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Everything posted by Hellish

  1. Hellish

    Azealia Banks

    Are there bonus tracks?!?! I can't tell.
  2. AHHHH Apparently people have Blue. I NEED TO LISTEN
  3. I can imagine it having a "Wait For Life" sound for sure.
  4. I really don't like FourFiveSecondsTooLongBecauseThisShouldntBeASong at all. Come on Rih....what is...like....what? No. This is just not....NO. I will give Katy credit for her vocals, they really were pretty good. I'm not QUITE sure about Beck getting album of the year but then again, I don't care about the Grammys.
  5. Hellish

    Charli XCX

    AHHHHHHH someone direct me to the Red Balloon preview my iTunes is still stuck in US mode
  6. Hellish

    Charli XCX

    When does the japanese version come out?
  7. Hellish


    Yuck Please no
  8. Hellish

    Ivy Levan

    Ok, I am diving in. At first glance she kind of reminded me of Cher Lloyd in the first picture. Cher Lloyd with Lana's fingers and blonde hair. I listened to "Hot Damn" first and was so-so at first because I wasn't quite sure what I was listening to. I listened to it twice and it definitely isn't a bad song, but it just isn't that memorable. Now, on the other hand, I think that "Biscuit" is really good. I think that it definitely has an infectious radio beat and, with the right marketing, I think that this could definitely get her noticed. Her voice is very interesting, I agree that she definitely is giving me some Xtina somewhere in that voice. She has one of those voices that is very distinct and you would be able to tell that it was her on the radio. She is definitely the kind of artist that Interscope would sign, but what is interesting is that I would have expected Interscope to do a major marketing push after signing her. The idea of swamp-hop is kind of cool too, and if this is the kind of production that the rest of her album is going to have she will definitely have other radio-friendly music. (So throughout this post I have replayed Biscuit about 5 times, so theres that )
  9. Hellish

    Charli XCX

  10. Hellish

    Charli XCX

    I actually really like the Doing It video. I can't tell if I like the video a lot just because it is arguably my favorite song on SUCKER. I don't know why, I can accept Rita being on the song more now that I've seen the video.
  11. Hellish

    Charli XCX

  12. Hellish

    Charli XCX

    OMG. When I heard the R-I-T-A O-R-A X-C-X bullshit I was like Charli who made you do this I have to get off this thread and never listen to that version again
  13. Hellish

    Charli XCX

    WTF. Doing It is arguably my favorite song from SUCKER, and honestly Rita hopping on this is really annoying to me. help me.
  14. YOU GUYS THIS JUST HIT ME. Maybe Honeymoon is our chance to get the polished version of Mermaid Motel she talked about?!!?
  15. Am I the only person who knew that "Music To Watch Boys To" was never going to be the title? I don't think she would ever have that long of an album title. I think that Honeymoon is an amazing title and I can't believe i've never fantasized about this being a title before . I can only imagine what the cover shot is going to look like. Another thing that I like about the title Honeymoon is that she definitely is going to give us a "dark honeymoon" feel with the sound, especially if she has been working with Mark Ronson. Amy Winehouse meets Lana Del Rey is too good to be true in my mind.
  16. Tracklist for Endless Summer (Deluxe Edition): 1) It's Coming You Little Bitch 2) Dirty Mouth 3) Azealia 4) I Don't Wanna Die 5) 27 Club 6) Courtney Says 7) Maha Maha 8) Kill The Guardian 9) Sultry Songstress 10) Empty Promises (feat. Release Datez) 11) Passive Aggressive California 12) Mermaid Motel (feat. Azealia Banks) 13) Beach Selfie A Go-Go 14) 27 Club (feat. Amy Winehouse) [bonus Track]
  17. Upon the first listen I wasn't really sure if I liked Immortal or not. I know that it will likely grow on me, but for now I don't really feel the need to listen to it more than a few times. For me, songs like that don't normally hit home with me until I can listen to the album in full.
  18. Tracklist for Endless Summer: 1) It's Coming You Little Bitch 2) Dirty Mouth 3) Azealia 4) I Don't Wanna Die 5) 27 Club 6) Courtney Says 7) Maha Maha 8) Kill The Guardian
  19. Hellish

    Nicki Minaj

    Win Again and Want Some More
  20. Hellish

    Charli XCX

    Oh. My... GOD. I AM DYING LAUGHING. You guys I can't handle this, this is too much, lord jesus save my laughing-ass soul.
  21. Hellish


    Tinashe is to Cassie as "2 on" is to "Me n U" The raspy/sexy/smooth voice effect..... it shall neva die :understands: (I like them both) However Me n U is iconic and can't be touched, neither can the entire year of 2006
  22. Hellish

    Charli XCX

    Hard 2 Love sounds like a S Hard 2 Love sounds like a SUCKER track that should be placed right next to Need Ur Luv lolololololol
  23. Hellish

    Azealia Banks

    Sorry for the double post everyone, however, please go to her Twitter right now.
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