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Everything posted by leaked_version

  1. leaked_version


    Oh dear Andrew, thankfully I hit the gym to keep my body in shape and to stay attractive for my fellow gays. Isn't it you who looks like white gay Steve Urkel? Anyway, did I come for her size? No. Did I come for that catchphrase she is using that got overused more than a decade ago? Yes. Think than post. It won't make you more desireable though, you stupid piece of shit. Oh, and another thing you fucking amateur: come up with a better drag than "eating taco with blabla" what we even don't have here, before you try to drag me. Your attempt is as outdated as "Got Milf?"
  2. leaked_version


    worst song of 2016 along with Fathan Traitor so far. And "Got Milf" is so ten years ago. Pretty much like her in general.
  3. YAAAAAASSSSS!!!! I don't want sleepy jazz songs anymore when she can not sing jazz anyway. Bring on the Roar's and The Shake It Off's, Lana!
  4. I don't know HOW many times it will be posted til you all start realising that SHE NEVER SAID SHE IS GOING TO RELEASE THAT NEW YORK STYLE RECORD AS HER NEXT ALBUM. The quotes from her interview were totally taken out of the context. She was just asked how a NYC record would sound in comparison to a Californian record (which was a stupid question anyway). She just gave the obvious answer that it would be grittier and louder, but never did she say that she will make that record, like ever. I swear, I see it posted like once a day at least for months now.
  5. Stream Debbie Lovato's new sing on Spotify, y'all!
  6. let us ust all be excited. at this point we are all just speculating. Although some things make more sense than others.
  7. Thanks for acknowledging greatness. Much appreciated.
  8. It makes no sense to release Salvatore a year after the album came out. On top of that, I think that song is pretty attached to Francesco. I don't see her going back to that point.
  9. Not because of that, but because of the casting. What a beautiful view. Sunny, warm, beach. Just watch her turn this into a b/w video.
  10. Ok, we know where she is shooting the video. So what now? Anybody going there to stalk?
  11. wasn't it posted that the filming starts on the 30th? Think Venice!
  12. I don't like her attitude that she can not deal with being critisized. It's not healthy. Oh, but if this video has some lipsync action going on, you guys who live in the area should totally stalk it and record the music.
  13. Why big budget? They are paying the actors 175 a day. That's not a lot
  14. I don't think this is for Honeymoon. It would be a total waste of money. And I am screaming at "Think Venice" and "all etnicities"...Like, how many ethnicities are there in Venice?
  15. I can not watch this, but saw a video of Bey and Kendrick posted on ATRL. Bey is always killing it so there is no surprise. She is truly the best performer out there. Or can somebody else name me a better one? I will be waiting.
  16. Oh well, Lana should see this. Should we attack this hoe?
  17. We need to stalk these models and make their lives a living hell! But before that, we have to make sure that her stylist "accidently" makes her blonde again.
  18. No, just no to this look. Go blonde or go home. And why is she dating a nobody again? I really don't understand this woman. She actually looked her best and happiest when she was single.
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