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Dark Angel

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Everything posted by Dark Angel

  1. you are an ANGEL, i COULD NOT log on at all no matter what browser i tried, whether on my computer or on my phone, now i'm back in i'm going to log out again and log back in to see if it'll work, if it does, i'll edit my post again and let you all know
  2. what we find bothersome is the fact that you've made it a point several times that palestine is a homophobic country, and the way you bring it up makes it sound like you somehow think they're more deserving of genocide because of the fact, or that we shouldn't care nobody's supporting palestine because of what views on gay people they may have (and not everyone in the middle east is homophobic, even if their governments are or even if more people there are, not everybody is) people are in support of palestine because INNOCENT people are being killed by the thousands, palestine is being bombed and destroyed, it DOES NOT MATTER what viewpoints are prevalent there, nobody deserves to DIE, or to be TORTURED, or to have their home DESTROYED, whether or not palestine as a whole is homophobic is not relevant whatsoever right now also i somewhat feel like your viewpoint of palestine being super homophobic by default is a bit... discriminatory, like, yes, the middle east isn't known for being very LGBT-friendly, but not everyone who lives in middle eastern countries hates gay people, like, how is any of that even relevant right now? and you'll find homophobic people, politicians, and laws literally everywhere, it just sounds like you're trying to single in on an area of the world that is already going through enough and it's very strange oh, and one last thing, the actions of hamas do NOT represent palestine as a whole, AND INNOCENT CIVILIANS AND CHILDREN SHOULD NOT HAVE TO BARE THE EXTREME CONSEQUENCES OF WHAT A SMALL GROUP OF PEOPLE DID, would it be right for me to say that everyone who lives in israel is in support of what the israeli government is doing? would it be right for me to say that every jew is a zionist? of course not, so why the hell are you generalizing an entire country like this? might i remind you once again that backwards, offensive, and harmful viewpoints can be found and displayed literally everywhere on the planet, not just in palestine
  3. @American Whore not gonna lie it somewhat seems like you're trying to say that because people in the middle east are more likely to be homophobic/the middle east itself is homophobic, that it doesn't really matter if their countries are being bombed and destroyed and that their people are being tortured and killed, and i personally find that quite fucked up, you can't automatically assume that everyone in the middle east or palestine hate gay people, especially when we know that a lot of the victims are under 18, they are CHILDREN and, honestly, regardless of whatever views people in a certain region of the world may possibly hold, i don't believe anybody deserves to die or go through immense traumas because they may have different views that we may consider incorrect or backwards, i don't agree with homophobia, and i do believe it's an incorrect viewpoint and it is harmful, but people have opportunities to grow and to change, entire nations and regions of the world have opportunities to grow and to change, but regardless of whatever viewpoints one part of the world may hold, or whatever viewpoints an individual may hold, i do not believe anybody deserves to be killed or tortured, or for entire countries to be completely torn apart, i just think it's really messed up to insinuate that violence doesn't matter or that it's somehow different because it happens in a place in the world that may have backwards views, you could honestly say the same for most other parts of the word, even the USA, since the southern US is enforcing very strict laws on abortion, to the point where women who simply have miscarriages are being charged, should we say that anything tragic happening in that region of the world doesn't matter? give me a fucking break
  4. just weighing in on what i've read here so far... of course, 252 should not be kidnapped and taken as hostages, that is awful and terrible, but that does NOT mean that 36,000 people, especially when majority of them are innocent CHILDREN, SHOULD NOT be collateral damage for that, there's no way around that, you can acknowledge that 252 people taken as hostages is bad while also recognizing that killing thousands and thousands of innocent people, burning down their homes and towns, and destroying their land, their neighborhoods, and their livelihoods is also incredibly, indescribably awful and should never, ever happen
  5. THIS highway SPECIFICALLY the epitome of queen of the gas station
  6. not to defend her actions or lack there of, but honestly, i just think she's out of touch and ignorant, and i don't consider that to be at the same level as somebody being intentionally malicious or hateful like other celebrities like amy schumer, perhaps signing that paper from joe biden wasn't the best move, but i honestly don't think she really knew what she was doing or looked into it very much, she probably just saw that our democrat president wanted celebrities to sign a paper for some sort of cause and she thought it would be a good idea to show support because she just simply wants to help out, she likely didn't know what it specifically was for or what the issue at hand was, and, of course, it's quite foolish to do that, but i personally do not believe she has any malicious intentions, i think she always wants the best for everyone no matter who they are, but she just isn't very well-versed or knowledgeable about politics, so i honestly don't expect much out of her regarding that obviously, i think it's best that people educate themselves and do research from reliable sources, to raise awareness, and to help out in whatever ways they can, and it would be amazing if she did the same, but i honestly don't know or think she will, but at the end of the day, we don't know her, we don't know what she does on a day-to-day basis in her life, or how she feels about certain subjects, so i don't think we can just assume she feels a certain way, we don't know for certain if she's donated or not, or if she's doing research, but it does honestly feel like speaking out publicly is the best thing one can do, maybe we'll be pleasantly surprised, but i honestly wouldn't be surprised either if she doesn't say anything she's a musician at the end of the day, i can't necessarily expect activism or taking political stances out of somebody who's rich, famous, and who's job is to entertain people, or be incredibly upset when they don't speak out or when their views don't perfectly align with mine, i'm not saying that's necessarily right or good, but that's just the way it is
  7. david kahne outtakes... in fact, that'll tide me over for the rest of my life, and for all eternity, even
  8. insiders are saying that a psychedelic surf rock trip hop cover of disco duck will appear on lasso
  9. my fellow lemonade motorcycle heaven stan @lernerderrey's cameo i miss you
  10. Dark Angel

