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American Whore

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Everything posted by American Whore

  1. Her team doesn't necessarily dislike Lanaboards, they just don't like when leaks happen, especially when it's to be released material (which is the purpose of the rule-- no links to released material/no links to download to-be-released material) but they've done exclusive releases for merch for Lanaboards as recent as last year I believe. she definitely knows and her team does too, but as far as her possibly having an account? she prolly does just to lurk we just don't know lol imagine how meta that would be tho. i don't even think elle knows if she has an account but i'd like to think so. ben and ed probably have accounts so they can see what we talk about or what has leaked, it probably then gets to Lana that way.
  2. the album will be called Daddy's Night Calls its a full album of her voicemail of this guy wanting to bang but it's covid season so
  3. when i posted this i genuinely forgot LFL existed but was i wrong? i think not
  4. when this album drops, NFR will be in the same place Honeymoon currently is, as far as how many albums have come out since. since HM, we've had 3, it's gonna be weird to think NFR was 3 albums ago
  5. @111 i see you lurking, what do you know? spill the tea
  6. also, wanted to meantion the dreaming concept, she said "Dreaming" on a post from October 20, confirmed D in DNC is "Dream/Dreaming/Dreams" and the title track will be the Sharkboy and Lavagirl song DrEaMdReAmDrEaMdReAmDREAMMMMMM
  7. she probably had more to say han she realized when BB was in the mixing phase, probably had some left over from BB and Chemtrails or she shelved those to be reworked, but it seems like she's writing new stuff now, based off of what we know from Jack and Rob. since she's already been teasing new music right after dropping BB and saying she was working on new stuff, album is better than BB, that one guy she posted that was doing stuff idk what but he was doing stuff lol, it's like she's moved onto the next album after she finished BB but before it came out. and then we can assume she'll stick an extra unreleased song or two on it somewhere, so then there's that too. i would say she probably worked on it july till march of this year, considering the timelines. if the interview for W Mag was done around March or April when the photo shoot was taken, then we know at that point she had a majority of the album done because she called it an album by the. but we don't have a name yet bc she doesn't have one, so i guess she's trying to figure out the tracklist now, so we're where we were at last year when july 4 came and went without any signs of rock candy sweet and BOZ told us she kept changing the track list. the only difference was we got a triple release of singles then, now we're kinda... hearing nothing so far its interesting, i just noticed she hid a lot of posts from 2019- October 2021, when BB came out.
  8. i think we'll get 14 tracks, no interlude, the first song will be the title of the album with a closing track that is a cover of Dream A Little Dream Of Me, the album title will be Dreams Nobody Caught and the title track will be 7 minutes. saxophones will feature on the title track album length: 1:10:29 Album cover: Lana won't be featured for the first time on the cover, except the Target edition. The normal version will be a painting of night sky, reminiscent of Starry Night except there's a rocket with a message in the stars (like the phone number on Honeymoon) and the Target edition, she'll be pulled by Charlie on the beach in a radio flyer wagon and it'll be textless. digital album release: July 4 physicals: September 23 manifestingggggg
  9. i just need an album right now, i'm going through a lot so i'd appreciate it if lana's team can hurry it up a lil bit and drop an album tomorrow at noon on apple music please and thanks (with spacial audio dammit)
  10. yes we need some bussy boppin pussy poppin music
  11. I only want it released so we can forget about it a week later like Yosemite
  12. IN THE VALLEY OF THE DOLLS WEEEE SLEEEEP, WEEEEEE SLEEE- wrong song? sorry i'll see myself out
  13. yall remember when Lana said she preferred to drop albums in a 15 month window? she said it either right before or after honeymoon dropped. it makes me wonder if she's just in a better place right now to put music out much faster, especially since the pandemic, it must've given her more time to spend writing and thinking and reflecting. since 2019, after we get fed with this, we will have gotten 4 albums, plus an audiobook/spoken word and a book. that's 5 albums worth. fuck. 3 years, 5 albums. there's also that shelved covers album she could drop at any time. also, i wonder how she feels about her management teasing the new stuff, considering we have barely heard anything from her personally in regards to the music. like, she seems to be wanting to keep things under wraps, but her management is now going off and talking more about stuff. lol wtf
  14. other than ben and ed saying "new music incoming" that's all we got fam, it's just radio silent. Lana posted a pic a few days ago but no mention of music then
  15. if we get any kind of unreleased on this, please let it be something like My Best Days when i was sleeping without you haunted by the baddest dreamssss
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