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Posts posted by cognaclilac

  1. Yeah, I mean I'm sure a lot of her fans miss interacting with her on her IG too. I know the Honeymoon account was obviously just for the Honeymoon era and the early LFL era, but she could use that one for her more personal/vloggy stuff and keep the account private.  :noparty:


    she could but it still has a fanbase that'll just share everything like it does now so i think she needs an entire new one if she doesn't already

  2. Most of the time, I believe Lana was joking about the “insta baddie” thing.... then she posts about herbs, fake deep spiritual gifts and a random watercolor kit she got from one her LA friends, the random photos of them which no one really cares about... and I think.... maybe, in a way, this is her version of that kind of girl? It’s all so a r t i f i c i a l , and not.... interesting? I could just unfollow her on IG, but I’ve never done that before and I’m still hoping to get news about NFR first through there (probably won’t happen anytime soon).


    i think she's slowly defining the difference between lana and elizabeth and if that's the case she should just make a serious private personal account because then she shouldn't have to worry about turning the comments off for every post as well

    just a thought

  3. the verses and the bridge are DOPE

    just the chorus drags a lil but it's a nice song 


    definitely but i do appreciate the approach that the chorus isn't outshining the verses

    it's almost like it's simple in wording but defined with impact

    like a period on the verses in a way

    the lasting memory/impression she puts on her love

    he loved guns and roses and that was him (could also be the band or the objects maybe both)

  4. Lana releases song called Shamwow Cava


    Shamwow Caca Stans: this literally is so beautiful and you're a fucking retarded deaf asshole who was only born because the cum from your mom's ass was too watery and leaked into her loose cunt if you don't think so


    Shamwow Caca Haters: this literally is so disgusting and you're a fucking retarded deaf asshole who was only born because the cum from your mom's ass was too watery and leaked into her loos cunt if you don't think so


    Positive Warriors: *ignores what the Shamwow Caca stan said* I can't believe the negative people say such disgusting things this is so horrible no wonder Lana doesn't want to release music anymore you should be ashamed this place is so negative


    Random person who shows up once a month: just let people do what they want lmao who cares if they're being aggressive and ruining the thread with garbage? I'm never here so doesn't bother me!


    Person who thinks they're better than everyone: lock this thread. You guys are all lowlifes


    Me: can we not just express ourselves like normal people... Like when your teacher asks for your opinion do you tell her she's a deaf cunt for not agreeing?


    Shamwow Caca Stan: i don't give a fuck it's her best song and lust for life sucked and aka sucked and uv sucked and hm sucked and btd sucked and pe sucked and next year when she releases a new album I'm going to say Shamwow Caca sucks because I like to hop on the new train


    Shamwow Caca Stan #2: @ I literally never see any Shamwow Caca stan say anything hateful... It's only the haters!


    BTD stan: can everyone calm tf down you're all so dramatic and complain too much...


    so you agree... you're the holy one  :w8ing:

  5. sometimes i can't even tell if people are being sarcastic or not with their opinions or whether you guys know this is a forum because this is the only thing i ever see happening here


    lana: breathes in beat

    lanaboards general public: omg

    some users: omg this saved my life and my children are going to lawyers thanks lana

    users in disagreement: i don't like it, it sucks

    users in agreement: omg why do you hate everything she does you don't have to like everything she does stop beating her up omggg

    the holy one whom resurrected themselves to preach their beliefs upon us: a paragraph (or several) basically stating 'i hate it when people come on here to bash on lana like she isn't a person like can you all get lives and realize that's she's trying her best now and so what if she's tired and the poem isn't good? she can do what she wants and her creativity isn't something we should slander. shame on all of you'

    random user inserting opinion based on some form of knowledge: this particular art she chose to share with us is lacking/great because of these fives reasons with evidential proof to historical contexts

    hater in disguise: go outside, y'all need some dick and it shows lol have fun in hell haters  :hooker:

    the holy one and their congregation: this is exactly what i was talking about in my previous seven-part post

    the congregation: yes omg people really need to take a breather it's just a poem

    hater again: lol i didn't mean you specifically i'm just saying that others saying exactly what you're saying are wrong and losers

    holy bitch: omg you're right, like it's okay to have opinions but like not ones that are too crazy you know let's not lie

    the 10 guests, 1 anon user and everyone else in passing: wtf

    elle: locks thread

  6. I feel like Lana is someone who can't stop writing. It's literally in her veins, no matter how good her writing skills are. I'm sure her phone notes are full of that. And I also think NFR was mainly written outside the studio, in her everyday life


    yeah i write every day too but you don't see me trying to publish my trains of thought...


    honestly the poem or whatever was posted was lacking and a perfect example, in my opinion, of what's become a trend in acknowledging the specifics of modern day. reading about teslas and such takes me out the art because it goes exactly against what art is supposed to achieve: escapism. no matter if it's a comment on today or just being honest about an observation (like "i see a lot of teslas so it makes sense to write about it" mentality), it's still sold cheap. it also cuts at a level of being personal to where no one else can really relate and is more likely to gain attention for the said things that are not relatable. i'm sure there are better ways to make this actual poem sound prettier and flow better and relatable but this is lazy. but at the same time, i don't expect much from lana as a writer. yes she's written lyrically good songs, but again some of those songs are old and have been sat on for a while plus let's not forget she has songwriters on a lot of them as well. we don't know to the extent of which a contributor added to each final product despite her having the final say. someone could have easily suggested a line in a song and she went with it or it sparked a better line of her own. art is a process but shouldn't seem processed.




    if u fail the deal, expect deliverance within the week. the falls aren't in the 'asking' stage anymore <3


    i think what i want most out of this era is salvatore's own 8bit game where you have to find all the notes for yosemite and he's watching you from the bush and he'll talk to you  l̸̕͡į҉͏̶̀k͟͡͝ȩ̸͘͢ ̛́͡t́̕h҉̵͞͡i̶̕͟͏ś the entire time 

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