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American Whore

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Everything posted by American Whore

  1. Okay, so I'm back now to post in here again properly this time THANK YOU GUYS <3 <3 <3 (i never promote these bc i don't wanna get too into it and then lose and be sad about it even tho it's literally just a website thing, it's not totally important but if i don't win a category i'm in i'll be a lil sad) well now i feel like i need to post more blog posts. i'm surprised i won that bc of my Question for the LGBTQ+ Culture post yall know i can get a lil bit contraver-shull thanks to everyone who voted! <3 <3 and the people who thot to nominate me. i didn't participate in nominations bc i'd rather let everyone else come up with what we vote for, it's kind of more fun that way for me tbh. special thanks and congrats to @The Siren for being runner up <3 <3 if i didn't win, i'd hoped you did (although everyone nominated posts quality stuff so ) also congrats to @Elle for her win in her category on this post! <3 love you babe! now for my outfit..... anyways congrats to everyone else who won! i haven't looked at the winners list just yet, so i'll be looking over it but congrats! <3 <3 <3 <3
  2. I FORGOT ABOUT THIS HAPPENING TONIGHT AHHHHHHHH thanks guys i'm making a bigger post later when i have time tonight bc i was gonna share my red carpet outfit and forgot to post it but i'll be back later for funsies
  3. see the first one was youtube and that's all i've known yt to mean but you scroll down and apparently it's a tiktok thing makes sense to me, ppl on tiktok come up with their own shit daily
  4. wait dreamy nights? i thought it was treat me nice
  5. not me loving that album but also agreeing with you
  6. Weren't you just trashing her work with JackOn&Off earlier?
  7. they're moving stuff again OT: i think we're gonna get a bunch of daddy lyrics in this one i can feel it
  8. ok i just need to know the length of the full album like is it well over an hour? is it an hour and 15 minutes? HOW LONG
  9. is there a perfect run on this album, like tracks 8-13 or tracks 1-5 or something, like how every other album kinda seems?
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