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silver starlet

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Everything posted by silver starlet

  1. THE LAST FEW PAGES :eartha: I just came in here to say i thought it was funny that that article said lana was 18 when she released video games
  2. are you talking about moving venues or moving dates? bc i will be so pissed if my date gets moved. slightly pissed if the venue moves. but she was planning on adding more dates so keep your eyes out for those
  3. they're coming to my city next month and my friend gave me their CD today... still deciding if I should buy tickets
  4. Trash Magic live (but youUOuU *curtsey*) Put Me In A Movie Video Games (i think the theme is cute) Puppy Love Kinda Outta Luck
  5. idk if this is what you were implying but... 5.1 ... 5/1 .... May 1st ok i know im reaching
  6. omg i've been wanting to post this but it's embarrassing lol so i was listening to daddy issues and i came up with this whole thing about meth. i promise i was sober:
  7. Lana (obv) Lily Allen Iggy Azalea Grimes (p sure it was confirmed for september?) LE1F (not confirmed i don't think) Charli XCX
  8. late may 2012... so almost 2 years (omg?? feels like yesterday) tbh i'm surprised i've been a fan for this long, I usually have obsessions that last a few months then I'm over them. But Lana was different I guess, I can't see myself ever not being a fan of hers. like someday I'll be online when I'm like 39 and Roses will leak and I'll be transported back to my 17 year old self and have a meltdown
  9. i wouldn't be surprised if they didn't allow people to camp out, so be prepared for that
  10. im guilty of TMTP oops but SOS and TLOTS and Afraid slay
  11. Your Band Is All The Rage and Black Beauty. those are the only songs ever that have the ability to make me cry lol
  12. this is gonna be so hard for me it seems like all of my favorite songs are in this one I voted off children of the bad revolution, lift your eyes, match made in hell, and take me to purgatory
  13. omg no thanks I don't think I can deal with that controversy again
  14. first song I heard was Blue Jeans on SNL if that counts (i didnt even listen to the whole thing i was like lol whos dis bitch and turned it off ) but then i listened to video games. oh wait edit the first songs i downloaded in order were national anthem, blue jeans, put me in a movie, mermaid motel, driving in cars with boys, trash magic edit again wtf 1980....
  15. lol what i'm still excited for this album because it's a new album like.... it's kind of your fault for getting your hopes up about false rumors. her next concert is april 11th and i'm sure she will say something about UV then if not sooner
  16. dont vote off trash magic wtf is wrong with you voted off boarding school and hundred dollar bill (only cause the demo is better)
  17. who thinks shes gonna release more than 1 single before she releases the album
  18. this thread last time i got high i listened to my sad lana playlist and got very sad
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