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Everything posted by clementines

  2. I agree About her vocals, like all the screaming at her live shows now just like isn’t it. I do you think it happened during the Joanne era or maybe during a star is born even could it be related to like the fake country accent thing she had going on? Or her fibromyalgia maybe, because she just doesn’t sound like herself anymore
  3. I've been a fan of gaga since i was 4 but i don't like either Stupid Love or Free Woman and i'm really bummed
  4. clementines

    Charli XCX

    I love having spotify, we keep winning
  5. clementines

    Song vs. Song

    NFR vs. Honeymoon
  6. clementines

    Charli XCX

    my fave album by Charli is Charli BUT this is going to top it PERIOD
  7. clementines

    Charli XCX

    are we getting the "liquid in my hands, liquid in my mouth" song???
  8. clementines


    This is so cuteeee
  9. y'all Reminds Me (studio version) is pretty bad BUT the acoustic HITS
  10. And the FJM demo is SO GOOD too
  11. clementines

    Melanie Martinez

    i refuse to believe that is real
  12. AGREE, everyone on Twitter is living for the snippets but to me they sound REALLY basic (pls don’t let this be her L+F)
  13. clementines

    Song vs. Song

    Fine China vs My Lust For Life (LFL demo)
  14. it sounds basic asf, i really hope there are better songs on the album than this and SL
  15. Tomorrow Never Came is top 3 on LFL
  16. does she know we can see who she follows cuz...
  17. I'm still thinking about how this could have been her best album if these songs had bridges
  18. clementines

    Miley Cyrus

    its all supposed to be released i think
  19. so what has played already? (nvm im stoopid)
  20. clementines

    Miley Cyrus

    Hate Me is SO GOOD
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