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Everything posted by kingadam

  1. I wanna record videos and edit them somehow to like like freak, the minor red and blue 3d-ish effect and the vintage looking video. any apps or softwares, please share (: thanks in advance.
  2. the print on the CD looks amazing as well, cant wait to hold it
  3. the cover comes up is you shazam her instagram snippet
  4. I hope those are titles for the deluxe I hope those are titles for the deluxe
  6. I think my soul has left my body I think my soul has left my body
  7. i AM SLAYED! the song is perfection in ALL aspects jesus christ!!
  8. do we have videos of Grimes performing? do we have videos of Grimes performing?
  9. omfg im not ready!!!!cdfm;erker not sseril killer thi!
  10. I want Cola, OTTR and Body Electric 2.0 on HONEYMOON PLZ!
  11. Exactly, it wont be bad, and I'm sure it wont happen either, it was just to see peoples opinion about it, and tbh I think they would do fine without promotion, I mean look at UV but an album full of Teen Idle-s and Off To The Races' wont be bad either, eh?!
  12. First of all sorry if this is the wrong place to post this! Second, so I thought about this, whats your opinion about a joint album between Lana and Marina! can you imagine the amount of sadness and depression in 1 release! everybody compares them together for what they do! both kind of have the same theme going on, Id like to hear your opinions:)
  13. I only had the Paradise edition, but I gifted it to someone I care about
  14. Ill pretend I didn't read this.
  15. she has 3 albums (if you count Paradise an album) to tour, she can comfortable make out a 1.5 hour show if she choses songs from these albums! I think the Paradise Tour setlist need to stay with the addiction of a lot of UV songs West Coast UV Shades of Cool Black Beauty A MUST Brooklyn Baby Sad Girl Fucked My Way Money Power
  16. omg, im FFin slayed! this is perfection! the Im falling apart part! bye!
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