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Everything posted by Barry

  1. Barry

    Instagram Updates

    Nothing to do with Lana but I feel like ive seen 100 jokes on here about her going to that place
  2. Weird how it's the same probably in every country as well. Thats the school rankings in my country https://www.thescottishsun.co.uk/news/4020266/scotland-secondary-schools-results-chart-worst-best-glasgow-edinburgh/ and I went to school ranked 310 out of 339 and there was a lot of minorities who were refugees etc in my school but my cousin went to school 12 out of 339 and there was like no minorities in his school even though we lived like 200-300 meters away from each other almost the same street he went to one of the best and I went to one of the worst schools in the whole country and pretty much all the minorities went to my school. Makes sense since they move refugees into poor areas so they end up in all the worst schools.
  3. Agree, whoever takes over it will be exactly the same as before. If anyone was actually going to do anything majorly different it would have been Trump as he's not even that into politics and probably doesn't really know what goes on but even under him nothing different has happened. Every major decision has already been bought and paid for regardless of who people think is in charge.
  4. Barry

    Instagram Updates

    Stupidity. If people are violently protesting and looting - which I have no problem with at all(as long as they are targetting the right things). They should also be smart enough to cover their own faces and protect themselves as not only will people be taking pictures and videos of it but there will be security cameras everywhere and police will be kicking peoples doors in for it months down the line.
  5. Barry

    Instagram Updates

    I never said it was their job or what they were supposed to do. Just said thats what they need to do if they want to help people. Politicians won't, thats been being done for hundreds/thousands of years and it hasn't worked. Voting changes nothing and neither does donating or activism. There has been literally no difference between Clinton, Bush, Obama and Trump in America, it's 99% the exact same and it will be whoever they vote.
  6. That list is just a list of people whos phone numbers he had written in a book. It doesn't really prove anything and doesn't mean those people knew anything. Quite unfair to label people like this just because they knew someone, some of them might even only have met him a couple of times or things like that. Until allegations are made of her or some of the others being involved then it's best not to act like they were. Andrew and Epstein people have made allegations against and that woman who was always with Epstein people have claimed got the girls for him, most other people in their nobody has claimed anything against. The Weinstein thing as well should be seen as a positive, theres no doubt 100s or maybe even 1000s of people knew about him. She was one of the only people to ever say something publicly and she made it very clear as she said something like "If Harvey Weinstein invites you to his hotel suite don't go". Can't get a clearer warnng than that.
  7. Barry

    Instagram Updates

    The sad thing is a lot of these celebrities think they are doing something when they are pretty much all equally doing absolutley nothing. The protests in the end will most likely end up doing nothing. The celebrities donating money should already have been doing stuff before and they should be doing things that make a real difference, charity has been proven over a long long time never to work.You will achieve nothing spreading $3,000 over hundreds or thousands of people even if 10,000 people donate $3,000 it doesn't change anything. If these celebrities genuinely wanted to improve society and help people they need to provide poor people jobs on livable wages. Nothing is stopping Beyonce from taking over 50 McDonalds and paying the employees $25 per hour for example and by doing something like that she'd probably directly help like 1,000 poor people make enough money to live well and save enough money where they would no longer be stuck in poverty. Other than the initial outlay it wouldn't cost her anything as it would essentially become a non profit that exists solely to provide well paying jobs. Thats the kind of stuff celebrities need to do. They probably have the power where for a small % of their wealth they could prove 1 million poor americans the chance to get out of poverty probably even more with long term stable jobs. Generationally rich people and billionaires wouldn''t want this though as they need poor people to work for them, celebrities or rich people who grew up poor should be wanting to help "their own".
  8. Barry

    Instagram Updates

    Page 200 reached in July 2018 Page 400 reached in May 2020 Page 600 reached in May 2020
  9. Barry

    Instagram Updates

    It does seem she is out of touch with reality a bit, she has been famous for 8 years now and although we don't know for sure it doesn't seem she has close "normal" friends from when she was younger, ones who would keep you grounded and who still live regular lives and can speak to her about real stuff. She has probably been living in a bubble where she is only around her family and then people she works with in her industry and then these new girls shes been with for a few years now who just seem like suburban rich LA girls so they probably all look up to her and treat her like a god. Writing "im just a glamorous person" in a statement she put out to the public was crazy, regular people would never say something ike that about themselves or even people with real close friends. If you read that you'd contact them telling them they've lost it. Thats something you'd expect someone like Cardi B to say about themselves as a joke. Was similar a couple of years ago during the Israel thing when she said she wanted to perform with loving energy or something she is missing people around her to explain to her how these type of things come across to people.
  10. Barry

