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Everything posted by Barry

  1. I've already cancelled the order That was just the first one that came up when I googled universalmusic.com album bundle and signed art card
  2. I actually just bought another one to prove a point to them They advertise it as a Bundle, you are buying the 'Physical Product' of the CD + Signed Card as one item. You put your details in and buy it then on your receipt only then are you told it's two separate things bought for individual amounts How are they allowed to do that?
  3. I dont know if they shipped from the UK to outside the UK but they did send some at least in the UK as I got one. They didnt send them in any kind of order either like say the first 1,000 orders got them because I made 2 orders, the first one was 2 cassettes and 1 card and I didnt realise until the next day it didnt have a CD in it, so then I tried to buy the CD one but they didn't let me as you could only buy one signed thing and I didnt want to cancel the cassette one incase I still couldnt buy the CD one so I just used another email address and bought the CD one and it was the CD bundle one they sent. So my first order never got it but my second one did.
  4. Yeah, it's crazy how they are able to put individual prices on the bundle after you buy it. Like this is on sale now https://store.universalmusic.com/garybarlow/*/Music/THE-DREAM-OF-CHRISTMAS-CD-Signed-Art-Card/7A1X1HCV000 THE DREAM OF CHRISTMAS: CD + Signed Art Card £7.99 It says nothing about any individual prices, probably because you would then be able to only buy the art card which they don't want. They want you buying multiple CDs or cassettes or vinyl to get the signed card. But then if you buy it, they would then have on your account after CD £7.98 and signed art card £0.01 even though they don't tell you that before you buy it Doesn't seem like it should be legal. Next time we should all buy bundles with signed cards, then say we want the other items cancelled and to only recieve the cards, they would never allow it lol but they want people to accept the opposite.
  5. I bought 2 from seperate orders and even though I did get the whole order of the 2nd one they also emailed that saying I will be refunded £5 as they cannot complete the order even though they already did. I first bought the cassette thing that had 2 cassettes and a signed art card but I didn't realise I bought cassettes and no CD so I had to use another email to buy the CD bundle, which was 3 CD's and 1 art card. So I thought i'd just keep both and have 2 signed things and 3 CDs. I wonder if they will fully refund both orders
  6. Same. I just looked at what I ordered and it was 2 cassettes, Blue Banisters Red and Blue Banisters Exlusive cassettes and signed Art Card £19.94. So I have basically paid £15 for 2 cassettes and i've never even in my life owned anything that plays a cassette and since I got them I never even really looked at them and put them in a shoebox under my bed
  7. Most people who ordered them probably only wanted the signed thing as well
  8. Them: "Sign these please" Lana: Them 1 month later: "Please sign them" Lana: Them 1 month later: "Just going to sign these things" Lana: Them 1 month later: "We really need those signed" Lana: Them 1 month later: "Fucking sign the cards" Lana: Like me in school, if I don't want to do the homework im never going to do it no matter what.
  9. I just got that same email, same discount code also so it will probably work for anybody.
  10. Barry


    Wordle 268 3/6 ⬜🟨⬜🟨🟩 🟩🟨🟩⬜🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
  11. Reminds me of school PE, we used to do "social dancing" for PE sometimes in Scotland and they always used this song. I think they maybe did it on repeat the entire time as I dont associate any other songs with it.
  12. Barry


    ocean would actually be good
  13. Barry


    I know I actually got it was just guessing that it was probably that one
  14. Did he not have Gaddafi killed as well?
  15. I picked Velvet Crowbar, only one I picked as I did it before I read you were supposed to pick 10-15.
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