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  1. YUNGATA liked a post in a topic by elllipsis in Lana Del Rey Officially Announces TROPICO, "Coming to a City Near You"   
    I don't know if "literally nothing" can't, but I agree that when it comes to music most opinions aren't. I mean, even music critics - who are supposedly (and the key-word here is 'supposedly'...) the most impartial listeners - are influenced by all sorts of stuff, from individual taste to preconceived notions about the artists they're reviewing to wanting to sound 'cool' & stay relevant.
    That's one of the aspects I was referring to when I mentioned her limitations as a songwriter; the lyrics can be unbelievably cheesy & cliché, she also repeats herself *a lot* & I'm not so sure how good she really is when it comes to the actual melodies. Personally, I don't think anything (or almost anything) she writes is ironic or 'meta'. I think Lana is in a way pretty naïve, and by that I mean she's the opposite of the calculating, business-savvy popstar who knows exactly what to say & do in order to turn most situations in her favour & manipulate public opinion. I think that's apparent in a lot of her attitudes, interviews, etc. but also in her lyrics. She's genuine & says exactly what she wants to say, and I think it had never crossed her mind that people could hate her for it (one of the reasons why I think she's never really gotten over the initial American rejection). Similarly, I don't think she realises when she's being cheesy. All that makes her very vulnerable to criticism, but it's also a HUGE part of her appeal imo & one of the reasons why we let so many of her cringeworthy lyrics slide.
    t's pretty ironic that's she was basically persecuted for being inauthentic when I legit believe she's one of the most authentic popstars out there, which is basically the reason why we even have a Lanalysis thread - and imo her authenticity has nothing to do with whether K existed or not, or whether she dated Gnecco or was just an obsessive fangirl, but the fact that she treats her music like her personal diary & talks about her darkest desires, dreams, fantasies without giving a single fuck if what she's writing about is cringey, ridiculous, disturbing, or whatever. And to me that trumps a technically better but emotionally sterile song anyday.
  2. YUNGATA liked a post in a topic by elllipsis in Lana Del Rey Officially Announces TROPICO, "Coming to a City Near You"   
    I ask myself these same questions sometimes and could probably write a huge-ass text about it but I'm lazy so fuck that.
    I think it's possible to be objective while evaluating musical quality, at least to some extent; then again, stuff like 'meaningful lyricism' is so damn subjective & dependent on personal taste...
    Anyway, about Lana & in all honesty, I would never go as far as calling her a  genius tbh. She has an interesting vision &  imo her main talent is her ability to create a very vivid imagery / mood with her lyrics in most of her songs; I think the music videos are an extension of that, and even if she's not responsible for every single artistic decision, I do think the concept / general idea behind each video is all hers. That being said, I think she has a few limitations in terms of her songwriting abilities & is probably more of a writer than a musician (In a way).
    So I guess that's my attempt at unbiased & 'objective' criticism, but I don't think that's worth more than any other personal opinion tbh. Ultimately you like what you like, and that's it.
  3. elllipsis liked a post in a topic by TrailerParkDarling in Lana Del Rey Officially Announces TROPICO, "Coming to a City Near You"   
    I hate that fucking quote.. it's so juvenile. But there have been artists who have had to look to substances for inspiration, and most of Lana's favorites that she lists were addicts (and tragic figures) I wonder where some of the most famous artists would have been if they hadn't been on some sort of drug or inspired by drug use.  (Even the Beatles had a love affair w/ LSD while songwriting)  ~ In the name of higher consciousness ~
  4. elllipsis liked a post in a topic by TrailerParkDarling in Lana Del Rey Officially Announces TROPICO, "Coming to a City Near You"   
    IA, she said the same thing about Elvis. When she saw his face, she knew he'd be an inspiration. Little shallow girl ha ha
    I wonder how much she actually listens to these artists she name drops..we've talked about this before.. the whole 'tragic character' theme...seems like one of those calculated things to say in interviews to keep up w/ d ~Hollywood Sadcore~ thing she has going. She names Morrison, Joplin, Cobain, Elvis.. and then she can't really say anything substantial about them in interviews. 
  5. TrailerParkDarling liked a post in a topic by elllipsis in Lana Del Rey Officially Announces TROPICO, "Coming to a City Near You"   
    Oh I agree with you that she puts a lot of thought into her actions, but at the same time it's like she so frequently misjudges people's reactions & they kinda end up escaping her control? Like the feminism comments, the thing about her & Barrie being the only true artists or whatever... I don't really know how to explain this, it's just an impression I get sometimes... As if she had this exact image of herself and sometimes got so surprised that the whole world doesn't see her / think of her in that exact same way, if this makes any sense. That's really naïve imo.
    Totally agree with you about the meth thing btw, I don't buy it for a single second tbh.
  6. TrailerParkDarling liked a post in a topic by elllipsis in Lana Del Rey Officially Announces TROPICO, "Coming to a City Near You"   
    I don't know if "literally nothing" can't, but I agree that when it comes to music most opinions aren't. I mean, even music critics - who are supposedly (and the key-word here is 'supposedly'...) the most impartial listeners - are influenced by all sorts of stuff, from individual taste to preconceived notions about the artists they're reviewing to wanting to sound 'cool' & stay relevant.
