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Everything posted by leaked_version

  1. Instead of everybody just posting: "I wish the new album would be like this", "I want that", "OMG let ha promote" etc....Why don't we start to get more familiar with Mark Ronson as a record producer? After listening to the Black Keys a lot before UV dropped, I knew what was coming. I mean, nobody can totally change their handwriting. When you know with what you are dealing with from the beginning, it makes it easier to get into a record once it's out.
  2. let it go, let it goooooooo.....BTD-Lana is not coming back
  3. I'm flabbergasted by the fact that some of you believe that Haynie, Heath or Nowels could have ever done this record justice.
  4. Just watch, the new single will probably be called "Endless Summer"
  5. This is a discussion board after all. If some of you think that being a fan only means to just sit there and clap without ever being unsatisfied with the music, looks or statements by your favourite artist than you are really something else. Every artist has to take the heat. EVERYBODY! When everybody can, Lana can, too. And this is not even taking some serious critisism, this is trivial shit. Don't be so defensive. Personally, I don't think she looked the best she could, BUT she seemed to be in such a great mood, it reminded me a lot of her back in 2011 or 2012 and one of the reasons I fell in love with this woman.
  6. Well, but look. We need to leave this "OMG, she is so senstive" things go away. If you are a recording artist, if you are in the public eye, you should be able to deal with some things. Other artists had to endure way worse on a daily basis, see Beyonce and the fake pregnancy rumours. Now that's a thing. To be on some worst dressed-lists is just nothing compared to that
  7. She is a a public figure. She can deal with it.
  8. Ugh, it's so filthy to say something negative, but the only thing that was really off was the dress. Her hair looked nice, she looked good, but that cheap mermaid dress in THAT colour simply doesn't suit anybody. However, next time will be better. I was just happy to see her smile again
  9. before y'all come at me, but I think that OTTR will be a one-time event in Lana discography. I will eat my words if she suprises me. I have never ever heard a song like that. Such a rollercoaster-ride, at least that's how I explain this song to others. But I rather think that by the way how she described the writing process for this record, it ain't gonna happen, lyrically. And the song had this great production on it, it was insane.
  10. I would probably fall asleep during track no. 3. but srsly, i hope she picks up some pace and comes up with some upbeat songs. As much as I like UV, I really don't have the nerve to go through another ultraslow alberm.
  11. Well, that got deleted. I think people express what they didn't like about the UV era and the frustration about it, because the album deserved way better. Others however will forever and always just love BTD and will never shut up about the fact that Lana is not their personal jukebox
  12. Why can't we have both? It's a legit part of being a fan of an artist. Why is it so hard to talk about popularity when this place even discussed incest?
  13. To be fair, 9 songs are written and 4 are already finished. SInce she mentioned him as the producer, he will most likely stay it. She will most likely finish the recordings before or shortly after the tour if she wants to release it this year. And it sounded like her writing process in almost finished, cause "she only wants to tie the things together" sis
  14. Well, that's true. You listen to BTD and you hear hit after hit after.hit. Almost all of the 12 songs could have been singles. Somebody else posted here or was in another thread idk anymore, that to get a hit, it's simply not enough having a good song. You also need the label to fully support you and get you a radio deal and push you. I am not sure if Interscope / Polydor are still interested in that anymore. She has to come up with great material. I can understand MIAM to a point when it comes to that we as devoted fans also need the GeePee to like and buy Lana's music simply because it helps her stick around longer and gives music we love (hopefully) and motivation enough to get her drive back. But regardless, the most shocking thing to me out of the interviews she gave was not the "I wish I was dead already" - thing, but more that she said she doesn't feel driven anymore. I was like: hell girl, but what is the purpose to release music when you don't feel the drive to get better, more exciting, challenge yourself??? That was shocking to me.
  15. Ok, but her sales in the UK declined, and I am being friendly here. From 960k to 150k. Her brand is for sure demaged in the UK or people simply lost interest in her. The Guardian played a role in there and her Glasto performance was just bad as well Hell, she had a hell of a bad year in terms of promoting her work. Let's hope it changes.
  16. Lana's tour gross is her own after she has paid the tour organizer, the venue and the musicians. She does not have a 360 deal, that is all I know for sure. So her label only makes money off the music, not the ticket sales.
  17. If that is true and it really stays the artwork, then everything looks way more organized than last time around. I hope she manages to create lots of buzz for this.
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