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Everything posted by leaked_version

  1. leaked_version

    Azealia Banks

  2. Oh, so she'll only perform National Anthem then?
  3. I really hope we get some great videos. And it's awesome she will play more gigs! I still sense a similar way of working on the new album like with Honeymoon when she had probably written the record the before she hit the road for the Endless Summer Tour and then finishing the album right after.
  4. This looks like a festival tour to me.I don't think there will be a proper tour. And the reason she started recording is probably because she will finish the album after the Ireland date and release the record in early 2017
  5. who cares about Merica when you can do POLAND????
  6. aren't Parsley and MariNO headlining this year though? I hope they add more dates. No word of Lollapalooza in the US though. So she ain't playing there probably this year.
  7. OMG. Is my wish to her finally returning to the ashy blonde look finally becoming true?
  8. TO be fair. HM and Paradise are on par. I think the only reason some like Paradise more was because of the hype and Lana being at her peak back then.
  9. Dear God, let it be upbeat
  10. I hate that song. Meet Me In The Pale Moonlight, Is It Wrong or Behind Closed Doors any day of the week.
  11. I am sorry you can't handle when somebody asks you about a simple definition of what ICONIC is. This reads more like it's your problem. Your problems with me are not my problems. These are your problems. And when I posted back in the summer that the songs she used as promo singles "Honeymoon", "High By The Beach", "Terrence Loves You" and "Music To Watch Boys To" were no career-highlights unlike "West Coast", "Shades Of Cool", "Brooklyn Baby", "Blue Jeans" or "Summertime Sadness" people on here were fighting with me that Blue Jeans was not a career-highlight. As a matter of fact, I do agree with you that Honeymoon is full of filler material with a few standouts like "The Blackest Day", "Salvatore" or "Swan Song". The rest borders to boredom and therefor this record bombed rightfully. It doesn't have legs, the material is just one big slow note. It does nothing to hold your attention. Homegirl needs to fix this otherwise she can join her pal Gags and sing at retirement homes for a dollar and a dime.
  12. I have this feeling she will go blonde for the next album
  13. YAS YAS YAS @@her hair goinf brighter and brigther! Love this Lana! And while she is there, hopefully she WON'T cover I'm On Fire for her next album. Pls, don't Lana! Anyways, yaaaas!
  14. sorry, but how do you make "iconic" songs? is there a formula? and how is MTWBT iconic? you have a clue what you are throwing around?
  15. OMG. Lana produced by Max Martin. Give Tayloose the smack in da face she deserves!
  16. do we have any clue how far she has come with a new alberm?
  17. TO be honest with you, that is the only song off Honeymoon that radio stations in Europe would play. Can't believe she didn't even consider this being released as a single and reacted slightly shocked when played on BBC radio
  18. Lord, I hope Cedric will remax Salvatore and give Lana a smash hit before the nem alboom drops
  19. y'all just want her to sell even less than flops like Marina, don't you?
  20. Emile can keep his fucking loon and shove it up his ass!
  21. She looks fine. Her stomach could use some training, though.
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