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Everything posted by creditcardromancer

  1. why are we assuming that we're gonna get a 4th single before the album
  2. I will bet 0.3 bitcoin the album doesn't come out this year.
  3. I was so excited when I saw that.... Only to see that she doesn't have a fucking release date. But it also got me thinking that she's probably really bad with her passwords (assuming that she's recycling old ones since the account is old and was probably connected to an old email) so someone smart would probably be able to crack some account of hers and find old music.. Also, OT I guess but why haven't we been talking about Myspace losing all that music... WE WILL NEVER HEAR HER UNSAVED MYSPACE DEMOS EVER. PERIOD.
  4. In the time since she released Marina and the Diamonds Complex and Venice Bitch I have applied for school and a student loan and almost finished my first semester. Sis, COME ON!
  5. Groomed and molested multiple children.
  6. Maybe that's just how she wants to be now? She literally went from trailer park stripper to loving my older Daddy lolita on BTD to west coast rock vibes on UV to the dreaminess and hollywood of Honeymoon and then whatever the fuck LFL was supposed to be. I think it's just her "thing" right now. Also I find it annoying how she's into the fake witchcraft bullshit because I actually have been practicing witchcraft for a long time now and it's those kind of people who make the rest of us look dumb but whatever.
  7. Superstar is an amazing song. Her vocals sound amazing, it's catchy, and the lyrics are THERE. You can tell with the songs she's released (especially after releasing FROOT) that she's grown up so much. I love this song because it's the way love SHOULD work, you shouldn't be in a constant battle for Power & Control.mp3 or the Starring Role.mp3, you should be in a relationship. Everything doesn't always work out perfectly but recognizing the growth you've had with that person and appreciating it is SO IMPORTANT and mature.
  8. Ok tea that is such a typical Taurus trait (and so is being stubborn )
  9. creditcardromancer

    Venice Bitch

    When she sings "You're in the yard, I light the fire, and as the summer fades away... Nothing gold can stay" that's when I start transcending, but after she sings it the second time and it goes into that guitar solo and her saying YEAH... CHYEAH, that's when I'm truly SENT.
  10. LOL cuz she's a gemini TBH. I think she honestly doesn't give a shit what her managers tell her and she just comes out and tells us whatever she wants and then forgets about it.
  11. I don't think she "lied", I think things changed. I do think it's super unprofessional for her team to not clear the air about the release date though because WTF.
  12. I'm going to be disappointed if everything is delayed because of the poetry book... If it's really that important and they're not doing some album bundle, what's the big deal with releasing it later? If she put some signed copies on her website, they would sell. I personally don't care about the book (I didn't care about Taylor Swifts "poems" either) and I think since having such a long time in between singles is making the rollout of this album such a mess, postponing it any longer is just making it worse. I know this is turning into a rant but if she is really STILL writing for this album, we probably are gonna get another LFL because it's going to be old songs meant for her original vision of the record, and what she's writing now which is probably different because she changes it up so much. Idk I wish they would just give us a date, even if it's freaking September.
  13. Cruel World and West Coast are a couple of my ultimate faves from this album. Venice Bitch slightly reminds me of those songs which is part of why I love it so much.
  14. both songs are incredible. you can tell party for one was a label bid like i really like you was for EMOTION. omg the bitch is back!
  15. Good evening girls and gays. I think it's time we discuss how we get this album to go number 1 on billboard. Clearly streams are the most meaningful thing in this time and age unfortunately, so we need to buy the album as well as STREAM it like crazy. Who else has ideas.
  16. I've been thinking a lot about this lately with the new album coming "soon". I feel like a lot of us glorify the AKA era and music she recorded before & up to Born To Die, so much so that it kinda takes away from the new music, if that makes sense? Most of us weren't fans back then so it seems like some people kinda look back at those eras as her ~~glory days~~. Like a lot of people on here (me included) get more excited over some random demo leaking than about brand new official music. It just kinda feels like we're longing for that old Lana but she will never do anything like that again obviously because she has a million ideas and never does the same thing twice. I did a really bad job explaining this but does anyone else kind of feel this way too?
  17. omg you guys complain about everything LOL seriously MAC and VB are amazing how can you possibly wanna live in a world where you haven't heard them. She's messy with her releases and WBK but have some faith. every lana album is immaculate.
  18. creditcardromancer

    Miley Cyrus

    She is so talented. Nothing Breaks Like A Heart is doing great everywhere except for the USA of course.
  19. I know this is going to sound so stupid but I love her lyrics that are like "I'll be doing drugs, taking shots, making out in parking lots with every little boy I spot" even her trashy songs are amazing
  20. it's laughable how bad this album is and sweetner was trash too. she's had a few bops and has a good voice but that's where it ends lol. she's not going to be remembered in 10 years.
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