    Instagram Updates

    True, I think she should have said something though but she probably is in a bad place mentally after last week when everyone attacked her and won't want it to happen again. We don't know for sure either but it seems like some people she knew must also have contacted her disagreeing with her and to hear that from people she may have liked or known for a while would have been hard to take as well.
  11. Barry

    Instagram Updates

    Yeah, I think just saying things doesn't actually work though or even donating money to causes. All this stems back to two main Government issues and the Government won't do anything about them until they are forced into it by having no choice. Protests, petitions and donations have never worked, you need to actually take action and you need to stick with it all the way until the people in charge decide enough is enough and they have to give in. Like these protests they could enforce change if they go on and even get worse, if people continue to protest violently smashing places up, burning places down for months or years eventually something big would happen but people won't do it. Things will eventually die down, get cleaned up and the same things will go on again for decades to come.
  12. Barry

    Instagram Updates

    I don't see it changing anything. If it won't bring about gun control, which it wont because in the USA a large part of politics revolves around that and they need it to be an issue to get votes. They would then they need to eradicate poverty to fix it which they won't either as for as long as there are rich people there are poor people and when like 2,000 people in a country have more money than the other 300 million people combined or whatever the statistics are then poverty will exist. While poverty exists, crime will exist and when crime exists with guns the problems are multiple times worse. When you enslaved a race then discriminated against them for 100s of years and then left them on the bottom then the problems will remain.
  13. Barry

    Instagram Updates

    I'd say no as I think the problem in America is they have too many guns, in every country poor communities fight amongst themselves usually the worst it's just fighting with little weapons like sticks, bats, knives and people are very rarely killed and as people get older they move on from it. In America the problems are like that x20 as they have guns and they kill each other all the time so the situation is far worse than most other countries, especially other "rich" countries, and the problems go on for a lot longer because so many people have been killed so it's much harder to progress from it. Then it's a racism thing stemming back from slavery, poor people always commit crime in every country - people in prison are probably like 95%+ from the poor communities. In America almost all the black people started off in the poor communities as they didn't even have rights at one point and they were all thrown in together with no money or jobs. So when a whole race is treated like that they were set up to fail and be stuck in this cycle from the beginning. Every generation barely anyone makes it out of poverty in any country, black people have been and will be trapped at the bottom for decades and maybe even centuries to come. The two problems that America need fixed are Poverty and Gun Control as thats what leads to the fear that causes the police to kill and arrest so many people, something like 2-3 people per day there are killed by Police that probably doesn't happen per month in the whole of Europe, they also have more prisoners than anyone. It's a government problem and the government won't do anything about it because they set it up to be like that and for as long as it goes on Black people who make up a high % of the people on the very bottom will be stuck there and recieve the worst of the treatment.
  14. Barry

    Instagram Updates

    She doesn't have the means to do anything, no celebrities do. All their posts, statements, petitions and donations won't do anything in the long term, they never have before and are hollow empty gestures. Main reason she should have done something is because she feels the need to which is waht other people are doing. It won't change a thing and in a few weeks or months it will be forgotten about for another couple of years.
  15. Barry

    Doja Cat

    New song with Lil Wayne just released from the Deluxe version of his album, quite catchy.
  16. Barry

    Instagram Updates

    She should post this video on her twitter, not enough people know about this Powerful speech but many very relevant things true till now.
  17. Barry

    Instagram Updates

    SZA: And another thing . Black women (and men ) work very hard to be seen as soft And non threatening . we want to be seen as GENTLE soft ethereal beings too . Apply this to who it may FAN: Lana del Rey teas talking about black women can’t be fragile SZA: That shit really hurt me . FAN: Yeah she really lost me with that one, especially with mentioning who she mentioned. Women who lay their heart out in their artistry SZA: Like huh ? Just cause meg wears latex and kehlani got tattoos and bey wore a buret at the Super Bowl ... they not capable of vulnerability sensitivity fear and softness? .. GTFFFFFFFF
  18. Barry

    Instagram Updates

    https://youtu.be/Xv2bBdbvF20?t=292 Check him on that song, I started it at his part I think if you press play if not its him at around 4:54 really good. He also commented on that video in reply to the comment saying "Big Floyd did that". Disgusting how he was killed.
  19. The NFR Red Hot Chilli Peppers one is crazy as I wouldn't even say there was a song like them on that, only song i've heard of her that sounds close to them is Florida Kilos.
  20. Big Floyd murdered by police yesterday https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/may/26/george-floyd-killing-minneapolis-protest-police
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