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Everything posted by SarcasticBeauty

  1. Idk I think the spider video tops that one. lol
  2. Fine China, (she can keep Your Girl tbh). I want anything poppy and upbeat. I live for Pop Lana. Something like Resistance would be appreciated.
  3. A couple of the songs are great.
  4. I'm not saying that she doesn't. And I'm not going to sit here and debate you on it. All I'm saying is that I have no care to hear her political music. That's the end of it.
  5. SarcasticBeauty


    I'm not going to take this Haunt slander!!!! Its one of the best songs from the album!
  6. She a rich white woman in America...... honestly, like I said. I don't want to hear her singing about anything political. (I'm not saying that she doesn't have anything to say, it's just...i don't know.) And I dont see Lana as an escape from reality. Per-say. I just don't really care to hear a political album from her. It's tiresome. Its boring. If I'm keeping up with politics it would be from the news and stuff, not from music.
  7. Music should almost be an escape from reality. I don't want hear Lana of all people, singing about anything political. Especially for a whole album.
  8. It's because Lana is hella patriotic. So she felt bad that she wasn't loved here as much as over seas in Europe. But Idk it seems like the music market in Europe is more diverse. But that was years ago, who knows if she changed her mind. I would love if she toured America with more cities.
  9. Those new leaks were....... different. I don't like the "finished" production of CXII If Allie ever ruins Casanova with that terrible beat, I will be angry; that goes for Misbelieving too. True Love is Violent is good. East of Eden is terrible.
  10. Nevermind. I don't feel like arguing. The point is. in order to save her career. Lana is going to have to fun herself up. Or promo(if that even helps with her snoring boring sound if she continues on this honeymoon lane).
  11. The gluten line is such a hispter thing to say. She knew she had to take it out lmao. But it was funny. I really like Could It Be Love.
  12. The song is okay. Like I can listen to it. But it's not all that. The melody was great but those lyrics were....not that good. The best song on Paradise was probably Gods and Monsters.
  13. I actually like the instrumental. Its cute. The song is meh, though. She could have came on it better.
  14. I agree with this all. EXCEPT Cola. That song wouldn't have gotten airplay. Plus its not good. Its funny because the older Lana's music gets and the more music she puts out, the less likely it sounds radio friendly. For some reason, now I can't picture any of her more recent songs on the radio. Its not necessarily a bad thing. I just cant though.
  15. Soooo excuse me if I missed something. But the era is over..... so shouldnt there be an official album announcement or something?
  16. Honestly, truly. Smh cuz Katy just digs her hole bigger and bigger every time. I feel like they should be vocal but to a point. And yeah hopefully the album info comes at least by January.
  17. You're not missing anything special.
  18. I just don't want her to drag this album videos thing into the new year. Finish this off strong so the new album can come! The getting new breasts portion was so hurtful. Like it for real made my stomach hurt and so did the pulling off the face part. It was gross as fuck. Very realistic tho. This was a good video.
  19. There's a Crybaby Perfume Milk Live show on Youtube right now. ----- Its already boring tbh.
  20. SarcasticBeauty


    Weird enough Mind Games has grew on me. I still HATE that chorus. "Do yooooou see me now" Is stupid and she could have done better. Mother Earth was this album's You Should Know Where I'm Coming From and it didn't amount or add up to the greatness that YSKWICF(that's a long title) is.
  21. I'm screaming! My Best Days is such a great love song about finally getting the guy you want! Or at least having him.
  22. I'm the problematic version of you lol. BTD is my shit. GASP! Everyone loves Television Heaven! But why don't you?
  23. Anyway, do you think Lana's muse has changed for this album? I want to hear more about the cult leader tbh. Or Barrie. I don't know if she talks about him much.
  24. Go on the streets and ask someone who tf they are. They wont know. But I digress. Lana, give us something we can all like. That's all.
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