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Coney Island King

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Everything posted by Coney Island King

  1. summertime sahara million dollar mohammad babaganoush baby sahad girl tabbouleh loves you burka eyes tbqh
  2. album is good. there's nothing as truly big and grand and beautiful as songs like recovery, lies or science/visions, but its a decent overall album. i'll need to hear it more. keep you on my side, playing dead, leave a trace are my favs so far. hate it when the guys sing, but i dont mind high enough to carry on.
  3. anyone here not give two fucks what its about? my bussy doesn't care, it just needs it and wants it daily x
  4. yes. neon signs. palm trees. baseball caps. glitter glamour. male models. underwater lesbianism. old footage. new footage, colour. filter.
  5. a 7.5 from pitchfork for someone like lana is a 500/10.
  6. im guessing lots of ppl, she doest have one friend lol
  7. Same, the word is "cinematic". Filmic sounds stupid.
  8. lol but plz no with the last video of a fan making her sing with him lol
  9. women tend to be more interesting to draw than men imo. they have a better shape bodywise, and i feel i can be a little more creative with hair/make up ect. over the last couple years though i have made an effort to include some male art in my work, but most of what i do is women. anyway, speaking of men, did this one over the weekend, recognizable reference to some on here....
  10. i will not accept any fan reviews that have low scores for salvatore, art deco, swan song and music to watch boys to. you have been warned
  11. we'll prob get it next week tbh. she doesn't tend to just drop videos does she? we do get warning, she hasn;t given us a a date yet.
  12. i wonder how pitchfork will go. they gave btd a very weak review, 5/10, however the women who reviewed then said later on she thought maybe she was too hard on it. they were nicer to UV though, it got a 7/10 from what i remember. i doubt they'll go higher than a 7 for her ever in their lives, but so far the album seems to be getting a better reception than UV which did decent across review platform.
  13. lol honestly shes very lucky they seem to just leave her alone and let her do her thing. i don't think they would know how to handle her stuff anyway, and i think they know that, but because she has a fan base and a big pull internet wise they just let her stuff do its thing regardless of whether they get it or not she said before interscope it was hard to get signed because companies didnt know what the hell to sell her as, i also remember her talking about interscope hearing west coast for the first time and thinking the chorus was going to be a bop because of the verses and then it got super slow and they were all "rly bytch?". i think honeymoon would give them a little more hope with a lead single like high by the beach though, its a very safe catchy radio track. granted it didn't chart anywhere but still, i think honeymoon has a few more obvious songs to push it commercially than ultraviolence which only had 2. yes its been confirmed. i do think its more obvious hearing it very loud or via headphones though. its gapless but often subtle.
  14. her albums have never been savaged by the press though, mixed sure, but she gets her good with the bad, shes always been a polarizing figure.
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