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Everything posted by SarcasticBeauty

  1. I love Dark paradise. I WISH we had a full version of this performance thought!
  2. OTTR deserved sooooo much more attention from Lana then it got. It was almost the best song on the album and it had so much going for it. It's disappointing that she didn't have more songs like that now (officially released). I think every thing about that song is perfect. Production, rapping, lyrics, perfect song. It's not my favorite but its definitely up there.
  3. Not when Alexandra exists lol...... I loved Misbelieving. I hate Alexandra and All the Rage to be honest.
  4. I love Emile's producing. I know this opinion is unpopular lol.
  5. OMG. GOOD TO LOVE WAS BEAUTIFUL. I didnt really like Melissa though, so I agree.
  6. I like Carmen because I love this album in its entirety. It's okay though. All of the songs are 5 star, but that song is my least favorite.
  7. Maybe I got too use to the demo versions. Because that studio version sounds stupid to me.
  8. I love the part with her and Isaiah Rashad. That was a perfect melody.
  10. Me too. This sounded more like her song with Rihanna. When I wanted more songs like Julia.
  11. This album needs to hurry up.
  12. HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Lana's best album!(all shade to haters lol) But on a more serious note. I really do love this album. National Anthem is a masterpiece. Million Dollar Man deserved a video. And Lucky Ones is great song despite the backlash. It's crazy how many people really stole this sound. Iconic Lana!
  13. I understood what you meant. Saw some Beyonce slander....and I... Nevermind. Lana give us some music before we all fight.
  14. Drew Barrymore is a GREAAAT song.
  15. I agree with FULLY. BTD forever.
  16. Can you send me the snippet its gone from the link.
  17. I can't go off of that terrible snippet. But personally Casanova is perfect the way it is. It should just be a piano track.
  18. I'm not over it. I'm still bitter. Lorde is trash... and I'm ready to have my gun and bible for her fans in this war. lol
  19. I don't know if you have been on here for the past couple years or not. But there's been A LOT of BTD hate and slander. Especially compared to UV. Honeymoon was equally disliked it feels like lol. But everyone seemed super positive about UV. BUT, anyway. Bring it on Lana. Whatever you hit us with, I'm ready for it. Even if its another Snoreymoon.
  20. Honestly I'm just glad BTD is getting the recognition and Love it deserves for once. Honestly, truly.
  21. Can someone send me the Fair Game snippet? Cuz I never heard it.
  22. I was thinking that she was definitely the Other woman. She was a close friend (or at least a mistress) that was around his family and she watched his baby being born with his then wife or girlfriend, and while Lana was being with this guy, her life was falling apart because she was too busy being stuck on him. So her fiance left her. Then comes the second verse when her guy that she watched child being born, decided to be with her, his mom was upset and decided not to come to their wedding at all. And that made Lana sad because she knew that she was tearing up a home to have him. Also truly she knows that what they have isnt enough to sustain a marriage, but she thought love would be enough. But everything around them is falling apart, who's to say they wont either. They both are wooden, so they are good for each other, but the environment wasnt. They were star crossed. I'm probably way off and the other person made sense lol. But that's what I got from it.
  23. This song is beautiful. From sound, to lyrics, to everything. Wow. Makes me want to cry.
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