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Posts posted by cognaclilac

  1. low-key bothers me that she is kinda using our money to (possibly) be giving donations at that church  :crossed:


    not to drain any of the meaning behind this, but it's not our money once we spend it

    technically most of her money is provided by us in some factor which then gets added and the check gets cut so it's kind of weird to assume the $$ you specifically spent is still yours


    also i know that one of the women (the one whose birthday it was) is named sarah and appears to be a blogger of some fashion

  2. Great. Now we got the stereotyping squad! You do realize there's forward thinking modern churches right? There's literally a church in montreal that has rainbows in it and encourages gays to come... Since when did throwing everyone into a box become a trend?


    i'm just going to add to this thought


    there's a difference between practicing and identifying as catholic and there are a lot of factors that go into it all together. were you raised catholic and just say you are catholic? do you genuinely believe in the traditional practice of this religion? do you actively try to participate in the practices of the church? what kind of church do you go to? and based on that last point i'd like to add that catholicism isn't necessarily the 'bad guy' here it's the people that have chosen to run the churches on hate and preach their own thoughts/opinions and give home to the hate that others attending will feel safe inside the walls agreeing with said hate speech. to me, that's not a church in the literal sense, it's a church in terms of just using 'church' as a synonym for 'group' or 'collective' but it sounds nicer doesn't it? my mom (identifies at catholic) pointed out to me that churches like this don't actually speak on what churches are for (telling the story of god, story of jesus, etc.), they speak on things that don't apply to the bible at all and ruin the ideology behind what religion should be - a safe place to practice a belief no matter the belief.


    in the end, i can't really speak on lana or for her and don't really want to because she has to aware of the church with the sermons they must give. all churches have memo boards/pamphlets for exercises they do so it's hard to believe she isn't aware of it. 

  3. Oh I'm not saying she ain't a challenge

    Lana would be dumb if she released her album on the same day :awkney:


    i don't know, i still think the twinks will come right back as soon as she says something even if it's not related

    like we'll be disappointed maybe yes but we'll still be thirsty for it


    also didn't she say or allude to in the live stream on new years that her saying the album is done was super uneventful i think in that moment she kind of just talking about it to answer the question and it caught her off like 'oh that wasnt the best way to say that lol'


    anyway i feel like she's waiting to promote as a package, she's always had some form of promoting and she's not dumb so why would she not promote? who cares if it's nontraditional everyone still writes articles about her


    and lana does still have 12 mil follows compared to billie's 6+ mil for reference

  4. LOOOOOOOOOOL noooooo I mean if ya wanna tie it that way, I actually like the contrast btwn black and white, w pink (the feel of static from bnw to the warmth in pink) but I've seen way too many photos of those swans and it's not even as picturesque as it'd seem. The first pic looks a lot better, and heyo I'd never really be so subjective when it comes to things, and was trying to be objective on what u were doing, and would never do that based off of what I personally felt about other things low blow bro lol 


    Short answer, I thought u could do even better further


    lol love you

    i know what you mean i was trying to do a lowkey vibe for what i was feeling so far from lana's posts and i took the other posts from there but the swans fit more because she was there but i didn't want her in it AND i was looking at vinyl and saw this and thought of you cause i'd like pink if it wasnt solid maybe and you're right it will match with the B/W scheme






    thank you @ and @@sparklrtrailrheaven as well

  5. I'm a sucker for random city photos, as long as the photo's are balanced, but the van kinda offs it for me, and the swans at the lake kinda seem too, local for me imo. There wouldn't be any much mysticism to look forward to and speculate about on it.


    I do love the black and white finish, and the grain. Vibes are great


    is this because i dont want a pink vinyl


    https://www.instagram.com/p/BtJYPoWjJg9/?utm_source=ig_embed&utm_medium=loading on

    Jan 27, 2019 at 9:34am PST

    <script async src="//www.instagram.com/embed.js"></script>




    A post shared by https://www.instagram.com/lanadelrey/?utm_source=ig_embed&utm_medium=loading (@lanadelrey) on

    Jan 27, 2019 at 9:36am PST



    https://www.instagram.com/p/BtJYn5FjNHu/?utm_source=ig_embed&utm_medium=loading on

    Jan 27, 2019 at 9:37am PST


    who tf is sarah


    https://www.instagram.com/p/BtJYPoWjJg9/?utm_source=ig_embed&utm_medium=loading on
    Jan 27, 2019 at 9:34am PST

    <script async src="//www.instagram.com/embed.js"></script>




    A post shared by https://www.instagram.com/lanadelrey/?utm_source=ig_embed&utm_medium=loading (@lanadelrey) on
    Jan 27, 2019 at 9:36am PST



    https://www.instagram.com/p/BtJYn5FjNHu/?utm_source=ig_embed&utm_medium=loading on
    Jan 27, 2019 at 9:37am PST


    who tf is sarah


    wtf why does this look like this

    how do i embed 

  7. Depending on when she said that, she could be telling the truth -at the time. It's also possible the person who told me this was lying. He had no reason to (he's neither a hater nor a fan, just indifferent) and he also told me she was very sweet, kind and friendly. I figured if he wanted to talk shit about her he'd say she was a total bitch, your typical stuck up celebrity and all that. But he said she was amazing. So I don't know.


    I don't want to say too much about him, but I will say he's not on her team or anything, he's not like an assistant or stylist or manager or producer. They didn't work together closely or for a long period of time but he did work with her and this is something he witnessed with his own eyes.


    where are the track marks


    come on girl we know she's not on heroin its goofy she's just another la zombie its not that deep. If she really was on dope we would know. 


    do we tho? 

  8. It's not something I like to talk or think about, but I know from someone who worked with her (albeit very briefly) in 2016 that she was using back then, and it would sadly explain a lot if she still is. I might not know her, and I'm not blind to her numerous faults, but god I love this girl, and it breaks my heart that she's still doing stupid shit. She deserves so much better. She deserves to be healthy & happy. And clearly she's not right now -hasn't been for a long time.


    yeah i'm gonna need more info here sis

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