    Britney Spears

    check out her unreleased song state of grace!
  11. not blue skies AND text book slander... eclipse better get in here and post an acronym like ILCFAWTSAB, LICFCIWFYTPUTP, or NASTYSEXPIG
  12. Dark Angel

    Taylor Swift

    we shall be thankful that lana just drops the album as it is, for what it is, and goes on with her life she's too unbothered to play into any of these ridiculous and embarrassing popularity or industry games and we love her for it
  13. Dark Angel

    Taylor Swift

    whatever happened to there's a special place in hell for women who don't support women, taytay? do you only use women empowerment and feminism when it directly supports you or makes you look good?
  14. Dark Angel

    Taylor Swift

    genuinely cannot wait for the day that people get over her and her bland, uninspired music, she shows exactly who she is as a person time and time again and yet people still continue to blindly worship her and act like every song and album she puts out is the second coming of jesus christ, AND FOR WHAT?
  15. Dark Angel

    Taylor Swift

    what did our favorite little carbon emissions queen do this time?
  16. this is just so lizzy grant... the flamingo keds... the tattooed dude with a harley davidson hoodie...
  17. it's going to be a fine night, tonight it's going to be a fine day tomorrow
  18. april 6, 2020 staying at home instead of going to school due to the pandemic, it was at the beginning of it and it felt exciting to stay home, it was so out of the ordinary, at the time, i remember reading flowers in the attic by v.c andrews and looking at the window and thinking about the characters who were locked away in an attic and couldn't really escape unfortunately it wouldn't be too long before i dealt with some mental health struggles that really derailed my life for a couple of years sort of eerie looking back on the fact that i was reading a book about 4 characters basically being trapped somewhere and unable to leave and soon enough i would find myself in a similar situation, but it was because of my anxiety, like i was a prisoner of my own mind
  19. i 100% agree, we all know that she's had a difficult relationship with her mother, but i think she should have every right to want to reconnect and to mend their relationship if that's what she wants to do, it is her mother at the end of the day also just wanted to say that i feel like some fans are way too comfortable saying distasteful and sometimes nasty things about her mother when they do not know her at all or what has occurred between her and lana
  20. just letting you guys know that i didn't mean this i was just so caught up with the met gala that day... whenever a new game starts i will go all in and have so much fun!
  21. if i ever have a kid they are most definitely going to know who lana del rey is
  22. i've been going out of my way to listen to new music pretty much everyday, i often try to listen to new music often, but sometimes i don't have the motivation, but, lately, i've been wanting to discover more and to have more songs in my playlists, so far, i've listened to... summer days (and summer nights) by the beach boys flamingo serenade by the flamingos ricky nelson by ricky nelson who's sorry now by connie francis i haven't saved very many songs to my playlists yet, it's not that i think majority of the songs are bad but not a lot stood out to me, but that's no reason to get discouraged because there's just an insane of music out there! tonight i'm going to listen to the beach boys' christmas album
  23. and i'm over here wondering where i can find an emotional support alligator...
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