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Dark Angel

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Everything posted by Dark Angel

  1. okay i thought of one i can't listen to you and i by lady gaga without being reminded of this... but i don't mind it lol
  2. i honestly don't think any song that i've liked has been completely ruined for me? i once cried at the dentist (because of something i felt wildly insecure about at the time to the point where i believed i was deformed and needed surgery... being sixteen was fun ) while BROOKLYN BABY of all songs was playing... but it didn't ruin the song for me at all lol
  3. for me, i find it complicated, i honestly don't believe people should be jailed for hate speech, i do not, at all, support, or condone hate speech, i find it abhorrent, and we should do everything we can to condemn it, but i just think arresting people or charging people for it is too controlling over what people do, but at the same time, i can totally understand why it's illegal in some countries, and i don't take any issue with people believing it shouldn't be allowed i get the impression that banning hate speech could lead to other problems, what exactly do we define as hate speech? some examples would be obvious, such as saying slurs like the n-word, or the f-word, or flat-out saying you hate a particular group of people, but where does hate speech end, and where does it begin? should there be legal consequences for microaggressions? teenagers making immature jokes? saying words often targeted at women like bitch, whore, and cunt? and if it would be against the law to say you hate minorities, would it be okay to say you hate white people, straight people, men, ETC, or would that also be considered hate speech? some say it is, some say it isn't, i just feel like it could lead to issues regarding what is considered hate speech, what's worthy of legal consequences, and what's not, ETC, it would probably get even more complicated when you get into more specific issues like ageism, ableism, ETC i'm sure these aren't really issues in other countries, and if hate speech were criminalized in america, i doubt it would cause major problems in society, but i could see how it could lead to a lot of discourse and perhaps polarization about what is, or isn't allowed to be said, believed, or even thought but at the end of the day, free speech doesn't evade you of being banned off of social media platforms, losing your job, or be ostracized by the people around you for what you say, and i'm sure you could get in trouble, or have the cops called on you if you just go out to public space with people around and start screaming the n-word, because it is incredibly offensive, derogatory, and scares people idk, maybe i'm being ignorant, i just don't believe it should necessarily be criminalized for people to say bad things, i ultimately believe people should have the freedom to believe what they want, legally, but obviously it's silly to expect people to be openly derogatory and not be banned from social media platforms, which are allowed to decide what is and what isn't allowed on their platforms, many social media platforms also ban pornography or graphic violence, because most people don't want to see that, and also advertisers wouldn't like it, or to face consequences in other areas of their lives, like in their career
  4. will also be listening to julee cruise to commemorate him <3 her music played a big role in his work and he also worked on her songs
  5. AKA will always be my number #1 but ultraviolence is a very close second, it's literally perfect, not a single bad song off of it, and the atmospheric and world she created within it is so tempting and inspirational
  6. maybe we should just wait until the song leaks instead of making any assumptions? especially assuming she's going to say something bigoted, c'mon
  7. Dark Angel

    Song vs. Song

    pink champagne vs mermaid motel
  8. Dark Angel

    Song vs. Song

    wildflower wildfire vs fine china
  9. as someone who's short, i can confirm i am, indeed, not a person
  10. mermaid motel, the aesthetic in that one is so strong and suits the song so well
  11. regardless... i doubt that she would have anything negative or discriminatory to say about that, assuming that just seems odd to me, especially when we don't know with certainty that the song's even about ethel cain in the first place this is the same woman who made a post celebrating the life of goddess bunny, a transgender drag queen, when she passed away, i don't think it makes any sense or is even appropriate to assume she's transphobic and would go as far as saying something like that in a song, especially when she knows that all of her stuff leaks
  12. even if all about ethel is about ethel cain i honestly highly doubt she even knows she's trans in the first place lol
  13. technically, it's an EP, but i think of it as an album just like born to die or ultraviolence
  14. Dark Angel

    Song vs. Song

    hangin' around vs 1949 (demo)
  15. i mean, i agree, i think everyone ought to stan lana and worship the grounds she walks on
  16. i remember watching their segment on my crazy obsession, they had so much love for each other and bunnies, it's so sad that something like this would happen to them, and ultimately their life's work, they did not deserve this </3
  17. OMG WTF i have never seen this before, ever, i wonder if anyone else might know something about it? @HeadBitch @lizzyology i love the aesthetic of it, very 2000s
  18. @Make me your Dream Life i apologize for saying anything that might've be rude or dismissive about your experiences, i know you didn't mean to do anything wrong, and regardless of how we, or any other users feel, or whether or not we agree, or disagree i really think it's best we just move on from, as it isn't really appropriate for anyone to be arguing or having off-topic conversations in a thread like this
  19. i can completely sympathize with the fact that you had something scary and unfortunate like that happen, but this wasn't necessarily the thread to bring it up... we're specifically here to talk about the wildfires, not other random, unrelated, unfortunate things that have happened to us
  20. it's just strange and kind of insensitive to make a thread about wildfires which are killing people and burning down dozens, if not hundreds of homes about you being stalked
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