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Everything posted by creditcardromancer

  1. It’s one thing to tell me to kill myself, which is laughable, but going out of your way to also send me a message calling me a dumb fuck? Because you didn’t like a comment? LOL
  2. Good thing this board isn’t moderated by a government trying desperately to control the narrative around its past then.
  3. It’s was a joke, don’t get your panties in a bunch.
  4. I’m so excited, Shy Boy is such a cute fun BOP, it reminds me a little of Let’s Be Friends tbh. Carly honestly has her foot on my neck idc everything she releases is immaculate, I can’t wait!
  5. Taylor convincing her fans to listen to these these half assed versions of her best songs instead of just listening to the superior version:
  6. I do like Love + Fear tbh, but Ancient Dreams was always cringe to me. I LOVE the sound, but the lyrics are embarrassing. We want introspective shit, not this dumb political crap. There’s a reason we liked Savages, and not this cringeworthy shit. I tried giving it another chance trying to have an open mind, but every single song made me cringe besides Happy Loner which i adore. I also know this is going to be a controversial opinion, but she made that Marinazine and hardly ANY women had content in it. It was basically all trans women including the cover. So you don’t wanna live in a “man’s world” but even in your own damn magazine basically all you feature are biological men? she’s a total hypocrite, which wouldn’t really even bother me if the music was at least good. Mod note: User was warned for this post. Transphobia is NOT tolerated on this site.
  7. She spoke facts in Question For The Culture, but racist liberals who can’t see anything outside of race fixated on the people she mentioned (who weren’t even only “people of colour”, as they call it) instead of what she actually said.
  8. Thank you for this, just curious how you’ve sorted these because Shots on the Hood of My Car is in 2008?
  9. Kanye West is still my dream collab for her. A dope hip hop style song during BTD era, and a dope christian song for this era LOL.
  10. A&W, Marina and the Diamonds Apartment Complex, Let Me Love You Like A Woman… Actually most of COCC but as I got more mature I understood it more, Text Book.
  11. creditcardromancer

    Miley Cyrus

    It’s #1 on apple music in 69 countries and #1 on itunes in 41, how is that flopping? 💀
  12. She needs to cancel put me in a movie if it’s AKA. The girls are already calling her a p3d0 over that.
  13. I liked this song on first listen, but all of the theories and hidden vocals have made me adore it. When she says on the second floor darling… maybe she means the second floor of the Ramada. lol
  14. which part did she censor on Florida Kilos?? How have I not noticed this?
  15. creditcardromancer

    Miley Cyrus

    Lana was right to push the album back, ESV is going to be huge and Lana deserves her moment too.
  16. I didn’t get the album when it came out because the cover and production style were kinda.. low budget? But it’s become one of my faves from her recently. COCC and White Dress are career highlights, TJF and DBJAG are too.
  17. creditcardromancer

    Miley Cyrus

    Plastic Hearts > Bangerz = Can’t Be Tamed = She is Coming =Breakout > TTOOL = Meet Miley Cyrus > Younger Now > Dead Petz Now if we add Hannah Montana in there it’s a different conversation. Plastic Hearts = Hannah Montana 3 = Hannah Montana: The Movie > Bangerz = Can’t Be Tamed = She is Coming = Hannah Montana OST = Hannah Montana 2 = Breakout > TTOOL = Meet Miley Cyrus > Younger Now = Hannah Montana Forever > Dead Petz So hard to rank when she has a plethora of incredible, timeless albums.
  18. creditcardromancer

    Miley Cyrus

    RCA does this thing where they go all in on an artists first album with them and then pay them dust after, Kesha is another good example of this is and so is Tinashe. Dead Petz was free and polarizing and yeah Younger Now was a misstep that she did to try and please Liam because he wanted her to tone it down and she was trying to make the relationship work, which means it wasn’t as genuine, probably part of the reason she didn’t really promote it and why many people didn’t connect to it. She lost a lot of support during that timeframe.
  19. creditcardromancer

    Miley Cyrus

    So spotify promo explains 75k pure sales, it being #1 in 71 countries on apple music and it’s HUGE gain on radio in less than a week?
  20. creditcardromancer

    Miley Cyrus

    Because the GP (who are actually the driving force behind successful hits) are enjoying and endeared by a cute, relatable summer bop sung by an artist most of us grew up with.
  21. creditcardromancer

    Miley Cyrus

    Fastest song to 100 million streams in history, in under a week Gaining streams daily #1 on iTunes in 40 countries #1 on Spotify in 32 countries #1 on youtube in 26 countries #1 on Apple Music in 71 countries #1 on Shazam in 11 countries #1 on Deezer in 33 countries 75k PURE sales And Plastic Hearts is gaining on streaming too. Miley deserves this so much. No cheap gimmicks, no desperate tactics, just writing an empowerment anthem after having to let go of a relationship where she was essentially with the man for a decade, engaged twice, married, lost her entire home in the fires with, and then divorced to. When you have talent and people can tell you’re actually genuine, you always end up winning in the end, even if it’s a hard journey. Miley is one of the hardest working artists alive, she’s constantly performing, writing and evolving. She deserves this moment.
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