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Everything posted by creditcardromancer

  1. I'm so excited for this album! I think it's going to be in the same vein as FROOT by Marina. Not as much the sound, but as far as subject matter I think it's going to be a little more introspective and about growing as a person and the hard lessons you have to learn going through life and stuff. Idk honestly I hated Honeymoon but I've grown to love it (I've been a fan since BTD was released) and I just think all of Lana's albums are masterpieces! I'm sorry but I just gagged. Venice Bitch literally makes me transcend into a different dimension, I don't understand how other fans don't like it!
  2. Same! i love her music and i'm obsessed with the story she creates, but I don't really think she's that interesting as a human being idk. i love her so much though
  3. never. the fact that songs from 2006 can leak and we still eat it up just goes to show how prolific and addicting her work is lol.
  4. ummmm Big Bad Wolf lol Song to smoke weed to in your room (can't be high by the beach)
  5. 1999 is so good idk why stans are mad that it's getting the label push. of course it is, it has more of a chance than the other songs she's released to go viral and chart
  6. Pete has Borderline Personality Disorder... not Bipolar
  7. i hate Terrance Loves You. i can't remember the last time i didn't skip it when i listened to Huntymoon.
  8. I hate her plastic surgery. She's a fucking GODDESS but sometimes I look at pics of her and it makes me sad that she kinda messed with her face w bad procedures.
  9. I love Lana so much and her music is pure magic but it sucks knowing we will never get a big era like Born To Die with performances and promo, magazine shoots, and CONSISTENCY with the image of BTD... I know Lana needs to feel free to create her art but I just feel like she would benefit from someone helping her shape whatever image she's going to use fro the next era so everything can be consistent and well rolled out because she has a hard time staying focused on one thing.
  10. creditcardromancer

    Venice Bitch

    I don't think Marina or Lana have said Bang Bang Kiss Kiss specifically but they do have some lyrics that are very close.
  11. i'm gonna get dragged for this... but The Other Woman. i hate the lyrics and the production is annoying to me idk. if we're talking unreleased, i would say Push Me Down. the lyrics make me cringe even tho i love the lowkey ho vibe.
  12. do you guys think she will reuse anything previously written on this album (even just a couple reworked songs/ lyrics) or is she just going to deliver a full album of brand new songs? it would be nice to hear some of the stuff she cut from LFL (Yosemite??? LOL) reworked for this album but I guess some people are counting that as MAC. I think she just has so many songs written she just moves on from the older ones when makking a new album but idk. Either way I'm excited, snatched, ect. SLAY US QUEEN!
  13. sorry that's what I meant. does anyone have it or is it one of those tracks we know exists but no one has?
  14. Off To The Races. I downloaded Born To Die as one of iTunes free songs of the week and didn't really like it but decided to check out a couple other songs. I loved OTTR and one of the demos for Lolita so I ended up buying the album and well the rest is history
  15. creditcardromancer

    Venice Bitch

    this bitch cant write a bad song... queen of making BANK off songwriting credits and amazing lyrics!
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