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Everything posted by Umaniac

  1. Omg I need a timeline of NFR-COCC-RCS-BB. I can’t wrap my head around when she recorded what.
  2. Yeah I get what you’re saying I’m sorry if I come out as rude. Chuck is not a bad photographer, I like her work with some other people but I think when it comes to Lana she’s just a little bit weak. Big, ethereal scenes suit Lana very well and Chuck simply can’t deliver that.
  3. Bestie this is not an unpopular opinion
  4. Re-listening uv and I hope she starts writing from heart again and stops censoring herself. "He hit me and it felt like a kiss/ I can hear sirens" always gets me. It's quite sad that she started with censoring get free and then played it safe with Nfr and Cocc. The only songs I can think of that we've seen her raw side lately is cinnamon and white dress.
  5. I just want another successful era. Cocc literally dropped #38 points on b200...
  6. Could somebody explain me the latter half of the latter part of the album? The first part she's talking bout leaving with her lover to get away from fame but then comes breaking up slowly? I can't figure out where they break up? At not all who wander are lost when she says but will you stay? Or in Yosemite?
  7. Am I the only one who is bothered with her not singing the (if you're a friend to) "me" part? It seems to drop all of a sudden like it's been cut in the edit. Ruined the song for me.
  8. Ok but can we talk about her vocals for a sec. It may seem like this is her most "whispery" record but I have to say achieving this sound is much harder than full on singing. Besides from white dress which we all agree on dark but just a game, Yosemite etc has some incredibly vocals. She's switching to her falsetto instantly which is so hard to do and she does that without a break or inconsistencies. ALSO THIS GURL LITERALLY BELTED FOR THE FIRST TIME IN YEARS IN DTWD CAN WE TALK ABOUT THAT???
  9. Umm so it's not coming out on midnight??? Wtf are they even thinking? I'm not waking up at 7 am to listen an album? Honestly I'm this close to listening to the leak at midnight and experiencing a normal album rollout.
  10. Did anybody else noticed how lana always kills covers live but when it comes to her own songs she is "ok". I can't believe how different silent night is compared to let me love you like a woman! I could've easily believed there different performers.
  11. Whatever she does, I just hope that she gives some sorta effort. The reason why bbc radio 1 and other performances lately has been underwhelming is that she choose to hide behind the backing tracks and put no energy in it.
  12. She's mimicking over the prerecorded acapella. You can see it when she changes her vowels, moves her head and the mic but the sound doesn't change. Also it's sounds completely on tune to me which is not really the case in live singing. I don't really complain tho, whether it's pre recorded or live her vocals sound really strong.
  13. Ummm now that I've watched it again it's defo playback?
  14. Omfg her vocals! I'm really excited for her future shows!
  15. What's most upsetting is that if she ever catches covid it'll be it. With that lung of her there's not a possibility to go back to singing as we've all seen her voice is already struggling and a lemon lung will not help. I don't even wanna mention the chance of death.
  16. Omg she really is getting dragged on twitter? currently on number 1! She's losing all of her streams from other Fandoms and I gotta say she deserved it this time.
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