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Everything posted by clementines

  1. clementines

    Melanie Martinez

    This made me think ab that gross ass vid of her and Oliver where they’re doing the little kiss spaghetti thing and it went in her gap and it slipped outtttt
  2. I hope iron gates is recorded in a studio bc the POTENTIAL
  3. clementines

    Charli XCX

    i honestly end XCX World with ATAP acoustic version
  4. clementines

    Katy Perry

    im not gonna listen but is it good???
  5. Honeymoon Norman F*cking Rockwell Lust For Life Born To Die Ultraviolence Paradise AKA Lizzy Grant
  6. Sorry to bump this but I just watched my body electric video again and I just cannot believe I got to hear that fucking song live
  7. The greatest is the best song on NFR & one of the best songs in her discography
  8. Born To Die 100% the strings just like DO IT
  9. I LOVE Dan Heath him and Rick are her best producers.
  10. If the production of COCC is anything like NFR with that empty airy quiet sound I’m gonna be upset, I love NFR but I miss Rick A TON these days
  11. She just set up a whole line of posts she’s coming
  13. THE RED BOX DYE I was looking forward for ms blondie BUT I would be here for honeymoon/BTD hair again
  14. Done! It kind of hurt not to vote for Finneas though because LFILFTN is SO GOOD
  15. LA who am I to love you and SportCruiser are one of the best things she’s ever made
  16. LA Who Am I To Love You (+16) The Land Of 1,000 Fires (15) Violent Bent Backwards Over The Grass (-12) Past The Bushes Cypress Thriving (15) Salamander (16) Never To Heaven (14) Sportcruiser (17) Tessa Dipietro (16) Quiet Waiter Blue Forever (15) What Happened When I Left You (13) Happy (16) My Bedroom Is A Sacred Place Now - There Are Children At The Foot Of My Bed (14) Paradise Is Very Fragile (16) Bare Feet On Linoleum (15)
  17. clementines

    Taylor Swift

    I feel this exact same way I went to the speak now tour and I loved all her records since but this one...imma just act like it didn’t happen
  18. I’m honestly SO DOWN for a country album I LOVE stupid for being happy and her voice on it, or an album in the vein of LFA sonically
  19. clementines

    Taylor Swift

    I just started the album and the 1 and cardigan aren’t anything special imo the last great American dynasty ain’t threat great either the lyrics are weak and the instrumental goes NOWHERE exile is easily the best song so far I HOPE that cocc doesn’t sound like this album omg I hate the production invisible string is cute asf mad woman is a MOOD I rlly like it betty is my new fave it reminds me of old Taylor hoax might be the best lyrically on the album The album is cute imo maybe like a 5/10 ??? Idk it’s not up to par with the quality of her past albums imo
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