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Everything posted by creditcardromancer

  1. it makes me so sad that we will never get another album like AKA, BTD, and UV. like yeah all of her albums are AMAZING, but there is just something about those ones that is so special to me.
  2. I always associate Velvet Crowbar with TOSTB and Playground
  3. i am so sorry if this has been asked already.. but are the spotify and CD versions of FIILY different, or am i crazy..
  4. Norman Fucking Rockwell - 12 Mariners Apartment Complex - 9 (-) Venice Bitch - 16 Fuck it I Love You - 9 Doin' Time - 4 Love Song - 14 (+) Cinnamon Girl - 10 (-) California - 16 The Next Best American Record - 7 The Greatest - 11 (+) Bartender - 13 Happiness is a Butterfly - 10 hope is a dangerous thing for a woman like me to have - but i have it - 7
  5. The Greatest is just... immaculate. i cant even find words to describe how it makes me feel.
  6. hi can someone send this desperate swiftie a link i will literally do a tarot reading for u LOL pleaseeeee
  7. AKA, there are no skips for me and the lyrics are so different from what anyone else could ever do. Pawn Shop Blues and Yayo are two of her most beautiful songs.
  8. I loved every snippet and im so excited for this f****** album!
  9. Off To The Races - 18 (+) Video Games - 59 (-) Dark Paradise - 9 Million Dollar Man - 64
  10. Ashley O is such a groundbreaking artist.
  11. the snippet sounds way better than i expected! i'm excited for lana to have a cute bop like some of her unreleased songs!
  12. She doesnt have one bad album and none of her albums have filler. She also writes her own music and has proven shes a very talented singer. stay mad while lana becomes a stan tbh.
  13. Miley is objectively talented, even if her music isn't your taste. I don't know why some people here are such haters lol.
  14. RWSM is so funny. she spilled and some people cant accept it!
  15. I can understand Miley and Lana collaborating, but it's hard to imagine Ariana's whiny vocals on the same song as Miley and Lana and it sounding good.
  16. creditcardromancer

    Miley Cyrus

    She snapped on this one, but she always does.
  17. this is why she's the queen of pop, she writes 200 songs and picks the BEST of the best to be on the album and never disappoints.
  18. the fact that we have to look for info on random russian websites instead of lana just... telling us. omfg this is so sad good thing lipsters are better than the FBI at finding info LOL
  19. Mo Bounce Switch Savior Survive The Summer Kream Hey Iggy Sally Walker Started every song from the last couple years is AMAZING.
  20. Break The Rules is a million times better than Come To My Party and Taxi like.... neither of those songs are even listenable what is wrong with some of you
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