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Everything posted by Umaniac

  1. I like TNC. It's just that it's kinda of a missed opportunity. I love the lyrics, the melody of the demo, hell I even like now that I'm singing with Sean line. But I don't like the final production and some of Sean's part.
  2. I'm down to any collab as long as they don't make their way to her album
  3. Omfg guys we're getting served! Also this camera quality is insane she definitely got the new iPhone SE. FINALYY!
  4. Hun, just stop replying to them. It's just ain't worth it. They clearly seem plugged their ears. Don't waste your beautiful time when you could do so much. Luv ya!
  5. Wait how do we know they ate together?
  6. YES! I love discussing her vocals. It's weird there isn't a thread about her vocals when it's her main job lol we even have a thread about her breasts.
  7. YES! My most played lana album is NFR cause it's so easy to listen to and I just open it by reflex whenever I want to listen to something. But that doesn't necessarily mean that I sit and listen it without doing anything else, only living in the music. If I wanted to get lose in music, think about it, relate to lyrics and feel emotions I'd just go listen UV.
  8. As much as I love glamor lana, she still looks beautiful. In a different more humanly less supermodely way. She looks happy and excited about the book and that's what matters.
  9. It'd be great if she'd just say "The physical copy of the book is coming on September 28th, right after my new record Chemstrails Over The Country Club which is coming on September 4th.
  10. Umaniac

    Conan Gray

    Heather and the cut that always bleeds are my absolute go to crying songs
  11. Am I the only one who doesn't want her to work with Nicole? Her photos are great but I think they lack the artistic vibe that we get from Steven or Neil.
  12. I'm an ultimate NFR stan but I've always said the lyrics were it's worst part. There are powerful lyrics such as MAC, TG and hope but the rest of the album seems quite lazy on songwriting part. Love song literally is the summary of Lana's most used words, there is nothing happening in that song. California and cinnamon are way too repetitive etc.
  13. https://twitter.com/uItrevioIence/status/1278228835096358913?s=19 This is fake, right?
  14. Well I want COCC to feel beachy like filly and venice. But I want her to go into a bit of a pop sound after this album. Doin' time and fiily are my absolute jams cause they're so easy to listen to. I'm not saying they're the best, but they're something I can dance to or something that would bring my mood up. She doesn't have to do an album with this sound but I'd love a few singles or an EP. Please let her work with Andrew Watt again.
  15. I have a question: From what I know ultraviolence(the song) is written in the c key. But I noticed when she sings the song live she sings A#3 which is normally out of key. But it doesn't sound bad nor it's a mistake cause on every show she sings like that. Does anybody know why? Did they changed the key or is it just an artistic choice?
  16. You'd wish I literally stopped in the middle cause I didn't get a single word
  17. I like California but something feels off with that song, at least to me. Judging by the snippets I thought it would've been my favorite but it was a huge let down. I feel like the second part of chours should've been a bridge, it's too repetitive. Also her vocals in the second verse is questionable imo. Love the pre chours but the other parts of the song is meh to me.
  18. This the first time i don't believe in a fake track list and I'm proud of myself.
  19. She definitely has a secret kid we don't know about. "I have got a kid and two cats in the yard." We have seen the cats and where's the kidc?
  20. Guys since the supposed release date is less then 3 months away, isn't the album done and sent to publishers? She said she needs to finish the record early as she releases physical copies and they take 3 months to produce.
  21. So we've gotten to the stage where she posts random stuff. Maybe an announcement is coming soon?
  22. I kinda believe the September date but at the same time it looks pretty unrealistic to me. She had released nfr on August 30rd and announced WHF. Then she got on tour, lost her voice finally pandemic happened. Only time period I see her recording stuff is pre-NFR and this summer as the period between is not suitable to record an album. So I think if this record really is coming on September it'll be similar to NFR, lyricly and sonically. Imo won't be long too.
  23. Why do I feel like she is not faking anything this time and it's her vocal chords that is "fragile." I mean she cancelled the tour cause of that, her voice was really weak during the whole NFR tour. I hope I'm wrong but I feel like we won't see her perform in the next couple of years and even she does, her voice will be even worse.
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