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American Whore

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Everything posted by American Whore

  1. it really could be both! i think it’s definitely intentional, just going with the context on the other lyrics and even the context of the video. which doesn’t mean it’s 100% true, she’s never said it from what i know, but i think it definitely holds some meaning to it. knowing it’s a thing makes me like the song a whole lot more
  2. yall... at first i thought sportcruiser was the best here but i think the best one might be salamander. it’s gorgeous how she recorded the part, “I love you but you don’t understand me, i’m a real poet! my life is my poetry... my lovemaking is my legacy!”
  3. it’s interesting bc the song says “summers meant for love and i’m leavin’” but then the “why am i staying” thing kind of makes it a little... deeper? idk. it makes me see this song differently now
  4. It’s so weird bc the demo was so good and she changed it... and honestly Stevie Nicks was hot as FUCK in the 70s but her voice has just gotten so... rusty and not... hmm not like she used to be.
  5. white mustang sounds like “why... am i staying?” think of that when she sings that part especially the second time in the chorus. so like “your white mustang, why am i staying?” apparently someone said it on genius and i can’t unhear it now lol
  6. i never caught onto the “why am i staying” thing. also, has anyone ever dubbed BAR over this mv? never mind i found it
  7. Also meant to ask, is there now a way to lose old warning points from a year or older? I'm not sure if this was just impossible in the old site so maybe it's possible in the new site, or if it's a rule thing set up by you already
  8. does this upgrade mean it'll be an https web address soon?
  9. This is so weird but I like it. I'll have to get used to it but thanks @Elle for updating it. It definitely needed a face lift
  10. I see what you’re saying and you have a point. I don’t necessarily like it, but you’re right. Theres a process and the process goes, one step at a time. Sadly, we can’t fix everything right now and right away with a single push of a button but maybe we can by getting Trump out and then next election, get Biden out. Hopefully by that point, we can have a bigger movement for a third party. Everyone always says it’s not possible and wouldn’t happen with the electoral college but if everyone said FUCK THIS then they’d have no choice. We’d see who the electoral college votes for, why, and if they go against the American people. If so, then we can revolt, remove them and move forward by whats right.
  11. I’m really only replying to your quote of me so disregarding the rest of your post, I do think voting is important but we should feel like choosing another party other than D v R is safe and a meaningful vote. Being forced to choose between these two dipshits is really concerning — one will be president and neither deserve to run one of the strongest forces in the world. Neither of them know how to run a country properly and theyre both incompetent children in boomer bodies. Doesn’t mean I won’t vote, I’ll vote 3rd party and it’s to keep my vote AWAY from BOTH. I really hate the argument that a 3rd party vote is a vote against one or the other. No, it’s a vote against both because theyre both absolute pieces are garbage and shouldn’t be who we’re forced to choose between. Like I said, let’s evict D & R for about 20 years and see if they can be weeded out in that time. We don’t need parties in there being paid by companies to move the companies forward. We need someone who gives a fuck about the PEOPLE again, public health, inflation, things that truly matter to the everyday person working their ass off. There needs to be fixes to problems but nobody gives a fuck to fix them. Even Obama, Obamacare was nice and all if you qualified.. I made too much to qualify. At the same time, I didnt make enough to be able to afford healthcare so I had to pay an extra tax at the end of the year because I chose not to pay over half of my pay for a month for insurance. This country simply needs someone from the outside who can solve issues like inflation, low pay, healthcare/the scam that is insurance (we wouldnt need insurance if healthcare wasnt overcharged, which should be a priority and in a first world country, an affordable necessity/amenity, but i digress). People work their asses off just to show nothing for it. The way things were with pay & money in the 50s/60s after the depression was fixed and people had nice things and could pay for them with cash, thats how we need to be again financially. The 50s/60s weren’t perfect (civil rights were only coming to a head, don’t get me started on that, because we STILL HAVE YET TO GIVE LGBT & POC FULL GODDAMN RIGHTS TO FUCKING LIVE WITHOUT HARRASSMENT) sorry, politics gets me riled up lol
  12. Yall... Kamala was the wrong choice. I’m really saddened about Biden’s pick. Not that I like Biden any better than the oompa loompa in there now, but it feels like Biden has less of a chance now. Which Id only celebrate if we knew it would win a 3rd party presidency but nope. US political system needs to be remade. Ban/evict/restrict the dems & reps from office for like 5 terms and then maybe they’d be better. Or maybe by that point, people could pick better presidents and parties and would feel more confident in who they vote for.
  13. crack house on the corner of lanaboards, the filth
  14. i don't hear "our" or an "r" sound at all?? edit: I hear it now!
  15. Yall from Europe saying she's saying Arkansas is wrong. Kansas is pronounced how it's spelled, while Arkansas is pronounced Are-Kan-Saw I know, it's stupid, but thought I'd point that out
  16. unfortunately no because it’s sold as one big file with breaks in the audio for each part so it knows what “chapter” to play. it’s really annoying
  17. Thanks for letting us know, Elle!! We appreciate it!
  18. fuck the ny post honestly this album has gotten me to write again. my poetry is finally alive again
  19. Girl where are you from??? In the US they're all $60 (also, they're a ton of fun. Donkey Kong, Mario, Mario Kart, Zelda, Paper Mario, Pokemon, Skyrim, Dragon Quest 11 are allllll worth the it)
  20. Listening to what Lana posted of Zella, she sounds better than I expected. I would be down to hear it, but I want it to be on something of Zella's, not Lana's. Let miss ldr be on her own record OR this could be a one off single
  21. those THIGHS good GOD i wish i could dance underneath her architecture fuck me up LANA unf
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