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Coney Island King

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Everything posted by Coney Island King

  1. yessssssssss at lanas elderly fan base! i cant with that gaitn cardboard head though, its all i look at lol.
  2. the lady who sings at my local pub wants to collab with lana too. so who cares.
  3. album drops to #5 on aussie charts. not bad thought it would drop bigger. whats its second week placing in U.S and UK? does she have much of an asia fanbase??
  4. Coney Island King

    Selena Gomez

    pretty average album.
  5. Coney Island King

    Selena Gomez

    am trying to but says you cant receive messages.
  6. i guess it explains why it feels a little......cut together.........sounds like a rushed and slightly messy production, even if i do like the video. hopefully lana will get the time to really sit and create something with a bit more room for upcoming videos. when you watch videos like ride or born to die, you can see she really sat and took the proper time to create something.
  7. what would you call this look shes sporting? camping runway chic?
  8. based on what though? your opinion or general consensus, because if we are looking at the critical reception of her albums, born to die actually DIDN;T go down THAT great with critics, it got a very mixed reaction. some truly awful ones actually. it's honeymoon and ultraviolence that have actually solidified her in a way that people see her as an artist.
  9. yes, because that is your constant debate on here everytime you post, sales/album/sales/album, thats where everything comes to a climax with you. so when you go on a 47 page rant and throw in that, it just solidifies your very narrow view of how you actually view music. which i mean is fine, if that's what you look for in music, that's your choice of course, but then one does wonder why you're even still here?..............head down to your local music store, find the top 40 albums chart, go to the top 5 row and buy all 5 of those albums and go home and enjoy.
  10. you seem to equate music quality with sales, which i find really weird.
  11. why are people in here lol this thread has zero purpose anymore lordt
  12. a problem a few of her fans on here seem to have. very true for a few on here too, but i sometimes forget a lot of the members here are still teens which is why they're so hysterical about the fandom. the rest of your post was fantastic too.
  13. she looks cute, but wow thats a fucking ugly cover lol
  14. Coney Island King

    Selena Gomez

    i cant help but enjoy some of her stuff, to me shes a lot like britney, very disposable but catchy throw away pop when im in the mood for it.
  15. yes because the director doesnt have anything better to do with her time than re-color a whole video for 5 stans.
  16. ^ cool. daisy, girl interrupted...
  17. it wouldnt be my personal choice either, but the reaction the song has been almost universally good, so it would be a good idea to release it.
  18. im guessing freak. i really dont think art deco will end up being a single. i pray salvatore gets a single release with video. but knowing our luck shes do a terrence vidoe lol
  19. i'm not seeing the connection between mtwbt and that video. unless glitter and shadows was invented by it of course.
  20. thats the thing, i really dont think she has a proper one in place.
  21. why do women keep doing songs with chris brown? do they not have any self respect.
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