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Everything posted by FallingCherry

  1. After listening to COTCC a few times, I’d say I still prefer NFR. The lyrics mean so much to me, and I don’t get the same feeling with COTCC. But the production on the new album is delicious, I’d eat it for breakfast every morning. It’s a close second, but NFR is still my number 1
  2. Imagine saying Jack is basic when he produced masterpieces like Melodrama and Masseduction... and of course the brilliant CHEMTRAILS OVER THE COUNTRY CLUB
  3. I don’t think this needs to be a spoiler, but it amazes me how Lana has managed to keep her voice healthy despite her smoking habit. She never sounded better than on the new album, her voice is so bright, you can hear that her technique has improved by miles. Now she vapes, but it should technically still affect her voice (it kinda did during the NFR tour, but I believe it was also tiredness + she was already recording the new album, she never really took a break). I wonder what she does to keep it healthy. She’s really lucky, I’ve never seen a smoker singer keeping their voice in such a good shape. And Lana’s only getting better with time... like, wth
  4. I know but I honestly think critics might be past the question for the culture, it’s almost been a year and Lana responded pretty harshly but with honesty stating that she wasn’t gonna let the media write sh*t about her, so it’d be a dangerous game for the album reviewers to play with fire and give her bad scores because of what happened last year
  5. I had only heard BUS once and the TJF snippet once too by accident without knowing it was that song, and they definitely felt refreshing and brand new when I listened to the album because I had forgotten the melodies!
  6. I feel like I’ve been blessed by this incredibly heartfelt and honest review. I felt every single word you wrote. Absolutely lovely
  7. I never understood why she calls Paradise an EP. It has 9 tracks, it should be considered a LP. A short one, but 9 tracks is way too much for an EP unless all the tracks are 2 minutes long lol
  8. BTD was released 9 years ago, time to move on and accept that Lana is past that era and is now blooming as an artist and a real singer-songwriter and it’s what she was always meant to be
  9. Releasing it digitally now would severely damage the sales and she’d have such a bad first week Us as fans don’t care much for numbers, but her label surely does and even if she can’t beat Bieber, I think she’d still get #2 or #3. That’s why they can’t risk releasing it this week
  10. Love you, keep going!! Remember it’s only temporary. Plus you have this album to help you getting through this now <3 That’s the magic of getting a new record at the time in our lives we need it the most. And we don’t know each other much but if you ever need it, my DMs are always open
  11. I personally love it! It’s what I like the most about her voice, and I also think her voice never sounded better than on this album But I can totally understand why you don’t like those specific vocals. My mom feels the same way, she prefers Lana’s low notes, but she’s a sucker for low voices in general haha
  12. Please guys just show some respect and don’t put lyrics or information about the songs without spoilers! Actually, I don’t think it’s allowed to talk about anything before the official release, is it?
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