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American Whore

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Everything posted by American Whore

  1. bitch maltese falcon will always be iconic
  2. mia goth accused of kicking a background actor in the head? oof
  3. American Whore

    Taylor Swift

    Since Taylor's been only on an upward curve in her career, do yall think she's at her peak now or you think she'll only keep going up? It's interesting how she's stayed popular for the last ~10 years, even with the Kimye issue and the Katy drama. Also request - if anyone has a megapost of her unreleased stuff, I'd be eternally grateful!
  4. i've looked in stores but they're still stocking the november issue
  5. when she announces her roommate's name was lust for life and how they'd talk about their french husband's flaccid body then what
  6. the collapse when you leak zodiac with that reveal this is my commitment, my modern manifesto, i'm doin it for all of us /s
  7. it's giving serial killer letters
  8. oh that's cute, idk either song but i'll try that at the end of this year
  9. thats actually quite sad. it was certainly different a few years ago when she was being cancelled for saying how she felt and even before then when she was being cancelled for btd and uv. but i get that feeling too, because at some point it only felt like those here or my friends who listened only knew something i knew. imagine hearing uv and honeymoon for the first time, or being introduced with tunnel as your first lana album. man, those people have so much to get through and so many drastic changes lyrically and sonically between albums tunnel would be a great start tho for new fans to listen. could listen to it before btd to hear where she went and where she came from
  10. this album is alongside btd uv and hm for me right now. it's such a nearly perfect album imo. every track was in my 2023 wrap up playlist
  11. I think mid summer could be a good time to announce an album with a lead single. Maybe late fall release/early winter or early 2025 for the next one. We know she's working on something again
  12. i wish i knew what the tracklist was for BTD when it was called God Bless America
  13. Marina's always has a political message in her music, going back to her first album. She's always been "woke"
  14. how much more tea is there really? we kind of know a lot already, there's other eras i'd like to know more about like honeymoon or the unreleased LFL Pt 2 or the bombastic NFR songs
  15. quick, mods, change the title to "Lipsters Awards Leakfest" so we can keep being chaotic and delulu
  16. you could also give us something for funsies we haven't heard and blindside us the delulu continues no but for real though, i think us going chaotic was expected, since we expected something similar to years past. HH was okay I guess, not anything anyone was really asking for since we have the full song. Vivian and Star Lux were interesting. The others were.... okay at best. They're the same things we've had for years and the OG files were what we should've had from the start - idk why they were edited or changed just to be re-leaked later? boo, boring, snore. clearly we're at the bottom of the barrel, or leakers really don't have that much to leak these days.
  17. I don't believe I saw much from this year. I watched Barbie and Oppenheimer when they came out on blu ray (this year was kinda my year to start collecting physical media... more so than usual. like, not just vinyls or my favorite video games, but movies too) and I really liked them both, a lot. Barbie was much more.... existential than I expected going into it. Oppenheimer was interesting and I didn't really want it to end. I heard there's extended, deleted scenes but I haven't watched them.
  18. the changes you made makes me cackle too we're so desperate and delulu
  19. open dbree up tell me you'll leak it post it online leak them until we've had enough there's unreleased sitting on your hard drive please leak me! (dark city) there's unreleased sitting on your hard drive miss del rey has a song the song leaks at 2:05 (AM) something about the way she says "dark city" makes me feel like I just wish i had a leak like that something to keep me quiet lizzy in the back whispering in my ear "come on baby, u can leak" but i can't
  20. watching scooby doo christmas waiting for a nonexistant leak but if there is one, i'll be here for it
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