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Everything posted by VioletPrincess

  1. You know I've actually been on a Chromatics kick recently! I love the movie Drive (TICK OF THE CLOCK IS EVERYTHING) and they were in the Lost River soundtrack. Other than that I'm not to familiar w/them, have any specific song recs to start?
  2. Definitely the best look so far in the tour, but even then, Paradise/American tour dresses >>>>>>> ES tour dresses
  3. A cover like your avi pic and honey/flower scented would be PERFECTION
  4. Yeah I just saw pics of people meeting her (what looks like) after the show. Anyone know when/where that happened?
  5. Same, it's like ppl were only excited for the first date and after that they stopped caring
  6. Bump for those seeing her for EST Hole has been one of my favorite bands since I got into them in 09 but I never got into her solo stuff, except for But Julian I'm a Little Bit Older Than You only because I heard it was written about Casablancas. Anyone know if it's true?
  7. Haven't heard all of her songs, but the ones I have heard are great, especially when her voice goes deep, soulful and raspy. Based on her tweets, her personality is AMAZING and she's spoken out about rascism, homophobia, classism, body negativity, other things most "known" people wouldn't, her awareness with society's problems is very refreshing.
  8. Same . . . plus two of Courtney's Watch more, better merch be added at the next show and the show after that
  9. The VIP merch is kinda underwhelming
  10. This is one of my top fave pics of her I NEED IT
  11. Based off the lyrics, I imagine it to sound like a happier VG- somewhat slow and with twinkling harp every now and again. But we shall see . . .
  12. Even though her cover of DR was gorgeous, she said she wanted to do a cover of DLMBM and I'd hate for there to be more than one cover
  13. At this point I'm hoping it'll be the case of the American Tour, where a few shows in she'll start adding more/switching songs
  14. This is legit one of my favorite songs ever Thanks for uploading your videos btw
  15. My fave pic so far, I think it was Courtney's bassist that took it
  16. Literally the first thing I thought But I need it be a new original
  17. Can anyone who bought the bee shirt/poster say what the writing is? Lyrics?
  18. Quit your day job and become the tour guide for the Lizzy Grant tour
  19. Candid merch pic courtesy of @Diegorbermejo (who's amazing w/al the updates) https://mobile.twitter.com/diegorbermejo/status/596394512139747328/photo/1
  20. If the rumored setlist is true, idk how I feel about BE being the closer :/
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