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Everything posted by leaked_version

  1. Do we have numbers for the capacity of each show? I mean, how many tickets go on sale for each show?
  2. I don't want any more videos and artwork where LDR lives in her own Instagram filter.
  3. Hell, idk. It's just so random that this account only follows her. Honeymoon is not a really unsual word. Thinking a fan would have made it and hoping that Lana notices it, is a bit too much. I am pretty sure that when she started following it, she knew what she was doing. And that account is only following Lana. Nobody else.
  4. I wouldn't be too suprised tbh, since she is putting less and less effort in the visual aspects of things. I am not even sure if I am excited anymore. This Muse dude worries me a biT. I am just lying here and waiting.
  5. told ya from start. Her E.T. era is coming wanna be your victim, ready for abduction boy, you're an alien, your touch so far away its supernatural, extraterrestrial
  6. Well, when she uplloads a pictures that listens to a jazz station, it probably means that the album will be heavily jazz inspired.
  7. well, she uploaded a picture on her Instagram that she is listening to this radio station, so I guess that is a hint enough of how the album will sound: jazz
  8. Biggest joke of the evening: the winner was the singer Senta Sofia Deliponti. Just a reminder: the category is best female International. Too bad Sofia has a german passport and lives here.
  9. or to quote the Queen of Pop (and biggest talent in music in general, Katy Perry): "You change your mind, like a girl changes clothes" Playing Hot N Cold as we speak
  10. She isn't. She would have landed already and there would be pictures of her in the German press. Anyways, the ECHO is terrible. It's so terribly outdated. Helene Fischer is winning in the same category for the same album for the second time. A travesty.
  11. leaked_version

    Azealia Banks

    Kween keeps on delivering
  12. Well, her ideas for songs and albums must be years old then. Not that it is news, she often re-uses stuff, but I always find it interesting how a random idea turns into a whole album
  13. Lol, as IF he would post a snippet of an actual new song on his Instagram. He could totally forget about working with her ever again, besides it's obviously Flipside. Well, she is nowhere to be seen for a month now, so I guess she is recording and will continue to do so until the tour. But with who? How come we don't know anything?
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