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Everything posted by Vertimus

  1. But none of that is any different than what she did on all her earlier albums.
  2. Firstly, I didn't call "mac, vb, hope, and the greatest" mediocre; I said they were the exceptions to the mediocre songs. Secondly, I was an English major and am a published author, so I think I do know what a theme, metaphor, or trope is. Thirdly, I was born in the OC in Laguna Beach and know a great deal about California/West Coast culture, especially So Cal.
  3. I know that's the general, wide opinion of NFR and its 'vision,' but I don't see it. There's a couple very mediocre tracks, the awful 'Next Best American Record' redo, and 'The Greatest,' 'VB,' 'Hope' and 'MAC,' with 'Doin' Time' thrown in at the last minute, and so not really a part of the album's "vision." 'Hope,' 'VB,' 'MAC,' and 'The Greatest' are all narrated from Lana's POV, so I don't see how she stepped outside of her "realm" or subjective world, or added commentary about loneliness or the decay of the" American Dream." 'Bartender,' 'Love Song,' and 'California' also told from her POV. Where is there a reference to the decay of the "American Dream"? 'The Greatest' is about the end of the entire world, not just America, and it's due to meteors striking the Earth while at least some people have been relocated to Mars. There's nothing in the song about the decay of America. And she's written about the end of the world before, as in 'Last Girl on Earth.' 'Hope' is very personal, it's about her own madness or mental ill health, how is that a commentary on present-day society? Because some of the standards of 1950s America were constraining for women? But those particular constraints on women were destroyed by the cultural revolution of the 1960s. I find all of 'NFR' to be mediocre with the exception of 3 or 4 songs. The mawkish ending of 'How to Disappear' is embarrassing for a songwriter of Lana's stature, and she completely ruined 'Happiness is a Butterfly.'
  4. 'VFR' is one of my all-time favorite LDR songs, along with 'Ride,' 'Old Money,' 'Yosemite,' and 'If You Lie Down With Me.' I never, ever tire of it. As you said, it's beautiful and the COVID lyrics make it of its time. And the melody is simple but subtle and magical. Full agree about the "aaah aah haas" which drive the song home and are actually its climax. Enjoy it. BB remains my most-played LDR album.
  5. I love 'Succession,' HBO has the greatest shows right now, with The Weeknd show up next. I am very sad that Succession has ended, however. Greg is my favorite character, and Nicholas Braun does an amazing job; Kendall is my second-favorite character, and Jeremy Strong is wonderful, but all the actors are amazing.
  6. She's clearly on a roll, after OB's global success, the Candy Necklace video, SYTH becoming something of a hit, this high profile festival headliner, to say nothing of the two upcoming songs on Rob's album; those are just around the corner. I wouldn't be surprised if she had another music project of some kind ready to go.
  7. The entire show was put together very professionally, and it looked like a headliner's set. I agree, 'Arcadia' was pitch-perfect, and I'm glad she included it. I was also especially happy to see 'Born to Die' included, one of my favorites. If I had been there, I would have been very pleased with that set. I don't expect her live vocals to be perfect, and I think she sounded good compared to some other live performances I've seen. Onwards and upwards. Look how the audience knew all the words to every song. I bet even in China they'd know all the words. And she looked great.
  8. It's one of my favorites from the new record. And yes, of course, it's the fraternal twin of TJF.
  9. I love 'Euphoria,' I will definitely be watching. I love a good deal of HBO's current shows.
  10. I didn't feel it necessary to get technical. The average American would rather listen to SYTH if it comes on the radio rather than 'Peppers,' 'Taco Truck,' or 'Dealer,' just as 'Sweet' and Arcadia' would very likely appeal to them more, at least musically. I've lived all over the United States, and most Americans much more interested in entertainment than they are in art, or 'art,' and a good deal aren't even interested in entertainment outside of watching and/or playing sports. I've found little pockets of America--and not necessarily rural America--where gauges or nose rings are still thought 'edgy,' hip, and culturally new. Did you ever visit Buffalo, NY or parts of New Jersey? 'Oldies' stations are still very popular, and, even in South Florida, the popular radio station still mixes new songs with songs from the 70s and 80s. These are just broad facts, I'm not diminishing the people who make these choices. There are still stores in Buffalo that sell VHS tapes of movies as if they were the latest thing.
  11. I've been saying that here for years, but a lot of people seem to think it spoils the game. They'd rather bitch and moan. I think SYTH is finding success because it's accessible to the general public and has been super cleaned-up, making it both accessible, streamlined, and relatable insofar as the refrain is about love and easy to grasp. There's a huge segment of the general public that wants simple, catchy pop songs, and aren't particularly interested in 'art,' if at all.
  12. It sounds as if Lana will be singing on two tracks--not just humming in the background--"Lana lends her voice and lyrics, smokey and full, to the songs 'Lost at Sea' and 'Hollywood Bowl.' We'll know shortly. I am looking forward to them; I like several of the (non-vocal) tracks already released. Thank you, Elle.
  13. Same with me. This version of SYTH is simply too streamlined for my taste, period, that's all. My taste.
  14. Enjoy it. You'll be happier and that will make the world a brighter place. I like SYTH, the original or earlier version with the accordion or concertina or whatever it was, and I have all the leaked versions. I was referring to the General Public, the non-Stan, the non-fan, who may happen onto the song or find it in the 'new releases' section and give it a stream. That's all. Calm down. Thank you.
  15. I'm agreeing with you, and asking if what you stated was actual and factual. That's all. How does that bother you?
  16. Is that a fact, TWB? It wouldn't surprise me; the general public has no taste, and a simple song that is unchallenging and in a traditional format would probably win hands down over something that requires real listening and may require some intelligence and effort. The Dog and the Scent Bottle - Charles Baudelaire Come here, my dear, good, beautiful doggie, and smell this excellent perfume which comes from the best perfumer of Paris. And the dog, wagging his tail, which, I believe, is that poor creature's way of laughing and smiling, came up and put his curious nose on the uncorked bottle. Then, suddenly, he backed away in terror, barking at me reproachfully. "Ah miserable dog, if i had offered you a package of excrement you would have sniffed at it with delight and perhaps gobbled it up. In this you resemble the public, which should never be offered delicate perfumes that infuriate them, but only carefully selected garbage."
  17. I think there's a definite touch of classic-era Rita Hayworth too, as in her famous 'Put the Blame on Mame' number from 'Gilda.'
  18. Barrie! Such a great voice.
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