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Everything posted by SarcasticBeauty

  1. I really love 99 cent store.
  2. I really love Shrike. He makes such lovely ballads.
  3. SarcasticBeauty

    Venice Bitch

    I'm sure its "Nothing gold can stay" based on the poem by Robert Frost.
  4. LOL Both your icons look like theyre looking at each other. Little Things seems like its going to be good. Kind of reminds me of Lady Gaga The Cure? But only a small piece and based off of live performances so obviously probably not the studio version.
  5. I'm not anticipating this album because so far I'm not a fan of the sound direction. But this is Lana, she can prove me wrong. Venice Bitch is cute though. I dont love it. but its growing on me.
  6. SarcasticBeauty

    Venice Bitch

    I dont hate it? It'll end up growing on me. But I still dont want a full album of songs that sound like this. The melody is nice.
  7. The only problem with Unhappy Meal is the beat. The song itself isnt terrible. Not the best not the worst. Omg 99 Cent Store is soo good. Schizo is nice too. Also I love all of these versions of Melanie styled cartoons that match the songs. lol
  8. This is really unpopular I think, but I'm starting to lose my excitement for Lana's new music because of this folk route she's taking. It's boring. And I already didn't like the May Jailer albums so it's just reminding me of that.
  9. SarcasticBeauty

    Venice Bitch

    please. We could only WISH it was as good as this song. It's too boring and slow to be this. Sounds more boring than Honeymoon so far. I hope something kicks in.
  10. How? It's a whole different speed. Schizo is okay. I think it'll grow on me.
  11. 99 Cent Store sounds so good... but uhm... WDBCF please.
  12. I liked I Don't ft YG. But I feel like Mariah is missing the FEELING. That's usually in these songs. They feel a bit lazy.
  13. The live versions were a lot better in my opinion, than the studio. (of Crybaby and Alphabet boy specifically.)
  14. That would be a great artist for this song. (I like him though). I like the song somewhat. certain parts are nice. (am I the only one who actually liked her last album a little)
  15. The only problem with this tattoo, is that you may get some bad comments about it, just because of Melanie's scandals.
  16. I'm gonna say it..... the song is boring and so is the music video. Unpopular opinion.
  17. I was thinking the same thing.
  18. will someone just put us out of our misery and just give us WDBCF. Like yes, we like the new songs. But this is the one that's craved. Drama Club is cute.
  19. I think Crybaby is a good album. The only song that I didnt like was Carousel.
  20. They can keep this. Give us the songs that are hers.
  21. It's okay. It reminds me too much of Milk and Cookies (which I loved but I dont need a second one)
  22. I love Sunflower a lot. Both versions.
  23. SarcasticBeauty

    Hey, You

    I love old leaks like this. It's not perfect but it's fun. It reminds me of Is it Wrong and Making Out. Like maybe the same guy. I dont know why.
  24. Can we just have WDCF I'll be okay with just that.
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