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Everything posted by drewby

  1. drewby

    Carly Rae Jepsen

    As much as I want it, I wish this group buy/leak would happen after the Dedicated b-sides album drops because we don't know what she's deciding to include yet
  2. drewby


    Cocky Buried Alive Fader
  3. drewby


    Another version of Strange Love has leaked, but I haven't listened to the first leak in forever so who knows if it's actually different than what we got 10 years ago
  4. drewby


    You're annoying, chile. Kinky leaked earlier this week and was finally posted elsewhere making it public, and it's in a different file format (m4a) than the other tracks (mp3) because it's from a different source.
  5. drewby


    Kinky is the only one that's a demo. The rest are from the album.
  6. drewby


    The show has been phone free since it started last year and trust me, it made the experience a lot better. No one gives a shit about crappy fan recorded videos anyway unless she's premiering a brand new song
  7. drewby

    Lady Gaga

    Anyone who claims to have another version or heard the final is just straight up lying. Y'all will cling to anything before believing the one that leaked IS the version that will be released
  8. drewby


    Some people have physical copies of the album now, it's only a matter of time before the leak
  9. drewby

    Kim Petras

    The new song she performed live tonight in Amsterdam bangs. https://twitter.com/momentfordaan/status/1220808634503966723
  10. drewby


    It's the album she recorded with Wayne Coyne from The Flaming Lips, hence the name Lip$ha. We have some of the tracks, but her label blocked the release. Past Lives was one of the tracks
  11. drewby

    Lady Gaga

    Y'all wanted dance music back from her and then you bitch that it's too basic. Some of you should've checked out in 2016 when you trashed Joanne
  12. drewby


    The store finally canceled my vinyl order and sent me my money back, sorry girlie
  13. drewby


    Yeah, because the first one that leaked was different from the original snippet we got from Music Mafia. Both versions that were out there have leaked and the final is on the album. It sounds pretty different, apparently
  14. drewby

    Charli XCX

    @@Rain Over London your time has come
  15. drewby

    Charli XCX

    Some dickhead that's trying to sell the HQ version of a song that leaked in a slightly lower quality. That being said to anyone reading this thread, post it if you got it.
  16. She really is a clown. Downhill Lullaby wasn't even worth waiting years for. I don't care what she says, she's proven herself to be unreliable and it's literally her stonewalling herself. Even girls trapped in far worse label situations have managed at LEAST 2-3 albums this decade and Sky has one to show for it.
  17. drewby

    Charli XCX

    the fanmade one...?
  18. drewby


    CDs and vinyls for sale on her site. Shirt's already sold out. I'd hurry on the vinyl, there were less than 100 left when I got mine
  19. drewby


    Madonna was a foot away from me at last night's show and touched my hand.
  20. drewby

    Dua Lipa

    I believe she shot the album cover after this photo was released with the tour dates, so unless they scrap every photo, it's likely not this
  21. drewby


    Weeee I finally get to see her after 5 years of her dodging us! It's a 300 person venue, @@National Anthem and I will be there! Let me know if you're going to Atlanta!
  22. drewby

    Charli XCX

    The 14 album leaked because the seller on Discogs and PopJustice user, anfunny, knew we were doing a group buy of the WAV files. He leaked the mp3s within an hour of getting the money. That was a messy day lel
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