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Everything posted by leaked_version

  1. Weak shot. I will adress my point on Brinti another time
  2. Don't have time since I am cooking, but just this. You got it all wrong. and: Britney does not even bother to sing on her recent outputs herself. How on earth is she involved? And yes, she for sure has had impact on teenage pop. Especially in creating clones who are just product without any essence as an artist, but rather just a record label creation.
  3. She is an icon. Why? She has very early in her career, established a style in terms of looks, video & music that people recognize. She has very, very early on in her career established a very devoted fanbase which is quite big and global. She is doing lots this era that maybe does affect her status, but overall she is doing fine. You don't have to have a career for 10, 15 or 20 years to be an icon. After such a long time, the word "diva" is probably more appropriate. And what the heck is it with you people to bring up FKA Twigs in this discussion here? She has just started and is plummeting down the charts in her 2nd chart week. And somebody posted that Britney has revolutionized pop music? With what? Don't get me wrong, Britney is an icon, but because of her lack of involvment in her music in every aspect of the game, she will never reach the status of some other female singers. Lana has impacted the charts worldwide with a very distinctive image. Something Marina for instance can only dream of.
  4. Since you are a Lamb, ppl would rather expect you to know what you are talking about when you mention sheep.
  5. Oh hunty, you want some personal conversation with me? My inbox is ready if you want to. And since when is Ariana's album a topic here in this thread? See, I love being off-topic and get on people's nerves, but I do that with my status, not in a thread.
  6. Sorry, but you have disqualified yourself. Move on and listen to some LP1 and get your life or whatever.
  7. What do you actually know about, let's say alternative, rock, jazz or blues? I am really eager to know
  8. She said, she wanted a jazzy album, soft and calm. Like a contrast to the album title. Emile and his production don't do that. And while I really like Emile, you should stop behaving like he is God or something. Even freaking Adele's producer did a good job on LP1 and we all have heard his version of Black Beauty, which is nowhere near perfect. That LP1 turned out to be the record that it is, is most likely because of Twigs vision for what she wanted the album to sound like, not because Emile pushed her into it.
  9. Still, National Anthem is a straight forward pop song so that was not really a difficult task to change it. Most songs on UV aren't. They simply wouldn't work with his production-style. And I personally think that Haynie didn't do the song (National Anthem in this case) justice. He slowed it down way too much. Otherwise I have liked the production on most of the songs on BTD.
  10. ^^ You really miss things the most when they seem to be gone for maybe forever To be fair towards Lana and Emile, I really don't think that he would have added / improved / worsened or whatever Ultraviolence. The only tracks I can eventually imagine him being on there are MPG and FMWUTTT. The rest just isn't something, I think at least, he would have gotten his head around. I think it is really more up to Lana to have a real vision how her album should be like. So I am excited to hear this track and maybe when it's time for a new alberm, Lana brings him back. Out of Dan H. and Dan A., he is still the best option to go with, loon and all
  11. Hell, I will take anything that is not in the vein of something like "I'm a sad girl, I'm a bad girl" at this point. And I actually like DMD a lot.
  12. I hope it's not something DARK and SLOW again. We had that for a while now. I hope it's upbeat. It would be a nice change
  13. Off To The Races Summertime Sadness Video Games Brooklyn Baby Driving In Cars With Boys Raise Me Up Radio West Coast (original audio)
  14. What I really miss is her being fun. It really worries me that she suffers from depression, so I wish her all the best. I also hope she finds joy again in what she is doing. I am really, really struggeling to find any indication that she is currently enjoying her music. Anybody remembers when Dan Auerbach said in that one radio interview that Ultraviolence is "a sonic monster" ? LMAO. Where is that sonic monster, Dan? And Lana claiming she was dancing to the record? Sorry, but how do you actually dance to this record? What really would have worked in terms of sound would have been a song like "Lonely Boy" for a single or something. On a sidenote: that video did cost em probably 50 bucks or so with the black guy dancing and lipping, but damn it was so effective. Compare that to the UV videos so far, well...
