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Everything posted by cognaclilac

  1. cognaclilac

    Book Thread!

    that's a good question tbh i'm still in the beginning and it's been a bit since i picked it up but i can assume that it's like most other beat literature in the sense that there's no linear plot it's more of a telling of a part of life so the main character is burroughs' alter ego (like a lot of beat lit does) and it kind of so far just follows his life around while he writes about his thoughts. the way i process beat lit is to think about as though you were reading a diary because it is so close to one. it feels like you haven't seen a friend in a really long time and you meet up for coffee and they relay their stories to you. if that helps!
  2. cognaclilac

    Book Thread!

    i'm in the middle of like five book lol house of leaves big sur - kerouac freddie mercury in his own words naked lunch - burroughs ugh
  3. let's place bets on release dates i'm thinking jan 12, feb 27, or march 8 (womens day) anything after is too late imo i checked the us store and nothing appears on sale, still have to pay an arm for a windbreaker
  4. exactly, plus she has the eyeliner only on the out edges as well so it looks so heavy and effects her eyes look at this pic it's so bad and the lashes just aren't good? they don't look trimmed to the line of an eye or like how natural lashes act
  5. lana looks fucking stupid with the eyelash extensions they're too heavy and don't even suit her eyes who the fuck thought
  6. if you literally scroll back a couple pages there is a long dialogue of what people they want her to collab with on this album and who they dont want wdym no i want the straight shot i want to walk into best buy and see a large cut out saying NORMAN FUCKING ROCKWELL IS HERE that's all
  7. didn't like one year ago we didn't want collabs and now we all want them? also jack antonoff could be legitimate collab on the album no one has brought up since he's already producing it
  8. correct i also think LFL was supposed to be more like BTD but not be an older version of it, like what would be the point? the way i look at LFL at this point is like a two-faced album with the beats in the beginning and the inner dialogue towards the end, honestly it's like her whole discography: it starts with the beats, goes into things more thought-provoking and inner-self-looking then kind of alludes to the future, i don't know but it's impressive and she DID make it for us apparently so we should be grateful she cares a little bit i think NFR is gonna be a truer form of lana but she better not be trying to be a psychedelic cali ho with all this experimenting and it goes nowhere like let's not do that (only saying this because she was playing the doors in the car vid yesterday and she never posts something without it being a look into something else)
  9. she knew how to work that one angle and underlying annoyance, my queen
  10. not sure if that's a real fireman but kind of odd to have that parody in front of the literal burning land and houses
  11. does anyone do the fantasy league and can i get some info on that??
  12. honestly i feel like all stars if for the queens that had potential in their seasons and it's like giving a second chance with a better sounding title also loving the mix of queens because i'm tired of the "future of drag" plotline with the fashion queens, like i love looking a them but they're mannequins that prove they can do things on rupaul (which i give credit for) but then just go back to being mannequins which is fine in their own lives, but i want more from a 'performer'
  13. omfg i just panic-checked the vid again and now i don't know i just assumed the edit effect was a fire she was sitting in front of lol
  14. for the rhapsody one? i just assumed chuck directed it, but she might not have i'm not completely sure how editorial campaigns work. i would guess that lana did bring chuck on just cause she has more leverage but who knows really? gucci could also just know they go hand in hand and are both helpful to sell items
  15. i feel like it could have been but at the same time it's pretty planned out like with having a mic and good sound for being outside, could have a been a few takes spliced together
  16. no problem! i'm pretty sure i remember her doing random shoots for them and of course they credit her, like she shot soko the cat and said it was for them, then gucci the roman rhapsody campaign and she did the video for that, that's all i remember but she's definitely a part of the 'gucci family'
  17. chuck has shot and been posted by gucci before so it's not that big of a hype imo
  18. she's california's reigning queen what do you expect
  19. get ready for the poetry book she's about to type on her 1 hour flight to san fran, gays
  20. wow i fucking wish this was the honeymoon cover as for font why do i feel like it'll be super simple something like courier new but then the "team" will make one letter look different than the available font
  21. apple was probably tired of lana breaking her phones so she had to perform for a new one can u imagine
  22. considering he's clearly not dead, there's definitely going to be a sequel i'm just curious who it'll be about because now the daughter and granddaughter have both experienced a taste of what he's capable of so that should be interesting if they play with that idea i think i feel like the stalking part was the part i was complaining about and i agree it's part of his character, but the way they executed it this time around felt out of place or like "we can do whatever we want" whereas if the people he killed brought him closer to laurie & co. with some info it'd be more believable otherwise it feels like he just got lucky with finding her if that makes sense? some deaths could have been this but then like the lady in the window i didn't think that was necessary because who was she? it just felt like a let down especially for a strong representation of a female lead in horror, an over 50 female lead and a female lead that fought back, i just wish we had more from her pov or followed her more like i would have expected maybe her to go out a find him to lead him back to the trap right? because what if he never got back to her house, it IS in the middle of nowhere to be fair UGH i'll probably still see the sequel though lol
  23. lol no but everyone obvs can have their own opinion, but after now knowing the entire structure line of the film i didn't like that a) the entire film made jamie lee looks like a crazy person and never really gave her credit for her fear/saving her family/just kind of weird they all played her off when she has a legitimate fear but okay b) when michael finally gets out i feel like a lot of the killings weren't necessary to the plot or moving the story forward (didn't need to kill random strangers in the house like the lady in the window, and didn't really need to see the friends being killed because the granddaughter never went to the house anyway so to our knowledge she doesn't even find out they are dead until after the events in the film) (it kind of just felt like a video game like 'i have to kill this lady to acquire the knife' when any house has a knife he can grab) c) so much time was spent of tracking down michael that it just jumps to the point when jamie lee can finally fight him back which is the whole point of going to this film (at least to me) and when we get there, they just quickly summarize the family drama to a sentence out of nowhere, then have the whole fighting happening until he gets trapped in the basement (which was cool i liked that) but it was all so quick it almost feels like parts of the film were missing d) do you expect me to believe they just LEFT the house and didn't wait to see his burned body??????????????? jamie lee spent forty fucking years waiting for this and you expect me to believe she's naive now??????? what??????? also what was the part with the doctor honestly, don't put this weird moment in when he wears the mask like it's just an unnecessary distraction i think
  24. halloween was disappointing next
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