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Everything posted by Cacciatore

  1. she really did and we have to stan
  2. She probably found out that a song produced by a rapist and performed by a homophobic and a pedophile supporter went to #1 and was like "Ok thats it I've had it"
  3. Am I the only one who misses the old Lana who would tell people to go fuck themselves on facebook?. I hope the "its coming you little bitch" Lana makes a comeback, she's been too calm for the past couple eras. Let her be angry and let her fuck shit up we love to see it
  4. Why would this ruin her career?
  5. Anyways is she releasing the poetry album or a new music album on september 5th? That's what I'm interested in.
  6. In a couple of days it will literally age like milk in my stomach... it will be gone and forgotten.
  7. Cat Power kinda supported her in her instagram comments lmao
  8. Also its funny how some people are saying this will affect her next album's reviews when Grimes has been really messy since she started dating Elon literally defended imperialism but still is a critics darling the drama...
  9. Y'all are weak if you're considering not stanning her anymore because of this lmao let her be angry she's been putting up with shit for so long I'm actually surprised it took her all this time to finally snap. And I can assure you that the people "cancelling" her never supported her to begin with so what difference does it make? Lana has a cult following anyway so its not like she needs the support of the GP to survive so whatever just let her wreck havoc or sum
  10. That was her gemini self talking don't let her fool you...
  11. Chaotic gemini energy at its finest I can't blame her...
  12. No because cancel culture is dumb
  13. Aw shit here we go again... But we all know she's not actually releasing the album on september 5th right? We've been through this for the last two albums we won't fall for it again right? RIGHT???
  14. I totally get her point but she shouldn't have name dropped those girls. I don't think she had ill intentions or anything but on the other hand I understand why people are so easily jumping to a race debate.
  15. I remember when I first saw that one thread with lots of theories about Lana's relationship with her mother and I was kinda angry and thought "omg y'all tripping so hard wtf" but now it makes sense I guess
  16. Cacciatore

    Kim Petras

    I actually thought Malibu was that other track she teased on instagram, Tropical or whataver it was? That one is garbage Malibu kinda slaps, it's a cute bop and way better than Forgets Me
  17. Cacciatore

    Kim Petras

    I really thought she couldn't top Reminds Me as her worst song but apparently she's releasing Malibu what is she doing...
  18. Cacciatore


    Love the remix!
  19. 12 Monkeys I hated it the tv show is miles better..
  20. Cacciatore

    Taylor Swift

    I can't believe this is happening right when Taylor was going to come to my country for the first time for a concert I'm not sure if things will get better by july 18th but I think she will cancel regardless, which is sad.
  21. Cacciatore

    The Sims

    Oh wow this is massive, thank you! I think I'm gonna hold myself for a while and now download any cc for now because when I start I can't stop lmao my cc folder for Sims 3 had so many stuff it was ridiculous. But I might look into it if the game starts to get boring. Gonna take a look on that guide though
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