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Everything posted by VioletPrincess

  1. I literally saw this on Etsy last month and when I checked back on it someone snatched it
  2. Considering how (I'm assuming) the majority of viewers are Lana fans, I hope the majority of donations come from them during her part. Shoutout to those who have donated or are planning to!!
  3. I met Reggie before, he's really cool Also, I'm anticipating one of her Christmas covers that's being released later this week
  4. All of this plus the fact that you own the #1 (and only?) LDR site + have the money, our girl ain't cheap
  5. Yall best believe that I snatched a Violet hoodie as soon as I saw it
  6. @Lustformoney I put the pic in a spoiler earlier, it’s the most she’s resembled Patty imo
  7. SAME that’s why I was excited to get mine early ? There’s, like, nothing to leak though
  8. I'm holding my copy right now! Lol it's a lot smaller than I expected but it’s cute
  9. VioletPrincess


    Lol I was only pointing out that no one has mentioned it when listing their best songs. I can't pick a favorite but it's definitely top 3 for me! Here's another
  10. VioletPrincess


    The Don't Know What to Do erasure
  11. My holy trinity is the flask - necklace - lighter Lucky to say I also have some tour dresses, vintage and designer
  12. Closest dupe I've seen lately https://www.etsy.com/listing/763266320/texas-velvet-bow-headband-retro-style?gpla=1&gao=1&&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=shopping_us_ts1-d-accessories-hair_accessories-headbands-other&utm_custom1=c514c47b-6660-47d9-8d81-fc8a8c4a6a76&utm_content=go_1843970137_69629566997_346363393407_aud-459688891635:pla-315321639769_c__763266320&utm_custom2=1843970137&gclid=Cj0KCQjwyJn5BRDrARIsADZ9ykHfDRs4rgCno8r4PuHM9FvP8upvbyP2dYe4Os4WZ61beYPig6Q04SQaArUcEALw_wcB
  13. Few days ago I learned that she has a shop on Depop -- if anyone wants to buy an item of hers
  14. That signed alt cover Honeymoon? I'm tempted Also, did you have a price range in mind for the mags?
  15. The things I would do to have an old vid of a 7-8 Lizzy Grant singing suddenly uncovered
  16. I should've positioned my camera a little higher because I felt her singing into my soul
  17. They did Diamonds and Rust as a duet and then Lana sat aside while Joan sang Dylan Lemme just say, while the outfit was a let down, it looks MUCH better in person
  18. The screencap I have of the email is too big to post but they said phones are okay, just no cameras. Also camping is prohibited.
  19. Line started early Friday morning, possibly Thursday night. Not everyone queued is VIP tho!
  20. . I had my tix printed and it doesn't say anything about phones. I'll email and see just to make sure!
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