if anyone here knows what I'm talking about)..
  5. So is it going to leak or not because I like need it so bad, it has such a cool name... I'm going through Charli XCX withdrawal... I can't remember the last time I haven't heard at LEAST one new song by her every other week...
  6. I was thinking the exact same thing... Someone that is a big enough Charli fan to have such rare tracks probably is aware of this forum's existence.
  7. I thought she was the biggest joke at first but now I actually kind of like her. She's trashy but cool and fun and she seems real and unafraid to speak her mind, even if she's terrible live and sometimes her voice is really annoying...
  8. I don't want HH to leak, I just want someone nice on here to get it and share it with me <3 Of course SOMEONE will leak it... But I honestly wouldn't. I think it's safe to say the people in this thread are some of the biggest Charli fans out there. Just because we have it doesn't mean the general public has to hear it, and that way it wouldn't really hurt Charli at all.
  9. I never would've guessed they hang out! That's kind of cool. I want to listen to Angel Haze now... I actually just listened to one of her songs earlier unrelated to this because someone I know posted it (It started with an I... intuition or something?) and it sounded kind of good. The first time I hard of Angel Haze was when Azealia dissed her or she dissed Azealia or something, and honestly I never thought of Angel Haze as her own person or musician ever... I always just tied her to that feud. I'd never heard of her before that and I haven't really heard much about her since.
  10. When i think of pokemon I just think of generally living/animal-like things or creatures... A sword just doesn't really fit to me. It's a weapon. A possessed weapon doesn't really fit in the same world where seahorses fight dragons and mushroom creatures to me... idk I sound dumb now haha, I just don't think it really looks like a "pokemon". Just my opinion.
  11. I'm XY news, has anyone here seen the new sword pokemon that was revealed earlier today? I think it's really dumb but people commenting on pokejungle seem to like it... I don't have a problem with basing pokemon off inanimate objects if they do it right... Chandelure is awesome! But this sword pokemon... And the ice cream pokemon.... Just not good.
  12. Is that a thing? A thing that exists?
  13. that would be cool but where is it? it's already 2 here which means it's 7 in the UK right? I don't see it happening. I also don't want to get my hopes up.
  14. Can someone post a list of the song titles that are confirmed but unleaked? I don't really pay attention to them because I can't listen to them anyway... How do we know songs exist if we've never heard them and Charli herself has never talked about them?
  15. iseeyouupsidedown


    I love Tennis Court but STILL haven't really gotten into anything else she's got. I listened to Love Club and it's good but idk I just didn't care to get into her other stuff for whatever reason? Is it bad that I sort of don't want to like her because she's only 16... Ok yes it's bad, but I think of when I was 15-16 and I just wasn't the same at all. It's like, there's no way at her age the things she writes about can be the same things I feel now... But then again I like some music Charli wrote when she was 14... Maybe I just matured late... It just bothers me that someone who's only 16 can make a song like Tennis Courts.... 16 seems so young to me now (I'll be 21 in a few months).
  16. What is it you think Marina is trying to do though? Because I really don't think her and Lana are trying to do the same thing at all, bandwagoners on tumblr just like to group them together because they are both pop but also alternative so they earn extra the "cool factor" that way I guess, and Marina's suburban housewife and beauty queen archetypes are kind of similar to Lana's whole aestethic I guess. But they really aren;t that similar, a lot of people that like one just happen to also like the other and a lot of bandwagoners looking for whatever is "hipster" but still pop enough for them to ACTUALLY like the music love them both.
  17. The only people that like Lana in my experience are pop listeners though... Marina had a much more diverse fanbase before her second album.. Electra Heart honestly screwed her over a bit as far as artistic integrity goes. She gained more fans, but lost her alternative appeal. I'm hoping she gets it back with her next album though.
  18. I wasn't saying Lana copied Marina, I know Lana has been writing music since before Hollywood, I'm just saying she may have been inspired by Marina later and in some other ways. Being inspired doesn't mean copying. But considering she likes Marina I'm sure she was somewhat of an inspiration to her. But it's IMPOSSIBLE for Marina to have been inspired by Lana at all, at least for her first record. And pretty much for Electra Heart too since it would have been completed by the time Lana came into the scene.
  19. Honey you got it backwards. Lana adores Marina and was honestly inspired by her probably. Her facebook page used to have Marina and the Diamonds under her "likes" before she even released the Born to Die music video that got her large mainstream success. Marina did everything BEFORE Lana. You make it sound like Lana was around first and Marina somehow copied her but failed...
  20. I'm actually a fan of Icona Pop independently of Charli. I really like their other stuff. Manners, Top Rated, Lovers to Friends, Downtown. I like a lot of their stuff. I Love it is definitely Charli's though.
  21. Lol oh god... If this was "what do you wish Sky did differently"...... Is anyone else really curious as to what Charli will write about on the next album!? Like she devoted a whole album to love already, and that's a broad enough topic that I guess she could write another album with nothing but songs that relate to love or heartbreak in some way... Tbh they are such common themes in music, and there's so much to say about them, I really can't think of many songs I listen to that aren't in some way about a relationship... I mean The Family Hewels by Marina is a great album that doesn't deal with love much at all really. It just feels like Charli has written so much about love, now that she's in a long term relationship I don't know how she's going to crank out 10-14 more songs about it... She's gotta have something else she wants to write about... Edit: the Family Hewels............. Just so you guys know, when my posts have tons of really bad typos and make no sense, it's because I typed them on my phone...
  22. Basically this. I want her to stay as unknown as possible until I see her in September and then she can blow up if she wants. But I really want to meet her first!
  23. I wish she would've put her own version of I Love It on True Romance... I don't mind that she gave it to Icona Pop, but I wish we had a Charli only song and I feel like True Romance is lacking in the "idgaf I'm so done with you" break up song department. It's just got Cloud Aura which is still very hurt. I think having a really fun badass breakup song would've really added to the spectrum of emotion about romance on the album.
  24. Yeah I immediately thought Britney when I saw the facebook comment she made about writing for someone who was her idol growing up... I mean, how many of her idols from her childhood 1. Still make music 2. Would work with William Orbit and Starsmith 3. Don't write their own music It can only really be Britney... And idk how I feel about that tbh... I don't feel like Charli is right for an artist like Britney... It works for Icona Pop, but I can't imagine Britney singing something penned by Charli.. I'd rather she keep the hits for herself or give them to someone I really like... We can at least be hopeful that Charli will record demos of these songs and they will leak.
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