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Coney Island King

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Everything posted by Coney Island King

  1. Please try harder Tinashe.
  2. Its cute you all think F2 will ever happen.
  3. Love the song. Video has some nice visuals, but some bad ones too, its very incohesive. Those screaming grounhogs.......gurl...
  4. Erm hardly anyone knows Sophie, the world doesnt revolve around tumblr. Im sure Gaga will bw fine.
  5. DD never leaked, that DL is just a compilation of stuff she recorded over 2 years.
  6. I like Laganja Burn.
  7. I’m bored, anyone want me to report anyone?
  8. It we dont actually get the song on iTunes then whats the fucking point?
  9. Judging by how boring this thread has become with shit topics like cultural appropriation and Doel Lupus, yes.
  10. Coney Island King


    She wont experiment. But thanks thats ok because whatever it is it’ll still good.
  11. Agreed, Dew Leaps or whatever will be dust in the wind 5 years from now.
  12. Wtf has her bday got to do with us, just shut up fatties
  13. Everyone is calm girl, you’re the only one freaking out. But are you 12?
  14. Sunlight is actually really ugly for white people, its way harsh, if you dont have make up on amd you’re over 30 you can look like a washed out mess tbh
  15. Did they run out of money for tlic video? Literally filmed on the side of the road in the dark. Its so boring.
  16. You ok? Now thats all i hear, thsnks for ruining the song lol
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