    That's one of the aspects I was referring to when I mentioned her limitations as a songwriter; the lyrics can be unbelievably cheesy & cliché, she also repeats herself *a lot* & I'm not so sure how good she really is when it comes to the actual melodies. Personally, I don't think anything (or almost anything) she writes is ironic or 'meta'. I think Lana is in a way pretty naïve, and by that I mean she's the opposite of the calculating, business-savvy popstar who knows exactly what to say & do in order to turn most situations in her favour & manipulate public opinion. I think that's apparent in a lot of her attitudes, interviews, etc. but also in her lyrics. She's genuine & says exactly what she wants to say, and I think it had never crossed her mind that people could hate her for it (one of the reasons why I think she's never really gotten over the initial American rejection). Similarly, I don't think she realises when she's being cheesy. All that makes her very vulnerable to criticism, but it's also a HUGE part of her appeal imo & one of the reasons why we let so many of her cringeworthy lyrics slide.
    t's pretty ironic that's she was basically persecuted for being inauthentic when I legit believe she's one of the most authentic popstars out there, which is basically the reason why we even have a Lanalysis thread - and imo her authenticity has nothing to do with whether K existed or not, or whether she dated Gnecco or was just an obsessive fangirl, but the fact that she treats her music like her personal diary & talks about her darkest desires, dreams, fantasies without giving a single fuck if what she's writing about is cringey, ridiculous, disturbing, or whatever. And to me that trumps a technically better but emotionally sterile song anyday.
  7. elllipsis liked a post in a topic by trashtrashtrash in The Weeknd   
    yesss house of balloons is my favourite mix tape! yeah the zone is good until drake starts rapping hahaha, I 100% agree with the live thing, I don't think his music is meant to be sung live.. I found it so weird seeing him at the VMAs, this time last year we hardly even knew what he looked like and now he's at award shows sitting with Taylor swift and selena Gomez..
    also the birds part 2 was my favourite song for ages, but I hate what he did with it on Trilogy
  8. elllipsis liked a post in a topic by CokoKilos in The Weeknd   
    My friend was telling me to try having sex while listening to the weeknd and Ohhhmyyygodd
    I recommend it
  9. elllipsis liked a post in a topic by Quentin in What Are You Listening To?   
    Jackson and His Computerband - G.I. Jane (Fill Me Up)
  10. radiodasirius liked a post in a topic by elllipsis in Lana and Barrie Leaving Troubador Nightclub (August 26th)   
    And what's worse, she says: 'I think in a month'...
  11. liam liked a post in a topic by elllipsis in Lana and Barrie Leaving Troubador Nightclub (August 26th)   
    Pretty sure she says 'You have to be so passionate about it that you just can't live without it', I don't think she mentioned 'loving someone'. So I assumed the guy asked her for some sort of advice.
  12. elllipsis liked a post in a topic by Quentin in The Weeknd   
    The second part of XO / The Host... OMFG!! Outside before is amazing too.
    I tend to agree on this. I don't hate Drake, I quite like Take Care actually but I don't think their voices goes well together. Their last song for Kiss Land is very sloppy imo. It's like I've already heard it 94949845 times.
    I love this one tho (he kind of stole it from Abel but whatever): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HFIZIcQw2VQ
  13. Philomene liked a post in a topic by elllipsis in Underrated Lana Songs   
    Us Against The World
  14. Elina liked a post in a topic by elllipsis in The Weeknd   
    @@Quentin Thank you for summoning me.
    I love The Weeknd, I was completely blown away by House of Balloons when it came out! I loved all 3 mixtapes / Trilogy & my fave songs atm are High For This, House of Balloons / Glass Table Girls (especially the second part, like OMG!?), The Birds Part 1, XO / The Host & Kiss Land. The songs I like the least are those featuring Drake probably because I fucking hate Drake.
    I also agree with Quentin, a huge part of his music's appeal is all the detail it has and most of it is lost during live performances, so they're usually kinda boring & lackluster when compared to the albums...
  15. elllipsis liked a post in a topic by Quentin in The Weeknd   
    I do! I know that @@elllipsis does too, so you won't be alone. You didn't even liked Belong to the World?
    Hmmm, his performances does not do justice to the production of his mixtapes (especially on TV show like Jools Holland). The studio versions are way better imo.
    Try those? it's from his first mixtape:
  16. elllipsis liked a post in a topic by trashtrashtrash in The Weeknd   
    Does anyone else here like The Weeknd? He used to be my favourite singer until Lana fucking took over my life. These are some of my favourite songs
    To be honest, I love everything from his 3 mix tapes (which were all put on Trilogy), but haven't liked any of his new stuff for Kiss Land. Hopefully I can discuss him with someone on here haha 
  17. my ol man isa batman liked a post in a topic by elllipsis in Lana and Barrie Leaving Troubador Nightclub (August 26th)   
    And what's worse, she says: 'I think in a month'...
  18. Poison Ivy liked a post in a topic by elllipsis in Lana and Barrie Leaving Troubador Nightclub (August 26th)   
    Pretty sure she says 'You have to be so passionate about it that you just can't live without it', I don't think she mentioned 'loving someone'. So I assumed the guy asked her for some sort of advice.
  19. my ol man isa batman liked a post in a topic by elllipsis in Lana and Barrie Leaving Troubador Nightclub (August 26th)   
    @@getdrunk Pretty sure she mumbles 'I dunno'.
    And aww @ Barrie waiting for her to get in the car & closing the door for her, what a gent.
  20. TrailerParkDarling liked a post in a topic by elllipsis in Lana and Barrie Leaving Troubador Nightclub (August 26th)   
    Pretty sure she says 'You have to be so passionate about it that you just can't live without it', I don't think she mentioned 'loving someone'. So I assumed the guy asked her for some sort of advice.
  21. elllipsis liked a post in a topic by FROGGO in Cassie   
    another year, another fucking guardian article talking about how ahead of her time she is, and another fucking year this album is NOT coming out


    i can't recall another major label artist that had yet to release their sophomore effort seven years after their debut
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