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American Whore

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Everything posted by American Whore

  1. anyone heard her latest piano flop? no? me either, it must've flopped
  2. It's Wednesday, I'm going to go ahead and start getting it ready if you guys are ready too? I know I threw it together last minute, so if anyone forgot or wants to wait, we can start it next week instead! Here's the link! https://cardsagainstonline.com#TRCI
  3. Lana Del Rey Heardle #72 🔊🟩⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️ (i got it lol)
  4. palm trees in black & white
  5. West Coast really is that fucking bitch, those guitars during the chorus literally make my ears orgasm every single fucking time. It's SO GOOD how did this even release and not hit the radio at the time? It's so fucking funky and groovy, holy fuck. This album still hits me so hard every time I play it. SO FUCKING GOOD the outro with the guitar weeping literally FUCKS ME UP EVERY TIME GOOD GOD fucking shit
  6. We can do a practice run tonight if anyone wants to? I just thought Wednesday sounded like a good time lol
  7. oh the only other rule we'll have to make! be sure you're signed in only as yourself. also, anything that happens in the game stays in the game. don't hold someone's choices of cards against them, whether it's a poor choice or not. it's just meant to be funny and fun, not meant to really tackle political issues or start fights. just let it be lol
  8. honestly this is such a mood but i'd love if you join us!! ahhhh i can't wait, i hope we get more people, this is already going to be so much fun i think and if we get too many people interested in one game, we can rotate out, the winner sits out the next round and lets someone else join in or we can get two games going at once? oh my fucking god this is the chaotic energy i'm living for
  9. that'd be so cool!!! i mean, imagine getting the black card "Go play your ___" and someone answers "French husband" lol
  10. What if @Elle banned herself on accident and she couldn't unban herself i'd cry
  11. Hey all! I wanted to make a lil thing for us to do if anyone is interested? I'm thinking on Wednesdays we play Cards Against Humanity! There's a fun way to do it on mobile OR on a browser, so we'll take a vote and see if anyone is interested! I tried looking at both versions and it looks like the better option is the browser game, since it has all the packs and the app (EvilApples) costs money at least to get all the packs. I'm looking into other alternatives to see if there's one that I can make my own Lana/LB edition pack but I don't see a way to do that. Anyway, maybe this Wednesday at 8PM Eastern US time, we'll all get together and play? There's some rules to this though. CAH/EvilApples has a lot of adult jokes, so if you're uncomfortable with that, please don't join. It's meant to be a fun 18+ game, so play at your own discretion. I don't want anyone playing a game that makes them uncomfortable or doing something and they aren't having a good time I'll update this thread if I get enough people interested! Oh, and too, the thing is, there's a lot of people on LB that are in other countries outside of the US. If this time frame doesn't work for you, please post and let me know and maybe we can get games going that work better in your time zone too!
  12. Ok so here's a fun lil game. We come up with weird LB scenarios that obviously aren't real and we explain what would happen, how it would happen, and what the outcome would be. Kind of like Marvel's What If, but make it Lanaboards so I'll go first. anytime someone is banned, all of their threads get locked and you can't search for their threads they made. their messages, status posts, everything disappears as if they never existed on the site. their username is scrubbed from their locked threads and their mentions become [redacted] so no one ever knows who they are that someone was mentioning
  13. thats true i can see your point there. yeah, the string with the unreleased being put on BB was kind of annoying, i mean, she ripped them from youtube lol wtf. but other than that, the album would've been perfect with just the new songs
  14. yeah true, but even blue banisters never got restocked at targets near me. they sold out and didn't restock. like i haven't seen more copies since i bought mine in like what november or december?
  15. what, cocc and bb? nah, not that bad. bb isn't as good, chemtrails is much more special (to me, i love that album the most, i relate a lot to a lot of the songs and lyrics and whatnot) and then blue banisters was kinda messy like LFL was, so I don't want another of those. i'm good with chemtrails being a pseudo HM during this rotation blue banisters had a run that was almost perfect though, text book all the way through to dealer is peak lana del rey, it's so good. the only song i skip on chemtrails is for free. on blue banisters, i always skip thunder, sometimes violets for roses, and i don't think i've listened to sweet carolina since like december
  16. Noooooo no no no LFL. No thanks. We don't need a bad era every 3-4 albums please no. Edit: You know what, I'll say this. Some songs aren't bad. But there's too many misses on LFL that it takes away from the rest and I don't want that happening again
  17. WAIT IS THE NEW SEASON STARTING ALREADY!?!?!?!?! omg fuck fuck fuck fuck i love this show
  18. mikewillmadeit commented on chuck's post of lana, i wonder if he's still interested in working with lana again?
  19. break up with your boyfriend? i'd leave him and find someone better
  20. I don't really know what to say at this point. I'm just fucking pissed off still. I woke up mad for the women who can't do what they want. Whose rights were taken away and laws were put in place automatically as soon as Roe was overturned. Womens rights were just aborted and nobody can do anything except vote???? Fucking bullshit I just want to watch the country burn at this point. I hope women and everyone understand that this should be the final straw. This should be it. We stopped protesting against police brutality and it still happens. We stopped doing anything and now they feel like they can do anything they want. Biden wants peaceful protests but protesting clearly doesn't do it anymore. We need a French Revolution style situation. The government doesn't work anymore. It's a fucking shit show ran by extremists and I'd be willing to bet that little Bitch Mcconnell had his hands in this decision. I'm just disappointed and angry and frustrated. I fucking hate it here.
  21. i'm sorry but i don't think it's wrong that we should overthrow the government. at least it's not for racist reasons like the trumpers were doing it for. like legit i hope someone starts a revolution. clearly they're going after Griswold, Lawrence, and Obergefell next. once they take those rights away, we're going to be absolutely fucked, as if this isn't fucked up enough. this is just the start
  22. at this point we need to fucking over throw the government. our votes don't mean anything anymore.
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