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Everything posted by Rico25

  1. Rico25

    Ethel Cain

    Listen to The Right Person Will Stay
  2. Rico25

    Ethel Cain

    Omggggggg Better announce an European tour too
  3. Rico25

    Ethel Cain

    She better come to Paris
  4. not the grammatical and semantical analysis
  5. still can't wait to see her in April T_T
  6. Are you kidding me? lmao "I won't not f* you the f* up"
  7. Proof the right person doesn't exist, love yourself <3
  8. Rico25

    Lady Gaga

    Great album tbh, brava
  9. I see the potential, I do but no Maybe the other songs but Hope is not great with their style tbh
  10. I've been listening to 2 versions of this song lately, really like it tbh https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rSycSBYHitc
  11. Rico25


    Ate and left no crumbs, congratulations Jade
  12. Rico25

    Juliette Armanet

    Wait I don't even understand this post lmao To be fair I'm from France, that's why haha
  13. Rico25


    enlighten me sis
  14. Rico25


    I mean no disrespect to Kpop and stuff but I think she made the right decision going no another direction with New Woman for instance Her music and videos are much better now IMO, it's not the expected K Pop too massive production That being said this and Rockstar make me think she doesn't know which direction to go yet... these to me are already dated
  15. so dry... and unfortunately I feel like the music will just be cute (for Lana standards)
  16. Rico25

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    oh you may have a point also it's so funny to me that Indila is known worldwide and that Britney is basically her number 1 fan
  17. Rico25

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    She's so gorgeous ugh and that voice <3 it's a win for me
  18. Rico25

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    I really like it haha I expected the worst based on some comments so it may have helped appreciate it more
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