  15. Ok, it took me some time to give my final judgement and the never ending comparisons to BTD & P. I may be not as eloquent as some posters here, but I will give it a shot. Not that it really matters cause this place has become pretty dead, but hey... Just like on BTD, we have some standouts on UV that strike me after a few listens: Shades of Cool, Brooklyn Baby and West Coast. I think these three tracks along with The Other Woman execute at the very best what she was going for with this album: a soft mood, sad but relaxed, laid-back record. Like portaying herself and her lovers from a distance, observing. The sad thing about this album is that you can actually hear, that she really had trouble writing it and putting it all together. She has talked about it in several interviews that she had basically stopped writing, because she had nothing to write about, she felt numb and defeated by everything going on around her. Some people on here and other places blame the production of Dan Auerbach, but the production is actually not the main issue here, it's Lana's songwriting and her lack of a vision for this album. Something that also doesn't play into her cards is that with a rock and jazzy sound it is even more difficult to cover up the lack of ideas in terms of songwriting. With hip hop beats, electronica and strings you can at least vaccum it in a nice way. Regardless of the flaws on BTD, you could close your eyes and you had all the songs almost like a movie lined up in front of your eyes, playing and evolving. UV doesn't do that. It feels like she didn't know where to go with it. Lana is still a sad potato, she still writes songs about the men she loves and how she will do anything to make their relationship work while wearing her red dress and being a mess and so on.... The problem is: we have all heard it before and it was pretty well executed, we don't need more semi-likeable versions of it like on Cruel World which draggs forever and Sad Girl or Pretty When You Cry. Lana just has not improved when structuring a song, not adding shifts and breaks (except for West Coast). She has talked many times about how she always reads the same books & poems, watches the same movies and listens to the same music. I am just wondering how she has managed to write 200 and more songs while always being exposed to the same stuff. Maybe after this record, she should turn to something new & fresh. What I miss is the actual fun in Lana's music. Despite an album called Born To Die, I could always sense some joy and even a sense of humour in her music during the most time. Only in Brooklyn Baby she manages to do it on UV. Songs like MPG and FMWUTTT are supposed to be sarcastic and powerful, but they sound uninspired, flat and unfinished. If she wanted to be sarcastic & angry then turn it up, girl! Don't tone it down. What also bugs me about this era is her complete absence of interesting visuals. Nobody can tell me that the videos so far have been great, not even the best one for SOC. She seems so desinterested and bored, you sometimes fear she will fall asleep to her own music in her own video. This lack of vision, interest and care leaves us, the fans, wondering and unsatisfyied. There will be always people on here who will say: OMG, she is an indie queen and she is rock now and so much more mature than before. Sadly, she is not. She has just chosen another direction for her music, which as I stated before doesn't really compliment her lack of ideas for this album. I grew up listenting to Tori Amos and PJ Harvey. I know how great artists can make alternative music sound, how they work with song structures, never allowing the music to be predictable and flat and how much they care about different layers in their music. Maybe she actually has found her sound on the previous record, not executed at the very best by Haynie for sure, but maybe it's something that suits her better than trying to be an artist she is not or simply lacks the musicality to get there.
  16. Ok, I re-watched this one and damn Lana, this is a new high at laziness.
  17. Just as long it's not the "loon" sound, I am here for it. Although, I also don't want Dan Auerbach on it. I just want music with more layers than on UV sonically. I think that some of the sound of Paradise was actually a good move, it was just that some songs were not that strong. I think that songs like "American", "Ride" and "Bel Air" sound exceptional. I will however forever and ever hate "Gods and Monsters" and "Body Electric". But I'd rather take another great full lenght than an EP with half-baked songs. She needs to be careful with not running out of ideas for new music. I think she will keep on changing her sound. Thank God she has changed it for Ultraviolence, I honestly couldn't have handled another Haynie overproduction. Maybe she should allow her music to be more playful, fun & upbeat . No audience wants to listen to slow songs all the time, Lana
  18. Thankfully, Lana has sold way more worldwide than Borde.
  19. Srsly, the straights can keep James Franco. Everytime I see him somewhere he looks like he has a rotten smell coming outta his mouth and hasn't seen a shower in like a week or two. No thanks. I am here for Dan Osborne coming out and making out with me. I will be ready. Lana can keep James. Deal?
  20. I wasn't pissed, don't worry I am pretty sure that many artists these days still admire Kate and check her out, especially in England. Her music is deeply rooted in England and yeah, she gets an almost god-like treatment there from everybody. She was never huge in America, probably because she despised promoting and never toured since 1979 in Europe. Back in the day, if you wanted to be heared in the States, you needed to tour your ass off, radio was not that important as today. What I personally love about Kate besides her music? Her speaking voice is almost angelic, she is very shy and never in a star-modus, eloquent & gentle. Not a diva. And yeah, artists like her don't happen that often, maybe once in our lifetimes, which is kinda sad. If you ever want to listen to Kate, listen to The Dreaming and Hounds Of Love. An album like HOL could teach our girl Lona Delery lots about songwriting and being cohesive without repeating yourself. SRSLY, somebody needs to give Lana Hounds Of Love asap.
  21. When you are lucky enough to have a career going since 1978 and sell out 22 London gigs in the Apollo in less than 15 minutes, it says enough. http://www.spiegel.de/kultur/musik/kate-bush-tickets-fuer-konzerte-in-london-in-rekordzeit-ausverkauft-a-961281.html And how to describe the impact of an artist when you have not lived in that time? The first female to get a No.1 song with a self-written song, the first female who produced her own album with age 21 /22 (!!!), the first artist experimenting with electronic sounds on a big commercial release. She was indeed what people say so carelessly these days, ahead of her time, without even trying. It was just natural to her.
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